Chapter 500: Give me a name (below)

How did the colonel Liu’s personally hand over the people to the intelligence department? He also specifically asked the general assembly person to call, knowing that Guo Tailai also reported to the military when he ordered the Xia'an tactical company, and was approved by the superior. can
Yes, these reports are also good, and they are not allowed to be published. Otherwise, people know that Guo Tailai needs the approval of the domestic military to do things. After that, Guo Tailai is definitely unable to move abroad.
Although many people hope that Guo Tailai is good at staying in China, Guo Tailai's foreign things are not much smaller than those in China. Some people are not limited to one place. Guo Tailai is obviously the case. Let him honestly stay in a domestic research institute, can Guo Tailai make so many results? Shit! Just enter the unit honestly and start from the office handyman!
Guo Tai is very reasonable. Since you can't directly issue a letter for Guo Tailai to explain, then there must be some practical actions to solve it? Can the state let the people who have been contributing to the country still bear the life of a traitor? In particular, this reputation is still not as good as Guo Tailai's outstanding people in some respects. If this matter becomes the norm, who else will contribute to the country in the future? This
It’s not just for Guo Tailai’s personal affairs. If the generations of the sages are in the mainstream, how can we develop in this country? "
I can only help you report it to you. Colonel Liu is no longer insisting on anything, but this is obviously not something he can do, he can only report to his superiors. Even the Secretary may not be able to take the lead, and he must report to the higher-level leaders.
"Working hard, Uncle Liu." Guo Tailai smiled and thanked Colonel Liu. "
Test car, are you going to make two more red flags? Colonel Liu asked curiously, even if it is a report, you have to understand some specific situations!"
Liu Shu, I am also a slightly famous car designer? Guo Tailai smiled bitterly: "Retest with the old model, isn't that a face?" ""
What time is this going to design a trendy model? Colonel Liu asked with a smile.

Not new.
Guo Tailai replied:
The absolute rules and regulations will definitely not make people feel unconventional. And practically better than the big red flag.

That's good. Colonel Liu completely believed that Guo Tai’s words were no longer asked. However, Guo Tai’s practicality is better than that of the Dahongqi. The colonel Liu is very curious, but obviously there is no need to ask more questions at this time, and I will definitely know it later. give
The car used by the leaders, all the production and assembly process must be supervised by the Central Guard Bureau. On this point, Colonel Liu did not worry about anything. After confirming the meaning of Guo Tailai, Colonel Liu rushed back to the unit and went to the higher level. report. One
The security department of a design institute wants to take away the police from Guo Tailai from the airport. The nature of this matter is very serious. This is not a mistake in handling a case, but a crime!
It is hard to imagine that, in the new century, there are people in government organizations who always feel that they are official lords. They are right to do what they do. It is a big mistake for the small people to resist. When several people were exposed by Guo Tailai as a fake public security national security, there was no worry at all. It seems that this kind of thing is just a trivial little thing. Isn't it borrowing the name of the public security Guoan? They are all brothers and they are all state cadres. Is this also a matter?
This incident caused not only the Central Security Bureau was pretending to be the person to shoot the table, the general assembly of Guoan and the public security department, all of them were furious. When the class was in the morning, the director of the institute was taken away from the office. .
The whole case was vigorous and vigorous, and the director of the institute had already explained the things that he had been arrogantly arranged when he was drinking and chatting with several people. Guo Tailai and Colonel Liu had a lunch and they were less than in the afternoon. All of those people were taken back to the National Security Bureau. After some trials, they all explained the fact that they were dissatisfied with the status quo and complained about their achievements. its
One of them, but there is no picture, and behind him is a cadre of a medical system. The people who investigated the case were also polite and won. "
Fat man, why don't you tell me about this? After Zhao Wei learned the news from the military channel, he called the first time to complain about Guo Tailai.
Sister, they all dare to say that they are the Central Guard Bureau. Of course, I will send them directly to Liu Shu. Anyway, Liu Shu will definitely pursue this. I don’t need your sister to pressure from other sources. . Guo Tailai smiled and explained to Zhao Wei: "If everything goes to let your sister go out, people will say that my beloved sister is a matter of mother." ""
hate! Zhao Wei heard Guo Tai’s three words of love, and the smile on his face flew to Guo Tailai along the wireless signal.
After Dao Guotai came to nothing, Zhao Wei was relieved. She didn't worry about the outcome of the matter. At that time, there were already conclusions. Some people came up to find things. Is this the eye for the leaders who made the decision at that time?
"You have been honestly staying in the country for a while." Out of this kind of thing, Guo Tailai's best way to deal with it is not to be high-profile and not publicity. Zhao Wei also let Guo Tailai be honest: "Is that big customer service good? This big customer earns How much is it?"
"Already served." Guo Tailai replied in a painstaking tone: "Add up to 500 million before and after, earn some hard money!"
Guo Tailai said pitifully that he earned some hard money, and Zhao sighed directly to the phone. After hanging up the phone, Zhao Wei only screamed and laughed. She could imagine the slightly small expression of Guo Tailai's speech, and she was happy for her beloved fat man.
The academician of the Korean academic school is mainly about the anti-elasticity of the double-layer graphene. As for the superconducting properties, it is still only theoretical research. It is an academic matter. Guo Tailai did not continue to disturb the research of the Korean academician. Instead, I went to Professor Ma, the professor who studied supercapacitors. He said that there are still some technical problems that need Guo Tai to help solve.
"Mr. Ma, is it possible to continue where the card is?" Professor Ma has already had preliminary research results, but he was stuck when he was further experimenting. After Guo Tailai came over, there was no more nonsense. .
"The sample can't be processed." Professor Ma is not polite with Guo Tai. The money is Guo Tailai's investment. The delay of one minute is a waste of Guo Tailai's investment for a minute. Facing Guo Tailai, he directly said his difficulties.
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