Chapter 91: pearl

The construction progress is in order, and the following framework has been set up. After all, the cave is not a habitual place. White pillow and Huamu moved out of the cave for a while. The two lived in a temporary shed, but stored grain prefers the cave environment and loves to sleep in during the day.
It has been nearly two months since the two men went up the mountain. Hua Mu's injury recovered well. Bai Zhen finally decided to take a look. The jungle after the tsunami was like a ruin. Many plants withered and died due to the impact of wind and waves and the erosion of sea water. Tall trees could be seen lying around in a row.
But the situation is not so bad, probably because of the survival of the fittest living on the island all the year round, many plants have the characteristics of high salt tolerance, and they are still vibrant two months later. Those dead vegetations have begun to decompose and decompose, returning to nature to provide nutrients for new life.
There are some things that actually do n’t need human worry.
The white pillow climbed down from the mountain wall with Hua Mu behind her back. Due to the difficulty of the road, it took three times longer to walk to the beach. The two still cared about the south bank that had lived for a little half a year, and first came here to determine the post-disaster situation.
The beach can be described as unrecognizable and messy, but it is a bit different from the misfortune they imagined. I don't know if the animal's carcass was taken away by sea water or it has been completely degraded after two months. After the two came down, they didn't see the corpse rotting in the wild.
The previously built bamboo shed toilets have long disappeared. The dwarf coconut tree that had stood on the beach was uprooted, and even the mountain wall collapsed by half.
The materials recovered by the white pillow from the sea were washed away, but the tide also brought a lot of things that the two had not seen-there was even a small boat with the bow of the boat upside down on the beach, which looked spectacular .
Hua Mu looked at this scene and inevitably gave birth to a bit of loss and regret-after all, it was a shelter she built with her personal participation and bit by bit.
"Miss, you have a rest first, let me see if I can find something to eat."
The white pillow put Hua Mu down and took a cane from the ladle she was carrying and handed it to her. Hua Mu is now no longer a problem walking on a flat ground with a cane, but he still can't exercise vigorously or use too much force.
"You pick up some firewood first, I'll make a fire, then you go and see."
The two came down not only to check the situation, but also to bring some seafood back. If conditions permit, stay here for an extra day or two and make more sauces and sea salt. Living on the mountain has the inconvenience of living on the mountain, especially the inconvenience of legs and feet and the fear of high height. You can lose half your life when you come down.
The most important thing now is firewood. There are fallen branches all over the place. The sun is just right. The white pillow soon brought a lot of back. The reserve grain was originally sleeping in the basket, probably heard the movement, crawled out under the covered canvas, and jumped to the beach to play.
Huamu will not pay attention to it very deliberately, nor will it restrain it, and take out the flintstone to make a fire. White pillow quickly cleared a beach next to it, covered it with canvas, and took out the luggage brought by them.
Pots and pans, seasoning food, although not many things are very complete.
The sentry moved quickly, and a simple stove was quickly set up, and the fire of Huamu also rose.
"You can just find some shellfish. You can cook a soup first. After lunch, you can make two fishing rods and go fishing in the afternoon."
During the escape, the white pillow directly broke the fishing rod and only took the fishing line and hook. At this time, it had to be re-made using nature.
"it is good."
For a long time without coming to the beach, the sea smell that once made Hua Mu feel uncomfortable seems a bit nostalgic.
Taking advantage of the white pillow to find ingredients, Huamu also found something useful on the beach. The tsunami brought the wreckage of many ships around the island to the beach, and there may be items that can be used in a big way.
Missy has fully transformed into a little Taobao expert, picking and picking with a walking stick. Unfortunately, after the devastation caused by the tsunami, many things were damaged. Hua Mutao only picked up the axe and a twisted iron box for a long time.
She cleaned the tin box and boiled it in sea water, preparing to get some sea salt first.
The white pillow returned shortly, holding the pot in his right hand and a large piece of kelp in his left hand. There are a lot of shells in the pot, many of which have not been seen before, and the top one is as big as half a pot.
Hua Mu hasn't eaten seafood for days, and almost drooled when he saw the shell.
"Miss!" The sentry was very productive and looked very happy. "You see what I found!"
Below a few flat shellfish is a large pot of mussels, with a clean surface, which has obviously been cleaned.
"Not bad." Hua Mu didn't expect White Pillow to be so happy, thinking she must make her a delicious meal. "First vomit a little sand, we half boil soup and half grill. What are these shells , Why have n’t I seen it? Is it delicious? "
White Pillow happily put down the thing, picked up the super-large shell at the top, and said with joy: "This is Margaret mother-of-pearl!"
