Chapter 770: Unexpected gift (below)

The content of the text message is very simple, that is, prompting to receive the mail, you can see it at a glance.
However, this mobile phone number is a strange number, and there is no such thing as a strange number. People can't figure it out.
However, Guo Tailai changed his face. Some of the nano-robots in the body quickly simulated a computer, connected to the Internet, and logged into a foreign ordinary free mailbox.
Unsurprisingly, a bunch of advertising information in the free mailbox is all spam.
But the top one is like a bank bill.
This mailbox is reserved for Guo Tailai by Cousse to remind him of some of his operations in the future.
Now that Cousy’s identity is completely undetectable, no one knows what Cousse has become.
But Guo Tailai believes that one of the few big capitals that Lin Jiayi said in his mouth must be him.
Guo Tailai was not sure yet, but now I received this message and received this email. Guo Tailai has been able to completely conclude that the two funds that have been withdrawn from Lin Jiayi must have his funds.
Now he is still a newcomer in financial operations. Even if he has more money, he can't wrestle with Wall Street's predators. So he should be the same mind as Guo Tailai. While revenge and bid farewell to his original identity, he will make a small profit. Practice hands.
He is not greedy, but he also accepts it when he is in good shape. Maybe he still sees Guo Tailai’s funds withdrawing, so he follows with ease.
The email was interpreted by Guo Tailai and showed a latitude and longitude coordinate.
This coordinate position is not far away, just in the territory of China, in the South China Sea, near Qiongdao, but there is a sea on the map, there is no island, I don't know what to say about leaving this coordinate position.
Since I can't guess, Guo Tailai will not guess. I will know it in the past.
The telephone informs the captain of the high-speed yacht to drive the yacht to Qiongdao Lucheng, and he will first put the car on the end.
Of course, one more thing is to inform Uncle Chu to come over and settle the gains of these days.
Chu Xiong was on the phone the next day to come to Gusu, and came with Deng Auntie. In fact, there is a suite reserved for the couple at the Treasure Ship Hotel, which can be stayed at any time.
The Chuxiong couple of the Treasure Ship Hotel came for the first time and were very satisfied with the room that Guo Tailai arranged for them.
After a careful lap around the hotel, I ate lunch with Guo Tailai, and I listened to Lin Jiayi’s report in the conference room of the suite.
To be honest, when Chuxiong first attended the Baohui Club meeting, it was really a little scared.
What these people discussed is actually the national hardships of the United States?
It’s terrible! However, despite the shock, he managed to raise a large amount of cash, converted into dollars, and joined the investment team.
Chuxiong does not have professional talents in international finance, and the team is still immature. Therefore, this fund is entrusted to Guo Tailai's investment team to operate. It is a simpler operation to invest with Guo Tailai and concentrate funds.
In less than a week, the short-term operation here is completed, and Chuxiong is also very much looking forward to it.
Before he knew that this fund would have a profit of almost 5 percent in a few days, 5 percent of the 500 million US dollars, 25 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 200 million yuan, what else is there? satisfied?
The income of Taihua Group Real Estate is even faster, and it is impossible to earn 200 million in less than a week.
However, when Chu Xiong heard Lin Jiayi’s initial report of the investment income during the week, a bang in his ear blew directly and almost fainted.
"How many?"
Chu Xiong directly screamed out of his voice and could not believe his ears.
He is also a person who has seen big money, but he still feels amazed.
Chu Xiong is so, the same Aunt Deng is not good to go anywhere, the whole person is awkward.
The performance of the two is as surprising and incomprehensible as when Guo Tailai heard the figures of the proceeds.
"The $500 million principal, this operation has gained a total of $1.88 billion in revenue."
Lin Jiayi calmly reported the benefits Chu Xiong should receive: "The investment yield is 37.6%, equivalent to RMB 1.554 billion.
Excluding 5 percent of the handling fee, the net income is 1.76 billion US dollars.

I won't get it wrong this time. If I am so detailed, I will not be mistaken.
However, how can it be so much?
Isn't it only about 5 percent yield?
Facing Chuxiong's doubts, Lin Jiayi smiled and explained her operation to Chuxiong.
After listening to the Chuxiong couple, it was a sudden realization, but this is really a bit too high, right?
By earning more than 1.5 billion yuan in real estate, Chu Xiong used at least three years or more to develop a large-scale residential area of ​​at least 30 or 40 buildings. After the purchase of land and construction costs, all of them were sold at normal market prices. It is possible to earn.
This construction period may take at least two years.
Moreover, it is also necessary to invest a large amount of money and a large amount of loans, and the profit earned is almost 40%.
However, it takes at least three years from now. Lin Jiayi’s five-day time in this area is not enough for a week. It directly takes back 40% of the proceeds. This efficiency is too high, right?
"Xiao Guo, Auntie, I took the liberty to ask, how much did your club members earn this time?"
Aunt Deng returned to God and couldn’t help but speak.
She really didn't want to know how much money Guo Tailai had, just wanted to know the income of this treasure boat club investment.
"Everyone's rate of return should be similar."
Guo Tailai smiled and said: "But we are more careful. If we are good, we will accept it. If we withdraw, we will still have a wait-and-see attitude. The income may be higher, but the risk is higher."
"It’s still safe to drop the bag safely."
Aunt Deng did not envy the high income of those people. In this way, she felt that it was really terrible.
Taihua Group's real estate is still a step-by-step operation. It has never experienced such a ferocious means of making money. It can't help but persuade: "You can't be too greedy, you can't just ponder the money, or you have to do business." !"
Guo Tailai nodded, Chu Xiong was nodding.
At home, although Aunt Deng did not go to work, it was absolutely enviable.
However, Chu Xiong really realized the strength of the members of the Baosteel Club this time, and he was very happy to be in this circle. He is already much higher than many domestic businessmen.
In a common saying, at least it has already had an international perspective, and is no longer just staring at this small circle in China.
The Chuxiong couple were sent away, and the high-speed yacht has already arrived at Lucheng.
Guo Tailai took the sister and the private plane flew directly to Lucheng.
He wants to go to the sea to see, at that coordinate position, what the guy left behind for himself.
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