: 348 Star Bank

No one would doubt Chen Qiang's words, because the Star Group as a leader in the field of all human aerospace does not need to deceive them. So they left happily. After all, they had already got what they wanted, but the yanyan yanwang always stared at Chen Qiang when he left, but was still seen by Chen Qiang's keen eyes. But he was not at all concerned.
There are too many people who are jealous of the Starry Sky Group, and they are still not simple ones. However, under absolute strength, no one will take this risk. The electromagnetic gun above the starting station is not vegetarian, and no one will ignore his power. And Chen Qiang is too lazy to deal with these people, without this time and energy.
Sure enough, a week later, the United States directly announced the news of the airport. The purpose of establishing this airport is to allow those meteorite capture companies to have a deep space to capture the supply of meteorites. And after this order was issued, the United States took the lead in lifting the restrictions on meteorites captured by American companies, and these companies also began to take off and then began to capture meteorites.
Seeing that American companies have started to make money, some other countries' meteorite capture companies are still unable to sit still, and they have lobbied their governments and the United States to reach an agreement on the entry of air companies into the airport, which is exactly the thought of the capitalists in the United States. As a result, most countries in the world have signed a settlement agreement with the United States. Of course, some countries do not. The most representative of these is the United Nations Big Five, and these countries have also launched their own national airports.
The five space stations of Zeus in the United States, Xuanyuan in China, Tsar in Teddy Bear, Alexandria in France and Germany, and Elizabeth in the United Kingdom directly started all human spaceflight operations. Because of the simplicity of technology, various countries have begun part of the construction. In order to put the entire domestic aerospace on the right track again, these five countries have started frantically building air ports in space.
No one knows how much these countries have invested in the construction of the airport, but the airport that the United States has already invested in has begun operation. According to statistics from some organizations, the daily revenue of this airport is basically more than 10 billion US dollars. Then one year is three trillion dollars. This number is definitely a formidable number for the US government, which is now suffering economic distress and a huge government fiscal deficit. In particular, this is just beginning to settle in. If one third of the world's meteorite capture companies settle in the 'Zeus' airport in the United States, the annual revenue will exceed 20 trillion, which is equivalent to the total fiscal deficit of the United States over the years. .
No country will refuse this money, and even some rich and technological countries would like to participate, but the United Nations Big Five issued a statement that there can only be five airports in the space around 100,000 kilometers from the earth. At this moment, many countries were directly blocked, or the point of careful thinking of these countries was directly suppressed by intimidation.
This is a project that is determined to make money. No country is blind, but the five major deterrents can only watch as the money that has been handed in has left from their own hands.
Many funds in the world are now worthless. You must know that every shot made by the Star Group is hundreds of billions of dollars, and each of the meteor capture companies' calculations are calculated in tens of billions. However, this amount of money is simply not enough for the entire company's expansion. We must know that a 'Starry Sky' series of space shuttles produced by Starry Sky Group will cost 50 billion US dollars. With each takeoff plus members' salaries, nearly 100 million are needed. And if the meteorite is captured, it will also pay dividends to employees, half a hundred thousand to one million. Coupled with the price of taxes and the depreciation rate of the shuttle, basically the shuttle will cost about three billion US dollars per flight.
You know that making a billion dollars a day ago was simply an impossible problem, but now you only need the price of a meteorite. Maybe dozens of billionaires will be created in one day, so the current wealth rankings are changing rapidly. Today, the meteorite-capturing company captured a meteorite, so the company's boss's value will suddenly jump up by tens of billions, even hundreds of billions.
So now the world is very short of money, it is very short of money. However, because of the development of digital currency, this situation is not as dramatic as it appears. However, some people of insight have also discovered this problem, but now no country in the world is issuing a new currency, because the credit of each country has no way to support this market, and now precious metals can no longer be used as collateral. . Since a meteorite capture company from Pakistan captured a gold meteorite weighing tens of thousands of tons, the price of gold in the entire world has plummeted. Gold has now become an industrial item and is no longer a precious metal.
"General Manager Chen, the only person in the world with this strength to issue currency is the Starry Sky Group, so we all hope that the Starry Sky Group can set up a bank of its own and then issue a currency with a very large face value. Now the whole world needs this kind of currency. Currency. "An old man with eyes and a very formal dress said to Chen Qiang in front of himself.
"Zhang Zhengtao, and Zhang Tao, our star city, are one word behind. China ’s top economist and banker once served as the deputy governor of the State Bank of China. Once again, the president ’s competition has failed. He is now active. In the economic columns of TV stations in various countries, I said right, Zhang Lao. "Chen Qiang said, opened a folder and turned the virtual screen to the old man in front of him.
