Chapter 66: What to do afterwards?

The atmosphere between the two is a bit strange, and the atmosphere of unclear and unclear is everywhere. In the end, Hua Mu was hungry, and the grunt in his stomach broke the deadlock.
The ear power of the white pillow will naturally not be missed, "Ah ... Miss, lunch is ready, I, I will bring it over, you ..."
There is no need to talk about the words behind "you", the lady must put on her clothes first.
"You're not going yet ..."
Hua Mu didn't know which shame she should have in the first place-forget it, she also did more shameful things, which is really nothing.
The white pillow walked into the water, and Hua Mu hurriedly picked up her underwear and dress and put it on when she heard the distance. These two are fine, anyway, early off, but the other little thing is not so lucky.
Hua Mu couldn't help covering her eyes when she saw crumpled underwear in the corner.
How fierce was it then? What is her mind thinking about? Obviously this one, can't I wear it now?
Although she often uses other "articles" instead to dry after washing, it is a "normal" change!
Hua Mu didn't dare to touch his terrible underwear, fearing that touching it would cause shameful memories.
It ’s better to wait for it to dry and then wash it, just do it!
Hua Mu pressed her underwear under the white pillow jacket.
The white pillows came over for lunch one after another, and Hua Mu sat upright with his skirt angled. It was rare to show a gesture of reaching out to open his mouth.
The sentinel was in charge of labor and grievances, and took the initiative to feed the lunch to the lady.
After all, Missy's hands are sore, she can't make her tired anymore.
Hua Mu eats slowly and reasonably, showing the dignity and style of being a noble lady, as if the person who used the axe to chopp the wood was not her at all.
White Pillow has always been dedicated to doing things, but this time I don't know why I can't look away from Hua Mu's lips. I have forgotten what I am doing several times.
Hua Mu finally took a sip of soup, indicating that he no longer needed to eat.
The white pillow winded the remaining food like a cloud, and then began to clean up the mess. She thought about washing anyway, it was better to take the coat and wash it, and picked up her coat lying in the corner.
Hua Mu was too late to stop.
White Pillow quickly found the small white cloth underneath it and picked it up without thinking. She had some doubts about the wet and greasy feel, and then found that this thing in her hand is one of the sources of the rich flavor of the shelter.
If there is a hole now, Huamu will definitely not hesitate for half a minute and immediately go in!
The sentry didn't know what he was thinking, and even sniffed under his nose.
"White pillow!"
Hua Mu almost died in anger-ashamed!
"Hurry up and let me down!"
Bai Zhen seemed to finally find out what he was holding in his hand, stumbling with his hands shaking: "Miss, I, I didn't mean it ..."
Since it is not intentional, why not put it down?
"You, you give me back ..."
Hua Muqi is also mad! Because it was too ... er, too indulgent, she was afraid that her image in the white pillow would collapse, and she pretended to be pretending to be more than half an hour.
Reach out and ask the sentry how elegant and decent it is to get underwear!
White Pillow quickly reached out and handed it to her, only half of it suddenly stopped moving.
"what are you doing?"
Hua Mu saw her hands holding the slowly and firmly toward the recovery, she was stunned!
White Pillow looked at Hua Mu and said in a huff: "Do you want to wash? I will help you wash ..."
Since Missy has asked her to help wipe her body, shouldn't it be okay to do laundry?
Originally, Missy was so tired that she couldn't even eat lunch, how could she do the laundry?
Hua Mu was shocked!
"What are you talking about ..."
That's drenched ... inner, inner panties! It's super private! And she is the only one she has today! Already regarded as the most valuable item on her body!
What is the difference between this and marriage proposal?
Ah, although it hasn't been unwashed before, it was because it was inconvenient for her to touch the water at that time, which was completely different from now.
White Pillow couldn't understand why Hua Mu resisted, and she couldn't help but be so blushed. Obviously ... that's it, this, shouldn't this be something extraordinary?
"I'm not talking nonsense ... I'll wash you, aren't you, are you tired? You say your hands are sore ... that's my fault, so, so I wash it for you."
How much do you want to help her? So stupid guy can find so many reasons in one breath.
Although Hua Mu was ashamed, he did not know why he was a little happy.
"Also, it's not impossible ... It's because you asked so strongly that I accepted your kindness, not that I wanted you to wash."
"Yes Yes!"
The white pillow's expression is simply a joy.
Hua Mu didn't expect that she would be so happy, and she saw that she was guilty.
