Chapter 98: Acid is citric acid

The tsunami not only destroyed the seaside station, but also caused extensive destruction of the coconut grove. The two went to the east to check the situation the next day and found that less than 30% of the coconut trees remained.
Recently, obviously, I don't want to eat coconut, Hua Mu is very sorry.
Fortunately, the mangrove forest was not greatly affected. The white pillow caught another coconut crab in the old place, which solved the lunch problem for the two.
Hua Mu made a fire, the white pillow dismembered the coconut crab, and the two people worked together to quickly make a big cat weighing a few pounds. I have n’t tasted seafood in two months, and Huamu has already made plans to bring back the previous portion, so I have been very generous in these two days.
It's just that besides the food, she had a conversation that ended abruptly the day before.
The sentinel did not seem to respond much to the ambiguity and lack of memory. After being silent for a while, he only responded with the word "is it".
This attitude was so strange that Hua Mu couldn't even breathe.
If she knew there was a problem with her memory, she might have been creepy for a long time. The white pillow looked calm and calm, let her rest early.
If she hadn't been confused by her kiss, she had to break her white pillow and see what the guy was thinking.
Hua Mu was eating crab legs and staring at the white pillow, as if to see her through a hole.
"Miss ..."
White pillow can't pretend to be invisible.
"Don't you have curiosity?"
Although I have long understood the character of White Pillow, it still makes Hua Mu feel incredible to be able to do so. How did this guy like himself?
"You mean?"
"Of course it was yesterday, don't you find it strange? Why don't you have any impression at all."
White Pillow was not surprised at all. If it was Miss Miss who caused the incident and she happened to be on the scene, it would be normal for her memory to be changed-even if she would ask for it-this The necessary measures to protect Missy.
For insurance purposes, the executor may be the queen.
The reason why Bai Zhen didn't dare to get to the bottom is more from uncertainty about himself.
Did she really fulfill her promise? It really didn't hurt the lady, did she really protect her?
If so, why did the leader choose to replace her memory? Or maybe it was she who made such a request because she was afraid of a fact.
Even more, is she not doing such a thing now?
"The original incident was defined as the sentinel hallucination syndrome, and all the parties were unimpressed. I think this is to protect the measures you have done, and there is nothing worthy of being surprised."
Well, the sentinel's explanation makes sense, but it doesn't satisfy Hua Mu.
In fact, what made her feel dissatisfied was that White Pillow was too cold to forget her.
Does n’t she want to know what she did at that time? Do n’t want to know the first time they met?
Do n’t want to know what kind of opportunity makes her stupid and dull, except for the big chest and big face ... cough cough, let ’s count as a tall man, strong and strong ... Okay, plus gentle Thoughtfulness, honesty and loyalty, etc., besides, is the big idiot who is totally useless?
She didn't even care about her when she saw this sentry!
"Well, it's not strange if you say it's not strange."
Hua Mu is too lazy to talk again. Others don't care at all. She said with interest that those things that only she can remember are so shameless!
White Pillow smiled warmly and ended the topic with silence.
Hua Mu was very annoyed.
The two men went north after eating lunch and taking a short break. This time the main purpose was to look around the edge of the island to confirm the disaster.
The condition of the mangrove forest is much better than expected, which also gives Bai Zhen some confidence in the north.
Passing through the mangrove still needs to go around the sea, and the two have become familiar with making rafts. Due to the effect of the tsunami, many dry trees lie on the beach, and the speed of doing it is faster than that of the last bamboo raft.
After confirming that there was no danger around him, White Pillow pushed the raft to the sea with Hua Mu. After more than two months, the sea water has already been cleared again, and the sun casts mottled light and shadow on the white fine sand through the water surface.
Hua Mu stared at the endless sea, feeling slightly open, and temporarily put her annoyance down. The grain reserve is not afraid of water, crouching on the edge of the raft and looking curiously at the bottom of the sea. When the waves hit the bamboo raft, it stepped back a few steps. Once it retreated, it chased up again, and a cat was having fun.
White Pillow's speed of supporting the boat was not fast this time, and Hua Mu also showed a somewhat leisurely attitude. If you had to go to the north to check the situation, it would be good to fish for an afternoon.
She was thinking like this while looking at the sea, but something that suddenly appeared in her field of vision scared her.
"White Pillow!" Hua Mu grabbed White Pillow's arm in fright, and said anxiously, "Come on, let's go, there are sharks!"
Bai Zhu looked at Hua Mu's face and smiled lightly.
"Miss, that's not a shark, it should be a dolphin ..." She didn't notice that there was a larger mammal in the nearby waters, but she didn't care because she was sure that there was no danger, but when she looked at the dolphin swim In his posture, his brow furrowed. "It doesn't seem to be right."
Huamu raised the whole heart.
