Chapter 655: Purpose (below)

It was illegal to hear Guo Tai, and the worried eyes of the sisters immediately swept over. Guo Tailai looked up and gave the sister a reassuring smile.
"This is the case! The child has no mother, and it is long!" Guo Tailai took another sip of coffee before he rushed to the general and asked: "Don't you remember that I also recruited three submarine experts in Europe?"
The general was nodding and everyone else nodded. This matter is not too small, it will be Guo Tailai's fanfare worldwide recruitment results only recruited three small fish caused him to be laughed at by the world, the network is very noisy. However, no one knows that these Ukrainian experts can come to China to work for Guo Tailai, and they are related to one of the Ukrainian experts.
Everyone in the room knew the situation at the time, so when Guo Tailai asked, everyone nodded.
"There is a Ukrainian expert." Guo Tailai really mentioned the Ukrainian expert: "He also came to China, and he worked in the design company."
The people still nod, but they are also very confused, legal and illegal, what is the relationship with the Ukrainian expert?
"At first I just hired it. He provided some news. I gave him some bonuses." Guo Tailai went on to say: "But a few months later, because of certain things, I gave him five million euros. He took him and The family has immigrated to Europe."
Both the generals and Zhao Wei knew that the Ukrainian experts came to China. The general couldn’t help but ask: "Is it so much because of a message?"
"Obviously not." Guo Tailai smiled and said: "But there is just a piece of information about the new high-strength alloy that was just completed in the study of the former Soviet Union but has not yet been reported. The source I did not pursue, but after the sample test I was very interested, so I bought it."
No need to say anything about Guo Tailai, everyone can already understand what kind of performance of Guotai's high-strength alloy. No wonder Guo Tailai did not specialize in it!
"This material is the property of the former Soviet Union. After the disintegration, it should also be the property of a research institution in a disintegrated country." Guo Tailai said with a smile: "But I have low consciousness and I don't plan to go back and follow the formal introduction." The technical process goes through, so from the normal company management, this material is not legal, this sale can not open the invoice, there is no way to write."

Five million euros, will it be too expensive?
asked the teacher’s timely opening. She knew that the two generals were not good enough to ask.

Not expensive.
Guo Tailai replied with a smile:
The performance is very good. If we are going to invest in research, it will not be worth the investment of tens of millions of dollars in a few years. It is worth it.

"Then don't worry that the money can't be used for it." General Yan smiled. "List the material properties. If appropriate, we have domestic manufacturers to reimburse you."
"That's good! But, Uncle Uncle, are you sure you can reimburse without an invoice?" Guo Tailai exaggeratedly presented a look that was overjoyed, causing the two generals to point at him and shake his head and laugh.
"We bought a new material recipe and process from your company. Of course, your company gave invoices. How can there be no invoice?" After the generals shook their heads, they laughed directly: "Remember to open a VAT ticket! The company is also tax-deductible."
If you are joking, let everyone laugh, and the atmosphere will be more harmonious. The material of the bun is solved one more, and there is one more technical reserve. There is no reason to be unhappy! The coffee is also good and the taste is very satisfying.
"Right, He Shushu, if you have to think that this plane with a rotating rotor is complicated, you can also make a traditional helicopter." Guo Tailai thought for a moment, still reminded: "The engine power is there anyway, the two engines are juxtaposed. Can't compare with the big guy of Mi-26, but it can still be done smaller than that big guy. There is no helicopter with such a load level in China, it is definitely needed. Don't consider the fuel consumption too much, I The biggest feature of that turbine is that it is fuel efficient."
"This is what you really said." He General nodded and said: "Really, the engine has this heart, and other things are really simple. Xiao Zhao, the engine research is now the main one. What's the question?"
"Lifespan." Zhao Yufei quickly replied: "The crux is mainly due to a few points. First, the formulation and process of certain key materials are not yet mastered. We can only use the second-class. Second, our research. After all, people started late in this area, and some designs know it, but they don’t know why, they don’t know the theory, they lack the knowledge to solve problems flexibly in the design process. In addition, there is one biggest problem is production management and skilled workers.

"The last point, talk about it carefully." He General, a glimpse, immediately directed.

Strict assessments have led companies to dare not try newer technologies and are more willing to undertake some more assured production tasks.
Zhao Wei is responsible for arranging all aspects of domestic military technology in the final assembly, plus the research team directly responsible for this engine. Process assessment, so I know a lot of things: "And some research institutes research the process, the laboratory works well, but in the factory, the engineering effect due to various reasons is not ideal."
"The implementation of the standardized production management system is not strict enough, the technical workers do not follow the results of the regulations, resulting in low yield." Zhao Wei can only raise the problems he found, but she does not have the authority to solve the problem, and she is a technical staff, also It is not a manager who cannot solve these management problems:
Some skilled workers have low responsibility and quality and cannot strictly enforce high standards of production procedures.

"There is, the skilled workers can't work for the mechanics for a long time." Zhao Yan sighed and said: "It is easy to train a high-level technical worker. As a result, it is no longer a promotion to do the management position of the workshop director. In the first-line production, they will either move to a private company with higher salary."
This last problem is very serious. More sophisticated tools, more advanced technology, and finally someone has to implement. If even people can't stay, what kind of production is still talking about? Highly educated people are not willing to be workers. Those with low education do not care about strict production regulations. If you are not careful, some people will be lazy. If they are too strict, they will change jobs. Is it so worth the salary? Is it worth the serious and responsible dedication?
In short, when the last two generals left, they were filled with sorrow. However, I have already seen hope and saw the problem. Is it still far from solving the problem?
"Fatty." When the two generals left, the sister-in-law’s curious rushing Guo Tailai asked: "You hope that the country will immediately invest in the development of counterfeit ospreys or heavy-duty helicopters. Why?"
"Nothing." Guo Tailai knows that he is not a teacher, but he explained: "I am not looking forward to war. I hope that once there is a natural disaster in China, we can also transport some heavy equipment in time and transport the wounded out. I can't look at it."
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