Is this guy staying or not? Obviously very simple, but why did she always feel that there is something to hide ... Uh, it seems that the metamorphosis is too much. Although she blurted out and scolded her like this before, she never actually thought that way.
What the is weird.
Hua Mu thought for a long time but did not want to understand, just did not want to wait for the white pillow to wash things back.
The two pulled and talked a lot, but no one said the previous thing clearly. Hua Mu is embarrassed, but White Pillow dare not say it. The atmosphere was strange all the way, and there was no embarrassing scene in the end, and the hearts of the two finally returned slowly.
The white pillow packed up things, dried the clothes, and hurried back to the shelter. Although she didn't dare to mention that, she didn't want to leave Huamu at all, but wished to keep her at every step.
It seems to be a bit different from the mood of trying to protect the young lady in the past, which is already an attachment.
The sentry also had some worries, but no matter how worried, there was no desire to come strong. There is only her and Missy on this island. What can she do if she doesn't keep Missy?
Although things have already happened, Hua Mu doesn't mind the reasons for the thermal explosion, but it is always beneficial to understand the situation. So when White Pillow came back, she took the initiative to ask about it.
White Pillow sat outside the bamboo shed and reverently replied: "Miss, it's your suppressor ... it seems to have failed."
The sentry is ashamed of his loss of control, so when it comes to this matter, he also has a lack of confidence-after all, it sounds like he is shirking his responsibility.
"Invalid? How is it possible?" Hua Mu subconsciously picked up the pendant on the necklace and said inconceivably, "This was given to me by my aunt, and it has never been broken six years ago."
The style of the necklace is very simple, with a white gold chain and base, and a blue gemstone inlaid on the base of the trumpet flower style. To say where there can be hidden organs, it can only be in the base.
Hua Mu said this just out of trust in her aunt, but it sounded like it was a bit like telling a sentinel to lie.
The white pillow panicked, "It's true, Missy, I didn't lie to you ... I didn't mean it ... Yes, I really smelled the smell of the guide on you ..."
Hua Mu knew that she had misunderstood, so angry that she would bite her tongue out.
"I believe you, I didn't say that you did it on purpose ... I just don't understand why it failed. It was all right before it fell into the sea."
This is indeed the case. To say something different, only Hua Mu has opened the suppressor twice.
"Miss, can I see your necklace?"
"Yes, would you still watch this?"
The guide suppressor is actually only known to Huamu as a white pillow. In the old dark age, guides used injection steroid hormones to neutralize guides in order to hide their identity. Even if there are tasks that have to cover up their identities, the guides still use these drugs.
Therefore, White Pillow doesn't know much about this guide suppressor. She only knows that Dagong said that this is a very valuable thing, it is the secret of the royal family, and must not be taken down by Hua Mu.
The blue gem is perfectly cut, and the entire necklace looks very delicate. But there is no organization everywhere, and even the gemstone itself is nothing special except precious.
Although White Pillow doesn't understand machinery, only the sentinel's senses can detect that this is just an ordinary and expensive piece of jewelry.
Rather than asking why it failed, it is better to ask how it worked before.
"Miss, is this necklace given to you by Her Majesty the Queen?"
"Yes, it was my aunt who gave it to me after I awakened."
White Pillow gave her a careful look, "Is it because of your ability?"
Hua Mu was a little surprised and had to work hard to suppress, "You, you know my ability?"
Could it be said that she actually did not forget? What was the reaction when I first met? What happened when she tried to answer her so many times?
White Pillow frowned and whispered: "Please forgive me, I heard some rumors, plus this time ... so there is some speculation. If your ability is really like this, then the ability of Her Majesty the Queen Not a rumor. "
"Aunt's ability?"
Hua Mu hates the identity of a guide himself, so he doesn't care much about this aspect. She only knows that her father and aunt are very capable guides, and as to what abilities she has, she almost has no idea.
"Do you remember the scene when your majesty gave you the necklace?"
Of course Hua Mu remembered that this was the second time she saw her aunt cry. Aunt put her necklace on her neck while holding her and told her that as long as there is this necklace, no one can hurt her.
She said: "Mu Mu baby, it doesn't matter if you don't want to be a guide, this necklace will protect you. As long as you don't undo it yourself, Luna-your little unicorn will not come out. You will get calm And tranquility. "
Aunt's palm was so warm on her forehead, and her words were so trustworthy, so she never took off the necklace since then.
The author has something to say: Her Majesty the Queen can be said to be a super doting lady.
The two began to stumble and fall in love, 23333333. Today's double change, tomorrow's update is also in the evening.
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