Chapter 741: Entry and layout

"Pharaoh, come back alive. I will invite you to drink." Because of its strength and ability, the eight Emperor Wu Zong of Mingzhu Aerospace were only selected one of the first batch of personnel, that is Wang Wuzong. . This once adventurer, and also the first adventurer, his life experience has run through the Empire's history of fighting the mutant beast almost all these years. Later, he retired because of physical and practical reasons. This time, he was found and hired by Mingzhu Aerospace. There is also a reason to be idle. After all, a person who has been killed in the battlefield for a long time suddenly becomes idle. Then people will feel at a loss. You will feel this way when you fill your schedule.
At this time, Pharaoh was full of longing. He was yearning for the battlefield. He longed for the feeling of squatting in the grass for many days for a task. The fighting skills had become his instinct, and the memory of the muscular woman had been completely formed. For this time to go to the Zerg planet, he is full of expectations, that is, he can die in battle, so that he will be fulfilled in his life, so he actively participated in various military training, plus it was originally a hunter. Status, has rich experience, so the military was selected as the first batch of personnel on the planet Zerg.
Qi Ling personally practiced for these thousand people, because he knew that if these people were one to stand in front, it would be the most dangerous. If these people sacrifice hugely, then the related plans will be adjusted. If these people sacrifice not too much behind the Wu Zongqiang, they can enter the planet. In his mind, of course, he hoped that this time the operation was smooth, and he also used his own rights to do a little for these people, so that these people can smoothly return and complete their tasks.
At this time, a team of Wuzong strongmen began to distribute the virus this time to the 1,500 people. The virus was installed in a specific container and a password was required to unlock it. This password was already served. The brain of the center is distributed to the intelligence of these people's spacecraft. It will only be displayed after the spacecraft has completely entered the Zerg planet and will be intelligently sent to the parties' bracelets.
"Departure." Qilin ordered more than 1,500 spaceships at the mooring port to slowly take off, and then slowly formed a fleet outside the service center to fly to the Zerg planet. These ships did not just enter the Zerg planet. 1,500 spacecraft, as well as the military's fleet, rescue fleet, and supply fleet. These fleets will establish a temporary station on the periphery of the Zerg planet to serve these people entering and leaving the Zerg planet. At this time, the remote service center has become the forefinger of the military. At this time, many of the military's staff officers are busy to provide some necessary support to these 1,500 people.
Because the Zerg planet is quite strange, the atmosphere is quite thick and the surface seems to have a layer of black matter, coupled with the powerful gravity environment of the planet, the military lacks a powerful monitoring method. And this time, after entering the Zerg planet, these personnel also have the task of installing the latest and improved bio-information communication equipment around the world, so that the military can always grasp the situation inside the Zerg planet. "It is reported that at present, all 1,500 people have entered the planet. They have now descended to an altitude of 20,000 meters and started to rush to various places."
Because the entire communication system has not yet been set up, Qilin can only stare at some rough virtual maps and then watch the red dots on it move. As for the other information, it is a bit blind. After hearing this report, Qilin's heart was also relieved. The ten channels were opened up by the military with a lot of manpower and material resources, but there are still some dangers. After all, the Zerg planet is too weird. The military did not find a completely non-dangerous channel by using the computing power of the starry sky. This is also because the data provided is too little, and the starry sky does not help.
"Dabai, scan the surrounding terrain, look for the highest point and prepare to land." Pharaoh said at this time, he was excited. After leaving the passage, he chose a direction and then flew quickly. After flying for a while, he lowered the altitude and Speed, this is mainly to test the number of Zerg around. Fortunately, not many zerg have been found along the way, but Pharaoh has not lowered his alertness.
Because he only knew about the Zerg in writing, and did n’t really see it, so he chose a peak for the landing place this time, so that he could dash up to 20,000 meters at the fastest speed after encountering danger. High altitude. For this, his experience as a hunter tells him that this is useful. Of course, if he is facing a mutant beast, then he will choose the position that is most likely to hide, but the Zerg does not know much at all, so he can only choose rigid.
Pharaoh wore the second-generation Suzaku mech, and after some improvements, especially a strong upgrade in power, this is also some suggestions given by his many years of experience, that is, as fast as possible Quickly, the odds will be bigger when you flee in this way. So after reaching the destination, he stepped out of the spacecraft directly, and quickly dropped on the peak of the mountain with a box, and then mounted a special piece of equipment in the box on it, and used a kind of A special solution was poured around.
This special liquid is a substance extracted from the bodies of these Zergs and can drive away the surrounding Zergs into this area. The purpose of this course is of course to protect the bio-information communication equipment. After all, although these equipment have reduced the metal parts as much as possible, most of the material does not exist on the planet, so it is easy to cause the zerg bites.
After doing all this, Pharaoh opened his virtual bracelet ~ ~ and then shocked a file and started to load it slowly. This file is the code to start the pass device. Only if this code is injected into the instrument, then the receiving department located in the expedition service center can receive the signals emitted by this instrument and connect with other equipment under the command of the agency above the service center to build in this part of the area A local area network.
"Hey, Mr. Wang, can you hear me?" With the activation of communication equipment, the military command department of the service center also received the signal sent by this point.
"Yes, let me talk about anything." For this step, Pharaoh didn't know how many times he had been trained, so he was very familiar with turning on the communication equipment on Suzaku and asking.
"There is a Zerg's lair five kilometers in front of you. The number is about 1,500. As for the shape, it looks like a grasshopper on our side. According to analysis, it may have the function of flying. Therefore, the military recommends that you Evacuation. "The liaison spoke very quickly, but he was very clear that these people were selected soldiers and received a long training to serve them well. Martial arts strongmen who live on the blade.
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