"What, what? Let's go now, the dolphins are not small anymore."
The raft must turn over when it hits.
Although Hua Mu has not yet seen the change of the sea color, the fear of the sea is no less than the height of fear. If it gets deeper, she will definitely feel dizzy.
"It seems to be injured."
The dolphin's dorsal fins appeared in the sea, and Huamu could only see its messy course.
White Pillow looked at the sea with a bit of worry.
Hua Mu knows that although this sentry can kill seabirds and wild boars as food without difficulty, it will save the rusty spotted leopard cat when it is extremely critical. When getting food and defending against attacks, White Pillow never hesitates and is very decisive. But otherwise, she never took the initiative to kill. This is exactly how she respects life.
In fact, this sentry is kinder than anyone and softer than anyone.
"Let's go and see, it hurts."
Hua Mu heard that dolphins are creatures that are very close to humans. It seems to have a natural love for humans. So far, there are rumors that humans have been rescued by falling into the water.
If it is a person, of course, the white pillow will not hesitate, but Huamu is also on the raft, she does not dare to take risks easily.
"I will take you ashore first ..."
Hua Mu was more worried about her. The last time she encountered a shark here was enough to make her afraid.
"No, you just paddled the raft. Just try it, maybe you can't catch up with it, otherwise we will go."
White Pillow hesitated and finally nodded.
She had contact with dolphins during a mission, so she had some experience with how to get along with them.
Hua Mu was still unavoidably nervous, and even the grain reserve seemed to feel something, a few jumps got into her arms.
The white pillow moved slowly, leaning towards the dolphin parade cautiously and carefully.
"Ao ~"
Unexpectedly, the looming dolphin suddenly got out of the sea at this time, and made a loud and loud cry. Because it is very sharp, it sounds a bit like the sound of a baby, but it is not harsh at all.
This is a blue-billed bottlenose dolphin, about two meters long. Probably because of the injury, its swimming posture is slightly inclined.
"Ao ~"
Hua Mu was almost attentively staring at it because of nervousness. Unexpectedly, a dolphin sound suddenly sounded around him, almost scared to fall from the raft.
The sound came naturally from the white pillow.
The sentinel can emit and hear a wider range of sound. Ordinary people can only hear about one-third of the band in the dolphins, but they are different.
Hua Mu looked at the white pillow in surprise-she didn't expect the other party to make such a sharp voice at all.
The bottlenose dolphin looks unsuspecting, swinging its tail and swimming in the direction of the two.
"Ao ~"
The reserve grain nest is in Hua Mu's arms, looking curiously at the source of the sound.
The two met a cat and a dolphin soon.
The bottlenose dolphin swam around the raft a few times while screaming, and Hua Mu always felt that voice was sticky, as if it was coquettish.
The sentry knelt down to the edge of the bamboo raft and stretched out his hand vainly. It clinged to it without any pretentiousness, and turned slightly to reveal its left fin.
The two quickly discovered its wounds-a metal nail stuck deeply in the base of its fins. The wound seemed to have been around for a while, and there was even a trace of ulceration around it.
Hua Mu couldn't see this kind of thing at all, and quickly looked away.
The white pillow first gently stroked its head and back, and then gently touched its fins.
The bottlenose dolphin screamed and seemed to feel pain.
"There will be a little pain, don't move."
"Ao ~"
The dolphins floated without moving, and the white pillow embraced its body. After confirming that there were no barbs on the nails, it pulled it out.
The bottlenose dolphin made a short tweet, and the white pillow took out the herbs and pressed it on its wound, while coaxing softly: "Good girl, don't move, it will be fine soon."
"Ao ~"
What is a girl?
Hua Mu originally looked at the gentle appearance of the white pillow and was still a little emotional, but when she heard the words from her mouth, she immediately became calm.
Is this sentry so gentle to every girl? The reserve grain is a little female cat, and this dolphin is also a female dolphin ... Isn't it the nature of her to save herself?
White Pillow hadn't realized that Hua Mu had been flooded with vinegar. In order to help the dolphin to fix his body, he held his posture for ten minutes and released it after making sure it was no longer bleeding.
"Don't do too vigorous exercise, you will get better."
The white pillow touched its head, indicating that it could leave. The bottlenose dolphin showed no signs of going, kept making circles around the raft, and even helped to push the raft with a kiss.
"No, you go, we will cross it by ourselves."
The sentry smiled at the dolphin's return.
Hua Mu finally couldn't bear it, and snorted coldly.
Can't life pass? The sentry flirts with the female dolphin in front of her face-she has heard that the dolphin is super lewd, chaotic, and will also beg for humanity!
She hasn't asked White Pillow yet!
The author has something to say: even if you haven't asked for anything, give you a chance now.
So the question is coming, what is the similarity between Miss and Dolphin?
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