Chapter 90: queen

It has been a month since the tsunami, and after the foundation of the new house is laid, it is being built every day at an alarming rate.
Sentinel seems to have endless strength, often stunned and stunned Hua Mu-very regrettable-why these strengths are not spent on her?
Fortunately, Missy was still somewhat reserved and rational, looking at her slightly swollen legs, and silently swallowing bitter tears.
The time to recuperate is always boring, not to mention in such a difficult situation. In addition to the occasional development of Luna's ability, Huamu spends most of his time looking at the large box of information.
She has already counted the number of materials, a total of 132, including 38 items, if alphabetically sorted, there are two items from A to L, one from m to Z.
This is obviously the tip of the iceberg in the entire "Angel Hand" plan, but the staff who can reach 32 projects are certainly not grassroots employees.
The naming of the project is very arbitrary, although most of them are named after the name of the cancer cell line-for example, "A431" "A549" "rAJI" "mcF-7", but there are also "Bazinga" "Bleach" An unknown project name.
When Hua Mu sorted it out, he found that not all the projects were named in the form of letters and numbers, but it was only after the explanation by White Pillow that he realized how pretentious and so fatal these so-called scientists are.
It took a long time for Hua Mu to read the two projects at the beginning of A. One was because she had too many technical terms, and she didn't know anything about it. The other was because she was distracted by her work.
Each project has 3 to 4 materials. The observation report should be recorded by the staff of the project. Only one of them is the discussion and summary record of the project by the two responsible persons.
Because many projects were carried out in parallel and at the same time, Hua Mu saw the results of two people citing other projects in the notebook-the "hela" project quickly caught her attention.
Hela is not only the death female in a mythology, but also the name of the first cancer cell line successfully cultured in vitro in history. Compared with other cancer cell lines, it proliferates faster, and even contaminates many other cell lines during laboratory cultivation.
Hela is called an "undead" cell because it can maintain telomerase activity during division and circumvent the Haverek limit.
This project is obviously the top priority, and even received strong support from a certain royal empire, which is one of the reasons why Huamu is interested.
She skipped all other items between A and h, and read its information first.
The original intention of the hela project is to cultivate the legendary dark sentry that does not require a primitive. Because the experimental individual is authorized to use a royal gene for cultivation by a monarch, its status is very special in the entire plan-it can be said that many projects are in Serve it.
For example, "bleach" can be understood as bleaching, but it can also be used in hela according to the result of a project that was once popular as a meaning of death.
Not only has the ability of a sentry and a guide, but also has a rapidly recovering flesh, which can grow quickly and never die. Can neither feel pain nor have feelings, is the most ideal, strongest and most dangerous weapon.
However, Hua Mu did not know the final result of this experiment, and the last few pages of the data were torn off.
Because she was too involved, she even forgot to make lunch.
Hua Mu still feels horrified by the cold descriptions, and still feels heartache because of the cruel experiment suffered by the experimental body, and still thinks that such experiments are extremely unethical.
But on the other side, she couldn't help but be curious, she couldn't help wanting to explore, she couldn't help wanting to know the result.
This is true of a young lady who has almost never been in the field of scientific research. How can those scientists not be crazy?
Judging from the previous process, this project is very likely to succeed, but the result of the tearing still makes Huamu feel lost. This loss shocked her and quickly aroused her vigilance.
She was expecting the result?
Hua Mu threw the information on the table and felt a little annoyed at herself-she must have been bored on the island for too long, so she was fascinated by seeing this kind of thing.
Bai Zhu didn't see Hua Mu for lunch for a long time, and saw her lying motionless on a chair from afar, thinking that she was unwell, and hurried over the work she had put down.
"Miss, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable?"
The surrounding trees have been felled by white pillows, and there are almost a few hundred square meters of open space for two people to work and rest. The recliner was placed under the shade of the tree so that Hua Mu could rest and read.
"No ... I will make lunch right away. You have a rest first."
The taro was simmered in the fire early in the morning. It should be cooked by this time, and then make a cured meat mushroom soup to deal with it.
"I will do it at noon, you have a good rest."
White Pillow was worried when she saw her face languish.
"I'm fine, just tired of reading and reading. Just make a soup, you should wash your hands first. The mushrooms are dried well this time, you have a good time."
There was not much left over from the seafood sauce I made before, and Hua Mu had to put his idea on the mushroom. Fortunately, White Pillow is a sentinel and was born in the tropics. He can judge what can and cannot be eaten.
