Chapter 146: Establishment of 2 research branches

Academician Zhao Zhao just listened to Chen Qiang's sentence as a joke. The plan of Huashuo's space shuttle has been formulated to 2050. Even a starry creature will not have more than the strength of a country. You should know that this plan of Huaguo is a super plan that includes more than one hundred research institutes and more than three hundred universities nationwide, and nearly 100,000 people participate.
"Academician Zhao, Ion Engine Starry Biology is scheduled. You will be the head of the Aerospace Branch of the Starry Research Institute. Although this branch has nothing at present, I will give you a hundred places. All the staff of the Star Research Institute are selected, and the initial investment of the aerospace branch is 50 billion yuan. I have only one requirement. After one year, all things in the China Satellite Launch Base except the launching frame must have starry creatures. "Chen Qiang has now returned to a strong state and directly ordered.
数字 The figure of "50 billion yuan invested in the initial stage" shocked Academician Zhao, and this is still the initial stage. But after hearing what Chen Qiang said, Academician Zhao could not help looking at Chen Qiang like a fool. Take the Longquan Satellite Launch Center of Huaguo as an example. It is the earliest launch test base for carrier rockets built in Huaguo. It is a test and launch series of Long March carrier rockets, various low-orbit test satellites, application satellites, manned spacecraft and The main base of rocket missiles. It integrates the world's advanced science and technology, adopts the vertical assembly, vertical test, straight transfer "triple down" mode and long-distance test launch control, and has the function of testing one round and assembling one round at the same time.
This is the result of nearly 60 years of continuous construction by Hua Guo. If Xingkong Creatures wants to build this base in one year, it seems to Academician Zhao that it is delusional.
"Mr. Chen, that one year is probably not enough. You have to know that our technical strength is still insufficient." Academician Zhao said very implicitly, but it was clear that the star creatures did not have the strength to do this.
"Oh, Academician Zhao, you do n’t have to worry about this. There will be a team dedicated to this matter over the country, and your task is to supervise these people to build this base in accordance with the control and monitoring methods of space shuttle takeoff and landing. "After Chen Qiang heard what Academician Zhao said, he waved his hands. Chen Qiang had already talked with the state on this issue. The state will send a professional team to help Starcraft build a spacecraft monitoring and control center designed by Starcraft.
"The country helped the star creatures build it?" Academician Zhao paused again. The cooperation between star creatures and the country has reached this point, which he did not expect. All the members of the academy of sciences have one thing in common: they grew up in misery, so they even hope that the country can become stronger, so they are dedicated to their generation.
This time the country supports starry creatures. They thought it was due to the great achievements of starry creatures in the economic war that just passed. So the state let go of this and let them recruit some people in the Academy of Sciences. Therefore, they do not have a strong sense of identification with starry creatures, and they are not willing to go to starry creatures. Even Academician Zhao did not want to come to Xingkong Creature, but he couldn't resist the invitation of Kong Ru, a friend, so he promised to come and take a look. But now the situation has greatly exceeded his expectations.
It is already a big problem that the country is willing to help star creatures build a spacecraft launch center. You must know that the spacecraft launch center is a symbol of national strength. There are no more than two hands in the world that own this thing.
The welcome ceremony ended in Academician Zhao's shock. On the second day of the official website of Xingkong Biology, the words
Aerospace Branch of Xingkong Research Institute
Human Medicine Branch of Xingkong Research Institute
appeared on it. No one found anything abnormal. But sharp-eyed netizens found it.
"Let ’s go and see. Starry creatures have set up a new department. This time, starry creatures look like they are going to make a big move." Netizen Yu has developed a habit of visiting the starry creatures ’official website for one day. When this message arrives, it will be posted as soon as possible.
"Aerospace branch, President Chen is planning to enter space."
"Hey, President Chen is still impulsive. China is no better than the capitalist market. This field can't be done without money." Some savvy netizens are not optimistic.
"I saw that there is still a branch of human medicine." When netizens discussed whether the starry creatures entered the space correctly, a post suddenly popped up, directly interrupting everyone's fiery discussion.
"Human Medicine Branch, I also saw what this is for. There is a great who can answer one or two."
"Ask God for answers one or two."
Aerospace branch is simple to understand, which means literally. But the branch of human medicine is open to question. It can be explained in any way. It is a question of whether it is biased towards the human body or medicine.
"Do you see the person in charge of the Branch of Human Medicine?" At this time, a post came up and interrupted the netizens' imagination of Tianma Xingkong ~ ~ Mu Bing, Chen envied on the Internet Madam, is Mrs. Chen planning to go out? "A netizen familiar with Mu Bing was surprised.
"This project is definitely very important, otherwise Chen Qiang will not let his wife be the person in charge."
"Isn't that the research institute that Chen Qiang set up to hold his wife, is there any fuss." Some netizens who don't know Mu Bing scoff at it a little.
"You are wrong upstairs. Mu Bing is the head of the Starry Research Center, the predecessor of the Starry Research Institute. During this period, the Starry Research Institute was completely on track. The person in charge of the development project team, in addition to the five kinds of net gas plants that Chen Qiang had previously developed, half of them were developed by her. So this is a genius girl without any doubt. Familiar with Mu Bing Of netizens have collected some of the information they have collected and released it. Maybe there is such a boring person who will collect these things. If this post is seen by Mu Bing, she will be surprised because she does not know that she has already Make such a great achievement.
讨论 The discussion on the Internet was so hot that some media also noticed the two new institutes of Xingkong Biology. So the news that Xingkong Biology established the aerospace branch and the human medicine branch was quickly spread. All news about star creatures is extremely high, so many media are very willing to report on some star creatures.
The most happy of them is the students who are graduating this year. The habit of Xingkong Biology to like freshmen has been well known by people all over the world. The students who graduated this year in aerospace and some majors are enviable. As for the graduates of other majors, they are now praying for the recruitment of Tianxing Xingkong Biology. This time they will need other majors.
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