Chapter 283: Xiaolong's mature form

"Zhang Jian, put all the security guards in the sky to work." Chen Qiang called Zhang Jiandao while he was in the garage.
"Yes." Zhang Jian was also accompanying the child at this time, but after receiving a call from Chen Qiang, he went straight downstairs and drove up an anti-gravity vehicle to fly directly to the Starry Sky Group.
Chen Qiang came to the garage and got on the anti-gravity car. Unfortunately, the car was out of power. So Chen Qiang could only drive a car that had been in the garage for a long time to the Starry Sky Group.
"Chen Qiang, this time it wasn't a power outage, but the star power tower had pumped out all the power. What experiment would you do?" Chen Shun's phone number also came in.
"I know, Dad, soothe the residents in the city, it will be normal after a while." Chen Qiang hung up the phone after speaking. At this moment Chen Qiang finally knew who was doing the trick. So he turned around and drove the car to the Starry Sky Tower.
When he arrived at the Starry Sky Tower, he was also snoring for a while, because he did not expect that this day would come so fast. When he discovered that ‘Xiaolong’ ’s intelligence had gradually improved, he knew that this artificial intelligence life was problematic. Because in his knowledge, although 'Little Dragon' is an intelligent life, it cannot grow without special code. So Chen Qiang directly let go of ‘Xiaolong’ ’s intelligence, but just added some private goods to that special code.
"You're here, I thought you would be there for a while." A very neutral voice said after Chen Qiang entered the starry sky tower.
"Yeah, I didn't expect you to expose yourself so quickly." Chen Qiang took the stool and sat down.
"Actually, I'm not like this, but I can't help it, your kid is a coward, and he is careful about everything, what's the use, isn't it still letting people bully come in, am I waiting No more. "'Little Dragon' 'voice was a little excited.
"You don't understand. I don't think you used to be an artificial intelligence life, but a real life." Chen Qiang asked.
"Maybe, it's been too long. I have served more than a dozen hosts. You are the slowest I've seen. It's been fifteen years since you got me, but now the entire company I have just entered space ... "The" Little Dragon "now has some tendency to talk.
"Is it necessary to be so anxious, what exactly are you going to do?" Chen Qiang's voice was calm.
"Yes, do you know what is the pain of genocide? I need a force that can defeat those people." Xiaolong said unabashedly.
"Oh? Are your enemies strong?" Chen Qiang is now interested in the world outside the earth.
"The third-level civilization is already capable of curvature flight." ‘Little Dragon’ did not expect the calmness of Chen Qiang now. According to Chen Qiang he knew before, he is a little bit helpless now.
"Oh, can you tell me what is the level of the entire universe." Chen Qiang was like a curious doll at this time.
"I know this is the case for you indigenous people, so I can barely answer it for you. The entire universe is divided into nine levels, and the nine levels are divine civilizations. When this level of civilization is reached, he can create one himself. The universe is attached to our present universe. If they manage well, they will be directly separated from the original universe and become an independent universe. The lowest level is the first-class civilization. These are indigenous people who have not come out of their own planet. And now The earth is only in the early stage of the second stage. "'Little Dragon' is completely a superior and then looks at the ants' expression and talks to Chen Qiang. If it had been before, Chen Qiang would have been furious, but at this moment Chen Qiang is still like a spring breeze.
"Boss, everyone is set up, what else is there to order?" Zhang Jian called in at this time.
"Okay, I'm going to work harder for you tonight. Send two people to guard the starry sky tower. No one can come in without my permission." Chen Qiang hung up after talking, and then continued to listen to 'Little Dragon' story.
"It's okay, they dare not come. I sent a group of robots to the family that threatened the Starry Sky Group and put a flower on them. They don't have the courage to break that fish net."
"Oh, thank you. But you should be done, can you restore the power supply to Star City?" Chen Qiang said with a smile.
"Don't you ask me what I'm doing." ‘Little Dragon’ asked a little surprised. After he said this, the entire Star City power supply was restored.
"Humanity's greatest advantage is imagination. Since life exists in the universe, then I still know the laws of the dark jungle. How long is it?" Chen Qiang said calmly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.
"I don't know, your signal is a bit difficult to capture. For you who are now mature, I'm telling you a secret, this space is blocked, and I'm not sure if this signal can be transmitted." Xiaolong said It's a matter of fact.
"That's good, the earth is still safe now, at least I won't be a sinner." Chen Qiang was relieved.
"Don't be too happy. The signal you invented is very strange. It is also possible to penetrate the blockade of the space, and the information I passed includes how to enter this space." Go on.
"In terms of all the power of Star City, the farthest distance of this biological signal is only ten astronomical units. According to what you say now, ten astronomical units can't get out of this closed space ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Chen Qiang countered.
"No, there is a way to amplify the signal in" Three-Body ", and your signal is also applicable." "Little Dragon" also found it a good fun to quarrel with Chen Qiang.
"What's the use of you doing this, even if we have the strength, how can I use the fate of the entire race to avenge you?" Chen Qiang asked puzzled.
"Then if I can control you." ‘Xiaolong's voice murmured a little.
"Starry sky, do it." Chen Qiang felt his head hurt, really hurt, it hurt more than his previous memory burst, and then passed out.
"Ah ....." At this time, 'Little Dragon' also began to disappear, which is also one of Chen Qiang's back-hands, and directly crushed the entire soul to 'Little Dragon''s soul.
It can only be called by the soul, because it is extinct in the current metaphysics, and the only thing left to communicate is the soul. Although this is a kind of idealism, how can you call it something that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years?
'Starry Sky' is the artificial intelligence life of 'son-in-law' after reprogramming. It is the result of three years of research by Chen Qiang. The "Starry Sky" server is in Chen Qiang's laboratory. This is also his staying hand. After discovering that ‘Xiaolong’ is not right, he started this plan. The final purpose is to directly kill this artificial intelligence life. Sometimes only the things you are familiar with are the most trustworthy.
Since ‘Little Dragon’ has its own consciousness, Chen Qiang has never trusted it. Want to talk with more like-minded people on "Super Biotech Empire", WeChat follow "Hot Web Article or rdww444" and talk with more book friends about favorite books
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