Chapter 760: Americans' plans (on)

"Fat, are you okay?" The sister's phone was a little slower than Xiaofen's. "The phone number of the embassy staff has already reached the card's office."
"I'm fine!" Guo Tailai replied quickly: "Don't worry."
Several countries have reacted quickly and the country is not slow. Maybe other countries are just some big people who care about Guo Tailai can continue to give them care, I am afraid that only the country is really worried about their accident.
"Do you still need to go in the future?" The sister is worried about this. Everyone knows that the card colonel had made an air disaster very early. She really didn't want her fat man to be counted by the card.
"Don't go!" Guo Tailai knew what the sister was worried about and gave her a guarantee directly: "Never go!"
Anyway, the nursing of the colonel card has been completed, and I want to do it later, let them go to Switzerland, Guo Tailai will definitely not go to Libya again. Since the Libyan National Museum has no upgrade clues, I am afraid that there will be no other places.

What to do next?
asked the sister.
Is it time to return to China? Mr. Zhang and Mr. Gao went to the dispute and will not find you.

"I will go to the United States again." Guo Tailai also did not conceal the sister, directly replied: "The artisan company has a little attention over there, and the "Terminator 3" premiered in August, I will come back after the premiere. Next estimate I have to stay in the country all the time."
"You are careful." The sister shouted. It is safer to go to the United States now than to Libya.
It’s really convenient to have a private jet, and you can travel as long as you leave. What's more convenient is that the BBJ2 has a maximum range of more than 10,000 kilometers and can be used to fly almost anywhere you want.
"Hey, G, I heard that you went to Libya?" Chu Fei was running propaganda, so it was James and Anne who came to meet Guo Tailai. James, this guy, when he met, he was excited and asked: "Is the card colonel so crazy?"
"An ordinary customer, you want more." Guo Tailai responded with a smile.
"It's good to be safe anyway." James doesn't care what the facts are, as long as Guo Tailai is safe, everything else doesn't matter.
Compared to James's casual, Anne was calmer and smiled and greeted the boss.
"God" has officially entered the post-production stage. James is also busy with his feet. After receiving Guo Tailai, he directly went to the special effects studio and threw Guo Tailai to Annie. .
The artisan company is all right, and the copyright in the copyright library has not been let go. At this point, Anne can be said to be a good manager. Before, she did not have strong financial support. Now that Guo Tailai is standing behind her, Anne can finally show her strengths. She was originally a good producer, and she has a keen instinct for the market. From the ability to grasp the overall situation, she is much stronger than James who is obsessed with shooting and technology.
"The release of "God of the Gods" has been finalized, and we are jointly released by our artisans and Time Warner and the 20th Century Fox." Anne reported in detail in the office: "Only after the completion of the post-production, the stage will be announced. In addition, From the copyright and script library, we have found a number of scripts with investment potential, and we have revised and improved them one after another.
"These are experts, you are responsible." Guo Tai looked at the scripts selected by Annie. There are several future sales, such as "Smiths", such as the pile of copyrights of Marvel, all of which are money. !
"We have suspended the "Puncher" project." Anne went on to report: "The Hulk's box office is not particularly ideal, so we intend to let go and wait for the opportunity."

Guo Tailai nodded.
These superheroes of Marvel can be put aside.

Anne seems to know Guo Tailai's thoughts on Marvel, nodded, this is what she meant. The focus of this year is definitely the ex-husband James's "God", a big project of 300 million US dollars, not paying attention!
Speaking of the pile of superhero copyrights of Marvel, Guo Tailai remembered Marvel. After listening to Anne's work report, Guo Tailai also called MJ's phone and asked him about the timing of the acquisition of Marvel.
"You still need to wait." MJ has Li Laozi, this is not the internal response. It is very familiar with the situation of Marvel: "They have not yet reached the point where they have been exhausted, they can still borrow money, and they are still relying on loans." After a while, at the latest next year, when the bank is lending, I am afraid they will not be able to hold it. It is a good time for us to take the shot, and we don’t have to spend as much money as planned. 100 million can buy it."
"If you have any news or need, you can contact my assistant." Guo Tailai told MJ: "Time to grasp yourself, if necessary, make more money, don't kill a little bit, it is the key to retain the right talent."
In Beverly Hills, Guo Tailai also bought a luxury house, Chu Fei lived during this time. Guo Tailai did not say hello to her before coming this time and wanted to give her a surprise.
In fact, Chu Fei was indeed surprised by the sudden attack of Guo Fatzi.
When she finished the recording of a program and sat in the exhausted back to the mansion of Mulholland Road, she found that there were a lot more security personnel and a happy time in her heart. When the car stopped, Chu Fei came down to see a familiar face, which is the security guard who often followed Guo Tailai.
"Fat!" Chu Fei, who was ecstatic, almost rushed into the door, regardless of whether he was wearing a dozen centimeters of high heels, and the speed was fast.
When I entered the door, I saw Guo Tailai, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room and smiling. I didn’t want to, and Chu Fei went straight to the front of Guo Tailai’s arms. The impact of running immediately pushed Guo Tailai down on the sofa, and Chu Fei also became a ride on Guo Tailai.
After a long, deep kiss, Chu Fei’s exhaustion was swept away, and the body was happy except happy.
"How long can I stay here this time?" In Guo Tailai's arms, Chu Fei asked the unexpectedly rushing Guo Tailai.
"Go to the premiere of your movie." Guo Tailai replied with a smile: "The last "Resident Evil" did not catch up with your movie premiere, this time must be added."
Chu Fei listened to her own fat man, could not help but sent a kiss.
"Fat, I plan to promote the film, after the end of the fall fashion week, I will be a fashion brand." Chu Fei once again leaned back on Guo Tailai's chest and said softly: "How do you feel?"
"It's very good! Isn't that what you always wanted to do?" Guo Tailai said with a smile: "You have to be a fashion brand, I just have a gift for you."
"What?" Chu Fei came to interest.

A commercial real estate in Oxford Street, London.
Guo Tailai smiled at his sister’s girlfriend:
It’s just a flagship store for your brand.

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