Although the lunch is not rich, but under Hua Mu's skillful hands, he still makes people move his index finger. Marinated wild pork slices and bamboo fungus boiled, not only delicious soup, but also save sea salt. Taro is eaten with oyster sauce, fish sauce or mushroom sauce, and no special cooking is required.
The white pillow didn't even feel perfunctory, eating with relish. Hua Mu swallowed with difficulty, sighing quietly, holding his chin.
"What's wrong with you, Miss? Are you unhappy?"
The sentry tried hard to think about whether she was wrong or did something wrong that made her unhappy.
Hua Mu glanced at her and sighed again.
They all blamed the lack of strength of the sentry, which caused her to have time to read, and then thought about it.
"Big lady, what did I do to make you ..."
"No!" Hua Mu was so angry that he did not do anything, but did nothing!
"Then how do you ..."
Forget it, she knows it, the white pillow is for her.
"I haven't looked at those things yet. How can you say that humans are so cruel?"
Because cruelty is human nature.
White pillow pursed her lips for a while and then said slowly: "Do you think they are cruel?"
"Of course it's cruel. Creating life to conduct human experiments is a terrible sin in every respect."
"But they said it was science for human progress ... or evolution. They said that the path of human development was originally piled up by life. Doesn't there exist animal experiments in conventional laboratories?"
"How can that be the same? Human experiments can only exist in clinical medicine, and they must strictly follow the principle of subject's informed consent. Comparing humans and animals ... Where is the sophistry of extreme animal protection people?"
"So what if these research subjects are 'non-human'? You should have read some information. For the time being, regardless of the ideas of the two discussants, you can see from the report only that the researchers did not treat the experimental subjects as It ’s a human being. After gene editing, some experimental individuals did n’t even know what the genes of the creatures were mixed in. They could not be called humans for a long time. "
Hua Mu didn't know why Bai Zhen said such a thing. It can be seen that she was not trying to argue with these people, but she seemed to be looking for some answers.
"I do n’t know who gave them the power to define what is human, is it given by God? In my opinion, each of these subjects is a living human being. What ’s more, they use human genes to encode At that time, it was already conducting human experiments. Compared to non-human subjects, are these researchers more like non-humans? "
Curiosity is more of an animal nature, not only ubiquitous in humans, but also in many animals. It can be said that it is a major driving force for animal survival and human progress. As scientists, these researchers will naturally have a greater spirit of exploration.
But the reason why human beings are humans is that they can maintain their arrogance, and they are able to look down on animals because they follow so-called ethics.
From Huamu's point of view, human life is more noble than animals, it is better to say that the same kind of life is the last bottom line of humanity that has overridden all things. This is the last constraint that human beings give to themselves. If a person cannot follow this point, then he is not worthy of being a human. If the whole society cannot follow, then the society will collapse.
White pillow looked at Hua Mu, seemed to be stunned.
"What ... what's wrong? Why do you look at me like this?" Hua Mu touched her face, wondering, "Is there anything on my face?"
White Pillow smiled and slowly shook his head. "No, Miss, I just think you are right."
Hua Mu cute listened to White Pillow praising herself and smiled with pride.
"Of course, how could I be wrong?"
"Then what do you think ... what if these subjects survive and return to society?"
This is a very real problem, although it should be solved decades ago.
As the heir to the throne, Hua Mu, even if he is not deliberately taught, still subconsciously puts himself in that position to think. This is Hua Mu's contradiction, and also her valuable.
"It ’s not them who are wrong, they are also victims. If there is a chance to get back to society after being rescued, I feel that the country has an obligation and responsibility to make proper arrangements according to the specific situation. Of course, children with physical defects must be treated as necessary. Children, if you are young and have no memories, you can send them to ordinary families for support, and those who are sensible should provide psychological counseling to help them live an ordinary life. If you ca n’t do it, set up special funds and institutions to deal with it. Have you said? This kind of experiment is still carried out in some dark corners. It is necessary to think about this in the long run. "
White Pillow nodded and praised, "Miss, you will definitely become an excellent queen."
Hua Mu lifted his chin, showing a proud look. It didn't last a few seconds, but when she thought of reality, she was a little bit lazy.
"What kind of queen are you talking about now? Do you want to be on this island? Are you the king of animals, the king of the forest, the king of the ocean? There aren't even any subjects!"
The sentry suddenly took her hand boldly and said seriously: "Miss, you and me, I am your subject. I will respect you to protect you and take care of you ... I love you, even if I am only you My subjects, I will also make you a unique queen. "
Mom! ! !
Huamu is going to be fried! ! !
The sentry of her family, his wife is not hidden! What kind of fairy tale is this that made her unable to resist the fire on the spot!
Queen Prek is OK!
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