Chapter 97: Past

White Pillow hugged Huamu and walked quickly through the corridor. When the two finally stepped up the stairs leading to the control tower, two batches of sentinels sprang up at the same time in the safe passage and the elevator entrance. They broke through the defense lines of the two guides, and while the white pillow was entangled by Liang Jinshen, they quickly caught up.
White Pillow burst into full force and ran towards the control tower. Hua Mu was dizzy because of the bumps, and she could only bite her teeth tightly to endure her desire to vomit. A huge glass door finally appeared in front of the two. White pillow quickly verified the fingerprint, retina and DnA lock, and entered Huamu with them.
The glass door is at the outermost layer of the control tower, and it really reaches the control center after passing through a passage of more than ten meters. The control center has a spherical structure, and half of the walls are display screens. As the control center of the security system in the tower, the surveillance video of almost every corner is displayed here.
The walls of the control tower are all made of composite metal materials, which not only has super anti-strike ability but also can effectively shield the invasion of the spirit body. Under normal circumstances, there will be staff left here every day, and the person left behind today is Xu Ying.
White Pillow is one of the few people with the control tower permission, so Xu Ying will let her come here with Hua Mu directly. After the internal safety brake system is activated, the control tower is a solid fortress unless the leader personally opens it.
Hua Mu watched the white pillow insert a silver-white card in the card slot, and quickly entered a string of numbers on the touch screen. The countdown countdown immediately appeared on the screen, in the passage between the glass door and the console The sound of the giant metal door starting sounded.
Hua Mu's heart was relaxed, but there was a huge noise outside the control tower.
"White pillow!"
She pulled the sentry's arm nervously, watching the slow countdown restlessly.
The white pillow gently put Hua Mu on the ground, crouching down and staring at her, "Miss, please wait a moment inside, the leader will come soon."
Hua Mu heard what she meant, and pulled her sleeve tightly, crying: "What about you? Don't you wait inside with me?"
"It's better to stay outside. Don't be afraid. It's safe here."
Hua Mu didn't want her to leave—she didn't want to be alone, nor wanted the white pillow to be injured again. The glass door outside obviously couldn't support it for long.
"Don't go, you stay here, I don't want to be alone."
White Pillow looked at her deeply, and it took a while to tell the truth: "Even me ... is not safe for you. I can't get along with you alone, but I'm outside the door. I assure you, wait for the leader As soon as you come, you can go out immediately. "
The sentry said very seriously, Hua Mu jumped in his heart, and the strength in his hand softened.
Is it even her, even the white pillow?
The outermost glass door could not last too long under the attack of many sentries. White Pillow touched her head when Hua Mu let go of her, and ran out of the passage without looking back.
Hua Mu stared blankly at her back, watching the metal door close slowly, and finally fell softly to the ground. She crouched helplessly to her knees and curled up in the corner of the console. While feeling wronged and sad, she could not help raising a bit of self-loathing.
She was terrified. Even the sentinel who had just saved herself felt terrified when she heard those words.
She can do nothing but cry, if that is the case, why not just make her an ordinary person?
The control tower was extremely quiet, only occasionally came a few whimpering and weeping. On the screen behind her, a figure was flying towards the control tower.
After all, Xu Ying and Cen Sang did not resist so many sentinels. After the tactical retreat, they wanted to join two other sentinel colleagues. What they saw was Liang Jinshen's embarrassed appearance. The situation of the other sentry is slightly better, but it can only be controlled by itself.
They are helpless now, the only thing they can do is wait for the leader to come.
Several people have a deep sense of powerlessness, but I did not expect that a large tower would become so confused today because of the awakening of a little girl. Such a poor self-control and adaptability can be considered a shame.
This incident will not only become a scandal of the royal family, but also a scandal of the entire country.
They will no longer be able to raise their heads in front of sentries and guides in other countries.
"What now? They should all be at the gate of the control tower."
Several of them are young instructors, and they lack the ability to adapt to such crises that they have not encountered once in decades.
"Anyway, take a look, at least make sure that White Pillow has safely entered the control tower with the awakened."
"Senior Chen Guan should not be close to it now. I will let Best go to see the situation first."
Chen Guan is another sentry, the oldest of several people, and already has a fiancee.
"Then I will take care of Jinshen here, lest I go to add you ..." Chen Guan is quite a stable character, and knows the trade-offs well. Halfway through his words, there was joy on his face.
"what happened?"
"The leader is here!"