"It's a horse and a pig again, it must be delicious." The sentry has never been heavy on her mouth, and can make her so happy. It must be super delicious!
Hua Mu looked forward to it, "What do you like to do? I don't know if I can do it well the first time."
The white pillow seemed to be amused by her words, and looked at her with her lips, showing a little helpless and spoiled.
"Miss, this is not good or not ... you see." She opened the scallops to reveal the shellfish inside.
"Oh, why is it dead?"
Hua Mu is very picky about the freshness of the ingredients.
"Miss, do you see what this is?"
The sentry rubbed the shell with his thumb, and the soft shell squirmed a few times, spitting out some juice.
Mom, what are you doing? Why is there some pornography? Is this the white pillow?
Don't bear it, okay? "I can" these three words, she can say 10,000 times!
"What are you doing!"
She had known for a long time that this guy was a bored pervert, but was it too boring to show her something that was not suitable for children?
"Look, Miss!"
Why is she so embarrassed?
The white pillow has slender fingers and distinct bones. The wheat-colored skin and the off-white shellfish have a strong contrast, which really makes people look.
Hua Mu's eyes were squinted, but he didn't dare to look.
Is this guy suggesting something? Are you asking for joy? Is her happiness coming?
"You, don't turn around, just come directly if you come."
Seeing how she couldn't see it, Bai Zhen had to use her index finger to twist the pearl out of the shell.
"Miss, look, it's a pearl!"
"What are you doing, why don't you show me pearls, I don't want me ..." Hua Mu felt a little wrong when he said halfway, "What pearls?"
The white pillow spread her hands, and a round, white, translucent, and shiny pearl lay in her palm in a clever way.
"Miss, Pearl, for you."
It was a real pearl, a gemstone bred from wild mother-of-pearl martens.
The white pillow's gaze was sincerely warm and full of expectation, as if giving her not just a pearl but her own heart.
Hua Mu's originally imaginary mind was blank because of this unexpected surprise. Before she could react, her eyes were warm.
She never felt that the sentry was a romantic person, and her slowness and incomprehensible style were synonymous with her. But sometimes, she always surprises her, tells some unbelievable love words, and gives some weighty gifts.
This is the most romantic and precious gift she has ever received. On such a desert island, she never thought of receiving gems.
"Miss, don't you like it?" Bai Zhen saw her only staring blankly at her palm, neither speaking nor accepting, and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.
Hua Mu shook his head quickly, reaching out to get it, but his fingers stopped when he was about to touch the pearl.
"White pillow ..."
"You kneel on one knee."
Hua Mu was a little guilty, but her restlessness made her speak.
Although the white pillow is unknown, he still obeyed. At the moment her knee touched the beach, Huamu took the little pearl from her hand.
She imagined the scene of being countless times ... or being proposed by a white pillow. This messy beach has no similarities with her fantasy.
But those do n’t matter. The person she likes to kneel and give her a jewel. This is the most romantic proposal!
Hua Mu clutched the pearl tightly and threw it into the sentry's arms.
White pillow hugged her quickly to prevent her from being injured.
The response to her was Hua Mu's warm kiss.
White Pillow was very unresponsive, and her brain kissed Hua Mu short-circuited. Happiness and joy made her unable to think.
Missy has always been reserved, why suddenly so active?
"White pillow ..."
Hua Mu sat on her lap for the first time without suppressing her desire, and offered her red lips regardless of shame.
She couldn't bear it anymore, and this time she had to take this stupid big guy anyway. Suffocating again, her legs are getting better, but something is going wrong elsewhere!
Although White Pillow has always tried to control herself, her desire for Huamu has not diminished. If she can, she hopes to be closer to each other.
Hua Mu's initiative made her flattered and indulged slightly.
Just kiss, there must be no problem, she can control Hati, also can control herself.
Just a kiss.
Hua Mu leaned breathlessly in the arms of the white pillow, obediently and attached.
"Miss." The sentry fixed her firmly on her lap and stroked her hair and cheek lovingly.
She really didn't expect that Missy would like pearls that much.
Hua Mu lost her voice and murmured, "You help me make a ring with this pearl."
"it is good."
"I will make one for you too."
Even if there is no wedding, even if no one wishes, even if no one witnesses, Hua Mu does not feel much regret. If it were not for this island, she might never be with White Pillow.
So, this is enough.
The author has something to say: a little bit sour.
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