Chapter 729: Market feedback (on)

The market is the fastest feedback. The press conference of the US frontline command has not ended yet. The global stock market has started to rise sharply. The US dollar has also begun to rebound briefly. The global oil price has fallen.
Less than an hour after the end of the press conference, the Nikkei 225 index rose by 321,11 points, calculated in points, the largest single-day gain this year. The South Korean Seoul Composite Index rose 1.99%, and the Singapore Straits Times Index rose 0.89%.
Then, European stock markets opened up more than 1%, Germany's DAX index rose 0.91%, Paris CAC40 rose 0.80%, and the London Financial Times Index rose 0.63%. In the US stock market, the Dow Jones index rose 0.64% and the Nasdaq index rose 0.84%.
In terms of oil prices, international crude oil prices fell more than 2.5% within a few hours, which is in full compliance with expectations.
This victory is very gratifying, it can be said to be inspiring, countless financial investors look at the rising stock market and falling oil prices laughing.
The US military will have the upper hand in the short term and there are major positive news. This is beyond doubt. Therefore, the investment direction of all parties is optimistic about the US military. However, the global stock price rose, while the oil price fell, it was also the time when the wealthy clubs of the Treasure Ship Club began to close their positions and short-selling the stock market.
This is an established investment strategy. Everyone has not even met again afterwards. It is very tacit to start liquidation ten hours after the news is released.
No one thinks that this is wrong. According to the analysis of senior experts on Wall Street, the feedback from this good news in the market may not last long. After all, Iraq is still resisting, and no whole army has laid down its weapons.
Analysts generally believe that the killing of Saddam’s father and son is a big step in the good situation in Iraq, but this does not mean that peace has arrived. Citibank’s chief foreign exchange strategist announced that he would not be
if Saddam’s father and son were killed and the good news did not last for 12 hours in the financial market. There are quite a few similar analyses, which are full of TV and Internet and financial analysis professional newspapers.
"These people are good at the level!" Guo Tailai did not understand finance, but did not prevent him from seeing these news that these people are high. People can predict that the good news will not last long, and they don’t know how much they earned.
"Boss, the interviews of these people are arranged by the club's people." Lin Jiayi looked at Guo Tailai's look at the situation without knowing the situation and couldn't help but laugh: "Analysis is their analysis, but propaganda is behind the promotion. ""
"Why are you so troublesome?" Guo Tailai asked inexplicably.
"In order to fully cover up our investment in the stock market to make a lot of oil prices under good news." Lin Jiayi has already issued instructions for her investment team in the US and Europe, and is still waiting for feedback, so bear the temper To Guo Tailai explained: "In fact, the opposite analysis is also there, but when someone questions it, we can say that we have adopted the opinions of these analysts, instead of knowing certain situations in advance."
"Well, you play slowly!" Guo Tailai did not interfere with Lin Jiayi's work, just curiosity.
The carnival brought by the US military’s good news of killing Saddam’s father and son did not last for twenty-four hours. In the twentieth hour, the voices of Saddam’s father and son appeared on a radio station, mocking The US Iraqi frontline command was really unsuccessful, and it was unscrupulous to release unrealistic news in front of people all over the world.
The Iraqi national television tower has been blown up. The picture is of course impossible to broadcast from the TV station, but the voice is true. After expert analysis, it is the possibility of Saddam’s own son and his son Uday and Cousse’s voice. The is over 90%. Although the radio was blown up immediately after ten minutes, the looped recordings have been played four or five times.
For a time, the frontline command of the US military was caught in an embarrassing situation. The spokesperson explained to the outside world that the recording was fake and was recorded after the recording. However, the spokesperson could not explain why the speech contained the precise location of the attacked place. Under the reporters' questioning, the spokesperson could only yell at the next one, the next one, and the embarrassment and embarrassment.
If this is not the exact evidence, then three hours later, a video broadcast by Al Jazeera once again proves that the news released by the frontline command of the US military is indeed a false news, Saddam and Udaiku. The plug appeared in the camera at the same time. It accurately stated the location of the attack by the cruise missile. It also said the contents of the press conference of the US frontline command yesterday. Can you say that it is a fake?
At the same time as the front line commander was overwhelmed, the disaster was not alone, and one of the most unexpected situations happened.
Previously, because the reporter station of the Al Jazeera stationed in Baghdad, which was captured and killed in the United States, had been accidentally bombed by the US military, it had already caused an uproar in the world. It was only a few days before, Al Jazeera was easy to find and already The new reporter station that the US military reported here, this time it happened to be blown up again and again.
When the news came out, the world was once again in vain.
This time it is not an aircraft bomb, nor a cruise missile. It may be a stray bullet. However, this timing is also too coincidental. On the front foot of Al Jazeera, the video of Saddam’s father and son was just played. The hind-foot cannonball fell on the head. You said it was a coincidence? Who is the letter?
It happened so coincidentally that even Guo Tailai did not believe that the US military would do this kind of thing. Can't they fall twice in the same pit? But the problem is that the timing is too big, and most ordinary people do not believe what the US frontline commander said.
People of insight certainly know that this is unlikely, but most ordinary people do not think so! It’s really that the US military has too many misdeeds in this respect. It has been bombarded by the Chinese Embassy a few years ago. It has been bombarded by a peninsula station in Baghdad station station some time ago. With so many previous records, this time it’s fried again, not who you are. ? Still want to mislead the people? The yellow mud falls in the crotch, and it’s not awkward.
The previous press conference said that Saddam Hussein and his son Uday had been killed. So many earth-bombing bombs and cruise missiles were used. As a result, people lived well, broadcast and video broadcast, and the US military front line command. It’s a joke, and it’s a lie that their spokespersons brag about it at the press conference.
The story of the wolf is the fairy tale recorded by Aesop's fables. Most people in the world have read or heard it since childhood. Since the US military has lied once, then it is said that it is not the reporter station that you bombed. Is this the same or a lie? How do you let everyone believe?
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