Chapter 809: Big construction

The empire has 338 years, and three years have passed. During these three years, great changes have taken place in all aspects of the empire. Of course, the biggest change is the terminal star. The population of the terminal star has exceeded 5 billion. The population of the entire empire also exceeded 30 billion. Of course, the population of the entire star field controlled by the empire is still very small, but the population growth rate is increasing with the increase of the base number. According to the current population growth rate, the number of humans will exceed 50 billion in about 100 years. It will pass the 100 billion mark in five hundred years.
The large population means a large number of consumer markets. In addition, major commercial groups have begun to build their own group headquarters on the commercial side and intend to expand deep into the sky. Therefore, the products on the market are updating rapidly, especially some. Products with higher profits are full of flowers.
All kinds of medical treatments and cultivation medicines of Xingkong Biological, various IoT appliances of Xiaomi Group, and anti-gravity flying vehicles of major aircraft companies are all things that people now need. Although these things are still in an absolutely dominant position, with the support of all aspects of the empire by some capable challengers, their current products are also very popular.
"How about, to what extent is the planet of our Baidu headquarters building?" Baidu, as the empire's largest artificial intelligence factory software and service company, is quite powerful, and there are almost no competitors in this field. However, Li Yan, the company's chief executive, has been transforming the company. From the founding of the first aerospace company to the subsequent Mars University and later pharmaceutical companies, it can be said that it is fully blooming.
"The first phase of the project may take three earth months, or about 100 days." A very elegant man reported that if it was not a brand on his chest, no one would know that this is the chief engineer of the planet construction of Baidu headquarters. .
Li Yan was very anxious at this time. In recent years, he has worked hard to allow the company to squeeze into the first-class level in all aspects. This time is a good opportunity for Baidu to enter the construction of space buildings. As long as the construction of the headquarters planet is complete, there will be A large number of orders came, so he ordered: "If you can speed it up, speed it up, and don't worry about the issue of funds."
"Okay, if there are three shifts, the construction can be completed in about fifty days."
Space architecture is a brand new field. There are currently tens of thousands of companies in this field, but not many really master the technology. Tianfeng Building is regarded as one, while Pearl Building is regarded as two thirds, and the remaining construction companies affiliated to large groups such as Star Building can only be counted as half. Therefore, there are not many companies that have the ability to build the headquarters planet at present, and most of them need to outsource construction. At present, Tianfeng Construction has already contracted the construction of ten planet headquarters, and the Pearl construction contracted seven, and there are almost three or four company headquarters planets to be built, and Li Yan is targeting this order.
To transform a meteorite with a diameter of one thousand kilometers into a human-habitable planet requires about one trillion dollars. Of course, these companies do not have the strength to build such a planet, and even if they have the strength, there is no one around the planet like the sun. Stellar's transformation is in vain.
However, human beings can always come up with a good way, that is to use nuclear fusion to build an artificial sun on the periphery of the planet. This technology is actually very difficult, but because of a space shuttle upgrade, we saw hope. Later, the unexpectedly discovered technology was purchased by the Mingzhu Group and Tianfeng Construction jointly, and then researched into an artificial sun.
The principle is also very simple, that is, nuclear fusion is continuously performed in a closed space, and then the light generated by these fusion reactions is scattered into the universe. Of course, nuclear fusion will generate very powerful energy every time. This kind of energy is currently inaccessible to all human materials, but an independent space can withstand the impact of this energy.
This independent space is generated by a space shuttle device, but the generation of each space device requires the space shuttle device on a 'worm' type warship to be scrapped. Therefore, at present, only one artificial sun is built in the commercial sector, and There are only thirty-three planets that can be built around this artificial sun, and the best locations are only seven. These seven positions were occupied by the military and the empire, and the remaining five were all divided up by the major business families. Of course, everyone took out real money.
That's why Li Yan is aiming at the planet to build this industry, and he is not afraid of getting orders. As long as you get two orders like this, it will be a profit, not to mention that there are still eleven positions that have not yet been built.
Of course, it's not just Baidu that has this idea. Other companies are starting to think about it. Even small and medium-sized companies with incomplete technology have begun to join together to undertake the construction of these places. After all, no one can afford the money.
Although the business leaders did not have the strong support of the empire, but because of the large amount of funds gathered here, many people came to the gold rush, and this gradually formed a market. Coupled with word-of-mouth after more and more gold-seekers return home ~ ~ This place has become a place of wealth for many people.
However, because there is not a large number of population restrictions on business empires, not everyone can go.
Of course, humans always have no shortage of ghost ideas, because the human business alliance and the empire have concluded a deal. That is, all companies that intend to build their own corporate headquarters in the business sector cannot be restricted, especially if their employees are willing to go to the business sector. You must let go.
Therefore, many companies start to provide insurance for those who want to enter the business collar, that is, recruiting them to become employees of the company, but they do not pay wages. As for the corresponding insurance and payment of various expenses, they also need to pay for themselves, and also need to pay Pay the company a lot of money.
Although this is a bit suspect of stealing money, many people have become one of them, which has caused considerable confusion in the business community, and even some imperial prisoners have begun to escape here.
However, after the empire strengthened the inspection of the space gate teleporters on the expedition planet, the transfer of fugitives became rare. As for the people who want to enter the business empire, it is natural to open their eyes and close their eyes. The empire now wants half of the world's population to go to the business side.
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