Chapter 530: Diving (below)

There is no anchor, the depth here is unknown, and Guo Tailai does not want to destroy the things inside, so it is for several crew members to fix several iron rings on the reef in three directions and then fix the yacht on the blue hole water with rope. of. Although the effects of tides and currents in the inner circle of the island reef are relatively small, this will not push the yacht away because of the slight waves.
Whether it is diving or surveying, it will take a few days. The boat is enough to support everyone here for a few days. And the new seawater desalination equipment is enough to supplement the fresh water for everyone to take a shower.
After a simple break, everyone immediately began a lucrative preparation. The sonar scanning device, counting plumbs, diving signal lines with vivid color numbers, etc., and James is also preparing underwater cameras. The temperature here is very suitable, the weather is also calm and sunny, it is the most suitable place for diving.
Guo Tailai and James didn't even wear wetsuits. They couldn't wait to swim for a few laps. Can't help but say that the bright sunshine, the clear waters, the luxury yachts, and the beautiful women like the sisters are simply the perfect life that everyone dreams of.
Li Xiaochao is not like the crazy fascination of diving like Guo Tailai and James. He prefers to fish on the yacht. There are also many fish in the shallow sea around the island reef. It is also wonderful to go fishing with inflatable rafters. At this point, Captain Li, who is a little older, is consistent with his hobbies, and the two can quite talk about it.
The sister also walked in the swimsuit for a few laps. Those who don't know Zhao's identity, looking at Zhao Wei's perfect slender figure, will never think of the power contained in this seemingly delicate body. Only General Li knows a little. Zhao Wei is in that special base. His physical strength and strength have always been among the best in the special warfare battalion.
The crew, including Guo Tailai’s security staff, are professional, and James can see this. Just look at their skilled debugging diving equipment, you can see the preliminary preparation work, and I am very satisfied with Guo Tailai's arrangement.
"James, free diving, than one?" After a few laps to adapt to the water temperature and environment here, Guo Tailai challenged James.
"Ha! Challenge me? Are you sure? I am an expert!" James looked at Guo Tailai's fat belly. Haha laughed and accepted Guo Tailai's challenge: "Let's come over! Want me to let you two meters?"
James is indeed a diving expert. This guy used to be very crazy. After receiving the care of Guo Tailai, his physical condition was never better. Plus, he has paid more attention to maintenance in recent times. Now he is in very good condition and feels very good. The fat Guo Tailai is a good way to relax and relax.
Free diving means not carrying a gas cylinder, but only by adjusting the abdominal breathing breath as much as possible to dive. Some people also call it naked diving. Of course, there are many competitions for real free diving. There are indoor projects, usually in the pool, the game has a squat or innocent swimming distance, or a static closed time. There are outdoor projects, in the sea or lake, the depth of the game dive, usually divided into constant weight, flawless, constant weight, rope climbing, variable weight dive, and unlimited dive.
Guo Tailai and James certainly don’t have so many rules. Now they are playing, so the two are on the spot and agree on the sea. They are always dive in the air, no tools are available (except for swimming goggles), and they don’t rely on any ropes. And equipment to generate propulsion, this is also the most difficult free diving project.
The two chatted with each other and the others were not so relaxed. The two female security guards and a crew member dive into the diving suit to a certain depth so that they can rescue the two at any time. This is a security measure, so as not to cause problems because of play. Of course, in addition to security measures, they also took underwater shooting equipment, ready to photograph Guo Tailai and James.
"Prepare! Start!" With the announcement of Zhao Wei, Guo Tailai and James took a deep breath and then slammed each other.
After Zhao’s order, he followed closely, taking a deep breath, and his arm stroked into the water.
Guo Tailai's body is hypertrophy, and the buoyancy of the water is greater. In this respect, he has a disadvantage compared to the well-proportioned James, so he has to use auxiliary movements at the beginning, using both hands and feet, in a breaststroke posture with a big head down. Dive all the way down.
However, Guo Tailai's action at this moment is definitely not good-looking. The standard is the standard. How can the bulging big belly look like a fat cockroach? James only followed the dive for five or six meters, and was directly laughed at by Guo Tailai's action. After a burst of mouth and nose bubbling, he had to hurry up and float in the direction, so as not to drown.
In the clear blue hole seawater, Guo Tailai did not control James's movements, but only gave him a and continued to dive. Not far from here, there is a security wearing a wetsuit with an underwater camera kept shooting, waiting for rescue.
There is more than one person around, and Guo Tailai does not need to turn his head to know that this is the sister. Can't talk and communicate in the water, Guo Tailai just gestured for her with a gesture, and the two dive at the same time.
In one breath, he dive forty meters along the mark of the guide rope. When Guo Tailai took the diving limit for the first dive, Guo Tailai stopped and went hand-in-hand with the sister, and made a gesture for the security of the camera. Let him Take a photo with two people.
James dive again after breathing a few breaths in the sea, but he stopped just 30 meters. When it comes to physical fitness, James can't compare with Guo Tailai and Zhao Wei. He can only adapt to a certain depth first, then slowly dive again.
The first game should be Guo Tailai and Zhao Wei won. In the sea, James still had to rush to Guo Tailai to lose a thumb: "I was teased by your actions, and will not let you next time."
Everyone is happy and ready to dive again. On the far side of the sea, a fishing boat passed by the island reef and saw the situation here. Someone actually played on the Dragon Cave? At the same time, the ship’s boss was surprised, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t even look at it. Life is important. The people who open the fishing boat can be completely different from those who open luxury yachts.
"Li Gong, is there any result in the sonar detection? How deep?" Floating on the sea, Guo Tailai did not forget to ask a engineer who operated the sonar equipment. It is also one of the important tasks.

It is now possible to determine that it is more than 250 meters.
Li Gongfei replied quickly:
The specific depth needs further measurement, but it is certain that this is a deeper ocean blue hole than the deepest blue hole that has been found in the world. ""
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