Chapter 778: Return and counterattack

"What? Tang Caiyan, they have news. The news must be inaccurate?" Chen Qiang stood up from his chair immediately after hearing Lei Yuan's report, and asked inconceivably. In his mind, these people have already died. As the earliest person who knew alien civilization and had the most contact with aliens, he knew the danger of deep space. And there is no introduction at all about the information that the earth can reach at this time, which indicates that the builder of this channel may be a super civilization.
Lei Yuan is equally excited, because the war has reached this point, and many people in the headquarters doubt that it is worth it to sacrifice so much. Now with this result again, everything will become very worthy, and all the voices of opposition of the military will disappear directly. After all, there are results now. If you object again, you will be right with the empire and the military.
"I'm going to the Zerg planet, and I'll leave it to you here. Logistical work must be done well, and this time I used to bring a group of soldiers in the past, and see if I can engulf the Zerg in the Linxing Basin. Outside. "King Chen Qiang commanded as he walked outside. As for the group of troops he said were the 'Dragon' Army, now there are 8,637 people in the entire Army, all of whom have entered the realm of Emperor Wu. And in terms of combat experience and the other emperors, it is much richer. There are no problems with these people who first destroy the strong Zerg, and then cooperate with the ground forces to kill most Zerg This plan is entirely feasible.
"Yes, I'll arrange a worm-type warship to take you there." Lei Yuan speeded up and disappeared at the end of the passage.
The news that the first or second batch of personnel was about to return was soon passed to the ears of everyone in the Empire who was concerned about this matter, and many people began to gather together to discuss some things. Compared to the previous meetings, all of this party were old guys, and many people were struggling. Because their bodies are so badly broken, there is no way to repair them immediately, even if they reach the emperor's realm, they can only slowly support them. But in the face of this party, they still worked tirelessly to join in, they were afraid that the juniors would mess up.
In this area of ​​the Linxing Basin, a large number of people have already established a line of defense at this time. The Emperor Wuhuang, who is wearing various armors, is also surrounding this area to defend against the imminent danger. At the edge of the area, a group of professors couldn't help looking at something beside an instrument, and couldn't hold anything in their mouths. Faced with the countdown was about to end, everyone's hearts were raised, the Emperors began to prepare to kill, and the researchers looked at the open space with emotion.
A pillar of light slowly covered the entire Linxing Basin, and everyone who saw this situation understood that this was the call to teleport. It's just that I'm a little accustomed to seeing this column of light on the periphery of the Zerg planet, because the beam did not penetrate the atmosphere of the Zerg planet, but stopped growing when it reached 23,000 kilometers, and caused a lot of scientific research. Some people are puzzled that the diameter of this beam of light is shrinking. However, Hu Yuanji and others at the center of the beam of light did not understand this situation, and they did not understand it by heart. Everyone watched this happen intently. They wanted to truly understand some technical theories of cross-space transmission through this transmission.
But when these scientists saw the figure slowly forming in the beam of light, everyone was silent. Because this situation is very similar to particle teleportation, that is to say that when people are transmitted, they are broken into particles and then transmitted, and they are assembled when they reach their destination. This is somewhat unacceptable to human beings. This is challenging human ethical concepts. After all, no one knows whether the person who transmitted them is a combination of their previous bodies.
Compared to the silence of scientists and the incredible Emperor Wuhuang, the tension in their hearts was relaxed after seeing hundreds of people who were completely teleported, and they were already very exhausted at this time. This is the present One problem for human beings is inadequate mental power, unless someone has cultivated mental power specifically. But at present there are not too many exercises on the earth that can cultivate spiritual power. Each one is like a heirloom. This is why it is somewhat weaker than other Emperors of the 'Long' Army. After all, not every Emperor of the Emperor has access to the most primitive techniques.
"Teacher, are you okay?" Tang Caiyan, like a child, asked with tears in his arms.
Hu Yuanji is obviously a bit uncomfortable, but he has treated this woman as his own child over the years, so he slowly stroked his armored head and said, "Tough work, just come back, just come back."
"Professor, since you are all back, it would be better for us to go indoors. This is really not a good place to talk." At this time, a major general of the military advised.
"Okay, let's go indoor." Hu Yuanji quickly let go of his disciples.
This major general is named Bai Yajiang, a child of the Bai family, and a powerful hypnotherapist. He was once famous for hypnotizing a strong king of the king of martial arts ~ ~ As for which martial arts king was hypnotized The peak strong is Bai's, but this can also prove that his strength is quite good. At this time it was sent by the military to understand the situation at the end of some of the transmission devices, and his role was to determine whether these confessed things were somewhat concealed.
At the moment when the beam of light appeared, the Zerg's offense stopped offensively in a sharp call. I don't know if these Zerg were playing a mysterious idea, but the soldiers knew that they could rest a bit above the line. Just when the soldiers on the various defense lines were planning to take a break, the order appeared in everyone's communication bracelet: immediately rest in place to replenish energy, ready to counterattack in twelve hours. "
All the soldiers on the command line were uproar, but there was not much chaos under the suppression of the officers, but these officers began to contact their superiors one after another to ask what was going on. After they heard that the news was issued by His Majesty the Emperor, everyone did not ask again, and faithfully executed the order. This situation mainly stems from the army's worship of Chen Qiang, a phenomenon that was abolished at the beginning of the establishment of the army, and became a hidden rule in the army after the war in Australia.
So the troops above the line of defense began to rest, supplementing ammunition, ammunition, recruiting recruits. Their sole purpose was to give the highest spirit in the next counterattack and fight for such a long time. Their hearts have long been filled with humiliation, and now the Emperor takes them back to attack, and no one wants to miss them.
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