"Mr. Chen, there are things and things that do n’t just look on the surface. There are also reasons for my failure in competition, but more because I find that I ca n’t use my ability there. I hope to find a place where I can show my ability. "Zheng Zhengtao said sincerely.
"Did you find it now, Zhang Lao Xing Kong Group is not calm now, and we have no way to enter this field, the country will not let us in." Chen Qiang looked at the old man with a smile, because He didn't think the old man seemed to be comfortable with each other, as if he was trying something big.
"General Manager Chen, with the strength of Xingkong Group, do you still need to care about the rules of the country? Isn't Xingkong Group's annual flow of more than one trillion yuan a waste?" Zhang Zhengtao asked rhetorically.
"This can't be said this way, the country doesn't treat us badly, and if this bank is established, it will not have any business at all, and it will not be necessary if it is only for this trillion-dollar flow." Chen Qiang shook his head.
"General Manager Chen, the most basic condition for the birth of a consortium is to have its own currency financing channels, and now the easiest way is to set up a bank. As long as Xingkong Group sets up a bank, it will be done by a big business, that is, Loans to those who need space shuttles. Loans in the entire world are still like that now. Those with strength can get a lot, but those without strength can only get a portion. From my research, Chen always pays much attention A fair person. "Zhang Zhengtao seemed to be ready. He said that he was very well-tuned, and it also caught Chen Qiang's heart.
"I'll think about this again, wait a minute." Chen Qiang was telling the truth, so he summoned all the senior members of the Star Sky Group as soon as possible.
"What do you think of setting up your own bank?" Chen Qiang asked directly after everyone was ready.
"I agree, I have this plan for a long time, plus there are no professional talents at all, so let it go first." Mu Bing said first.
"I also agree that the amount of money in and out of our Star Group today is too large. Every time we need to make a fund transfer, we have to go to the bank to make an appointment. This has greatly reduced our work efficiency." Anderson also Said.
The remaining others also agreed that they have no reason to refuse, because the establishment of the Star Group's own bank has only advantages and no disadvantages.
"But you have forgotten that the opinion is very important, that is, what items we want to use as collateral. It can also be said that what exactly do we use to issue this currency." Chen Qiang poured a basin of cold water directly Everyone's head.
"We really don't know, this needs professional people to do it." Everyone looked at each other, none of them spoke, and finally Mu Bing said.
"Okay, I have a professional here. Let's listen to his opinions." Chen Qiang asked a secretary next to him to call Zhang Zhengtao directly.
"Hua Guo and even the world's top economists, bankers, once served as the deputy governor of the National Bank of China. Mr. Zhang, you can analyze the basis of the currency issuance by Xingkong Bio." The executive introduced Zhang Zhengtao and then said.
"Thank you, Mr. Chen, for giving me this opportunity. All the people sitting in the world are also known. I still feel a little bit sad. The Starry Sky Group is one of the greatest companies in the world. I do n’t believe there is any in the future. One. But now Star Group has a big shortcoming that it does not have its own financial institution, which shocks me. But what shocks me even more is that in the absence of a financial institution, the Star Group's finances are completely absent. Any mistakes. Maybe this is the core thing of the entire Star Group ... "Zhang Zhengtao said directly, and it was still serious.
"So I think Xingkong Group needs no collateral to issue currency at all ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Just tie this currency with various products of Xingkong Group, and now with the credit of Xingkong Group, Enough to issue currency. "Zhang Zhengtao finally made such a remark, which made everyone here surprised. Because a lot of people here thought that it was necessary to consider all aspects of currency issuance, but the result was so simple.
"But Zhang Lao, isn't it necessary to consider all factors when issuing currency, for example, the total supply and demand of current currency in the market 2, market currency turnover rate, future currency supply and demand gap, redundant currency, etc." Mu Bing has long been She had done relevant knowledge, so she asked directly.
"General Mu seems to have done research in this area, but you have forgotten one of the most important things, that is, the currency received by Starry Sky Group is not single, but there are many countries. And now it is There are many types of currency in the world, but there is no such thing as a true worldwide circulation, but the products of Star Group can be made. So we do n’t have to consider so much at all, as long as our products are unique, then we Currency has credibility. "Zhang Zhengtao is very happy now, because now it means that this matter has become a foregone conclusion. Want to chat with "Super Biotech Empire" with more like-minded people, and follow WeChat to "Hot Web Articles" or chat with more book friends
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