As soon as Chen Guan's voice fell, the humming sound like a hummingbird became clearer and clearer, approaching the control tower clearly.
Cen Sang looked out of the window subconsciously, and saw a fluttering figure like a ghost. He did not do any deceleration measures and rushed straight towards the window.
The toughened glass shattered inexplicably before the faceless person came into contact. The person called the leader did not glance at a few people, and traversed the corridor at an alarming speed. A near-transparent phantom followed her, and several people knew that it was the spiritual body of the leader, but no one had seen its true face so far.
The passage inside the control tower was already in disarray, and the fighting between the sentries was fierce. White pillow avoids contact with others as much as possible, observes the situation carefully, and rescues when someone may be in danger of life. In the melee, she insisted that she was already wounded, but she did not dare to leave.
The sentinels, like tireless robots, fell down countless times and stood up countless times, fighting against each other for the invisibility that could not be seen at all.
Fortunately, their goal is just Hua Mu, and there is not much interest in killing others to death. As far as possible, White Pillow took the sentinels out of the battlefield out of the battlefield, and within eight minutes eight people had fallen one after another.
It's crazy, and the white pillow can feel the craziness faintly.
If you ask who is the most admired by the sentry in the tower, it must be the leader. The unfathomable power makes her have the capital of the world, which is frightening and admiring. No one is not proud of having such a leader, and no one is sad to have such a leader.
She made the sentinels deeply appreciate the difference between mortals and gods. No matter how hard she tried, she could not touch her corner of her life. This loss is hidden in the heart of every sentry, and there is no way to reduce the difference in their hearts except placing the leader high above the altar.
There really is such a person, really capable of being so strong, a movement, a look, or even just a breath are full of oppression.
She is the goal of every sentry and a dream that can never be achieved.
But one day, a guide suddenly appeared, a girl with incredible power and no self-preservation ability. She was declaring her special to each sentinel, and the sentinel combined with her could not reach the place.
All limits will open the door for you, and all strength will be used for you. The leader is no longer an unattainable existence, you can become as strong as her-even beyond her.
Which sentinel can resist such temptations?
Even White Pillow couldn't guarantee what he would do if he stayed in the control tower.
She sits in the corner of the wall in distress, looking at her classmates who are still fighting, and she can't help but feel a little sad-she can't help more people after all, so she is more eager to gain strength.
"Has it reached such an unprepared point?" Just as the white pillow almost lost consciousness, a cold voice rang in her ears.
The leader does not know when it will arrive. The military flying saucer is hidden under a wide cloak, making her seem to float in the air.
"How is Hua Mu?"
"Miss is in the control center."
"You leave her inside?"
The white pillow lowered his head embarrassedly, "I dare not ..."
The faceless man gently moved his finger, and the transparent ghost behind her went towards the passage of the control tower. If there was a slight spatial distortion where nothing had passed, no one would realize that there was a spiritual body behind her.
Almost in an instant-two or three seconds, the sentinels in the original melee suddenly showed pain, swallowed and knelt to the ground, struggling but lost consciousness for more than ten seconds.
The surrounding seemed to be deadly still, only the hummingbird's voice was buzzing.
"How do you feel about meeting Sweetheart again?"
"... She doesn't remember me."
The faceless man sneered: "Do you feel lost?"
White Pillow shook his head anxiously, "No such thing, I did not expect this, you know, I ..."
"That's good, this time ... nothing happened. You are going out to perform the tasks I have explained, you haven't seen Huamu at all, understand?"
"I understand, but Missy's ability ..."
Too dangerous.
"This is not something you need to worry about." When the faceless man interrupted the white pillow, his voice was quite harsh.
The white pillow's eyes were red and his head dropped down.
The faceless man looked down at her and suddenly reached out to touch her head.
"We will find a way to hide Hua Mu's ability and erase the memories of other people. You don't have to worry."
White pillow hugged his legs and said a word gently, but the faceless man heard it clearly but asked again.
"what did you say?"
"I said, please erase my memory too," White Pillow whispered as she shed tears. "Please don't treat me differently. Anything that reveals the secrets of Missy should be completely eliminated."
No, she was just afraid of not being able to face herself, or being unable to control the rising demons.
The author has something to say: the leader has been stepping on the hummingbird not to pretend to force, but to ... higher than the white pillow, hahaha.
The white pillow is the loyal dog that the leader picked for Hua Mu. Hua Muxi didn't like it second. All she needed was the white pillow to Hua Mu.
The past has come to an end temporarily, and finally there will be no shame or sorrow, and hehe.
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