Chapter 417: Gene fixation

"Mom, can we not send Xiaobai away." A little girl in the base city of Chengdu in western China watched with tears in her mother's hands and the white puppy in her mother's hands.
Although her heart was broken by watching the tears in her daughter's eyes, she left the house as soon as she gritted her teeth and held the cage. Children can not understand, but as an adult, she cannot understand. Now the tallest buildings in all base cities around the world have countdowns on viral infections. It is a matter of time before animal mutations. She doesn't want to put her children in danger.
Moreover, her husband was sent to the front line to resist these mutant beasts. Now she is suffering from insomnia every night. As soon as she closes her eyes, she will dream of her husband being lifted back by the military. Although the soldiers are being treated well by the army for their mother and daughter, they are still enough to live, but the family is still complete.
This situation is constantly happening in 800 base cities around the world. During this time, the Star Group reported on the front line very frequently, especially after the North American Eastern Battlefield was completely breached. Everyone in the world understands that the Star Group is not a panacea. The future world will be a hard life, so during this time the military's recruits have been full, and no one has escaped. If someone escapes, they will be ignored by the whole city.
Not only the pets and stray animals in each base city, but also all the animals in the breeding base in each city have begun to be slaughtered. The task of all base cities is to remove all animals except humans in the base before the virus spreads to the base city. Rinse clean.
There are no people in the world who are not afraid of death, especially in the base city built by Xingkong Group. The treatment of everyone is not very low. Such a life is unimaginable even in the national era, so everyone who orders Xingkong Group is very comply with.
"Zhu Kefu, have the troops in eastern North America been sent in." Chen Qiang hurriedly entered the headquarters and asked.
"Sent here, 300,000 troops in Australia plus 700,000 newly recruited, a total of 1 million troops, and the eastern city walls have been repaired, but this kind of fueling tactics will be a bit disadvantageous for us." Zhu Kefuhui reported He hasn't slept for two days.
"What's the situation in Australia." Chen Qiang has been soaking in the laboratory for several days to solve some problems with the research institutes. Now the best way to improve human strength is to use weapons.
"Not very good. Wu Wudi took the Warrior Guild to support it. There have been three small-scale wars. The sacrifices of the Warrior Guild are very large. Basically, our three warriors can fight against mutant beasts of the same level. I The suggestion is to withdraw the Australian troops immediately, while the mutant beast is not ready for the encirclement, use the strength of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces and the Warriors Guild and the military to tear open a hole in the existing encirclement. Said Sydney, Australia above.
"Then pull it out." Chen Qiang, a place in Australia, actually didn't want to withdraw, because this place is the front line for humans to fight against mutant beasts, and as long as humans exist in Australia, they can effectively fix some mutant beasts to this place. Maybe the beasts also saw this situation, so they directly opened two battlefields, one is North America and the other is Australia.
"General Manager Chen hopes to conduct a full-scale saturation blow on the Australian mainland after the withdrawal of the army. At present, our military has a total of tens of thousands of nuclear bombs. I hope to use 5,000 to plow the entire Australian mainland fiercely." Please say.
The unanimous rejection was naturally Chen Qiang, and the second voice was Ouyang Mingyue who had just entered the military.
"Academic Ouyang, do you have anything?" Chen Qiang said in surprise.
"General Manager Chen, the latest conclusion of our mutant beast research department is that the mutant beast's cell division ability is very strong, and its mutation ability is also very strong. According to our calculations, if a nuclear bomb is used, every square meter of nuclear radiation It is possible that a mutant beast of the beast-level will be born in the region, and we humans ca n’t bear the consequences at all.
Ouyang Mingyue said, but in fact these words were told to the people in the military, and Chen Qiang had known.
"Academician Ouyang, according to biological understanding, the more complex a creature is, the more difficult it is for him to mutate. Mutant beasts are no different from humans in terms of wisdom, so their mutation should be the same as ours. Does n’t that mean that we humans can also use nuclear radiation to mutate.
The military department is about to use whatever means to resist mutant beasts, so after listening to Ouyang Mingyue ’s words, the first thing they thought of was not to bring mutations to humans after mutation. The threat is to strengthen human power.
"This method simply doesn't work. All mutations are made at the genetic level. Human genetic mutations are different from animal genetic mutations. Animal genetic mutations produce parts of genes that have never been before, while human genes It is removing some bad genes and useless genes. The simple explanation is that human mutation is returning to ancestors, and animal mutation is creating a new species. "Ouyang Mingyue explained that the idea of ​​the military department was her It was understandable, so she explained patiently.
"Ouyang, are there anything you are doing this time?" Chen Qiang saw that MacArthur and Zhu Kefu still had some questions, so he interrupted directly. He knew what questions the two would ask next, but although there was some research in this area But it wasn't very deep. It wasn't time for the announcement, so he interrupted directly.
"Oh, President Chen, we recently discovered a mechanism that can restrain the evolution of mutant beasts. We need an extremely large mutation area. I hope the military side can cooperate with us to block Australia again for this experiment." Ouyang Mingyue walked over the virtual map and blocked the entire Australian continent with a red line.
"What, to curb the evolution of mutant beasts, and what is the effect." Before Chen Qiang asked it, Zhu Kefu first asked that the eyes of everyone in the entire headquarters were focused on Ouyang Mingyue, which is a desperate situation for human beings. hope.
"At present, it is only the first generation ~ ~ The principle is to directly fix the genes in the mutant beast, but the time is only up to six months. As the strength of the mutant beast increases, the effect becomes weaker, and the fixation is too Too fragile. If the mutant beast is subjected to strong energy in a certain period of time, the fixation of this gene will collapse. "Ouyang Mingyue used his virtual bracelet to release the entire process in the form of animation, introducing.
"It's enough for half a year, Mr. Chen. I hope this medicine can be produced on a large scale. I want to talk about this medicine spreading to every land in the world." Zhu Kefu and MacArthur were a little bit impatient and asked for it quickly. .
"Ouyang, is there any side effect of this drug?" Chen Qiang asked calmly, saying in Ouyang Mingyue that he would block the entire Australian continent and knew that this matter was not that simple.
"It does have side effects. This medicine also works for humans, and the effect is greater than that of mutant animals. If the genes in the human body are fixed, the energy required to break through this shackle again is three times that of mutant animals of the same level. This level of energy is impossible for the human body. "Ouyang Mingyue said uneasily.
"Then conduct experiments from Australia and North America, especially the Amazon. The military side sends out dragon teeth to form a circle, and cleans the high-level mutant beasts in these places. The mutant beast's body is thrown in place and not brought back. "Chen Qiang looked at the map and drew a red circle in South America.
"Yes." Everyone was excited, because these two places are the places where the highest-level mutant beasts are the most. Of course, the ocean is removed. At least Chen Qiang cannot spray this medicine in the ocean. At that point, it means that human beings intend to end up with mutant beasts.
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