Chapter 849: Gossip (on)

"Fat, how is the 3D printing technology of the turboshaft engine researched by the company?" While eating with Guo Tailai, Zhao Yanyan also asked about the technology being developed by Zhengyifang Technology: "The two test engines performed well, and now we need more More engines for further testing. "
Since a few years ago, the military has not directly monitored the research and development progress of Zhengyifang Technology. Everything is directly understood from the management side of Zhengyifang Technology. Of course, several shareholders can receive project progress reports and financial statements every quarter, and they want to know and can know at any time. In this way, it fully expresses the importance and respect for the justice square technology.
"If it is simply the 3D printing technology of the high-alloy alloy developed by the company, it should have been barely successful." Guo Tailai will pay attention to the progress of the project every week, and he still knows how to control the progress of the project: "But you It is also known that the cost of that high-alloy alloy is too high. If you use this alloy directly, it may cost a lot of money even with technical materials. Now it is a little simpler for titanium alloy 3d printing. The company ’s testing has been completed. Wait to turn the laboratory product into a formal product. "
The new high-alloy alloy was developed by the material project team of Zhengyifang Technology. Because the temperature is extremely high, reaching 1,800 degrees Celsius, it is impossible to print directly with molten liquid metal. The company's printing project team also adopted the recommendations of the material project team. On the basis of the laser selection melting of titanium alloy printing, some other technologies were added to realize the 3D printing of this high thorium alloy.
In fact, this laser selective melting 3d printer can not only create the company's high-rhenium alloy, but also print titanium alloy. However, there are some differences in the machining accuracy of the workpiece. If you want large workpieces, the accuracy of 3d printing is relatively low. If precision workpieces are desired, the size must be reduced a lot. This is also normal, technical limitations, and there is no good way to break for the time being. Of course, as research progresses, these may be overcome.
"Really?" Zhao Yanyan asked just that, but did not expect to get a positive answer. Anyway, she only produced test machines. She thought that Guo Tai was needed to build two more engines, but she did not expect to get such good news.
"It was only completed in the laboratory environment." Guo Tailai could not help but remind Zhao Yanyan: "There is still a long way to go before industrial production. You know the criteria for the success of the justice square technology project."
Among the justice science and technology, there is a rule that makes General Chu hate it, that is, the material process needs to complete the process. The research on this processing technology also needs to be able to standardize production, so now only the laboratory has completed the test, and it is far from reaching the project success standards set by Zhengyifang Technology. But precisely because of this strict rule, the technology that Justice Square Technology has brought out every time has never disappointed everyone.
"Awesome!" The sister couldn't help but pinch Guo Tailai's neck, and kissed him fiercely: "This is another Spring Festival gift?"
"If you have to say it, that's it!" Guo Tai nodded with a smile.
Anyway, Guo Tai is here, and the two helicopter project teams that Sister is now responsible for do not have to worry about not having a suitable engine. Rarely can we get together in Beijing, and naturally we need another intimacy.
"Fat, you didn't come up with a weapon design for the whole year last year." After the intimacy, the sister softly lay on Guo Tailai's chest and slowly said this sentence.
Since the design of scar and hk416 was released in 2003, Guo Tailai basically did not come up with a light weapon design. If you have to talk about military affairs, there was a predator military vehicle last year, and there were almost no other military affairs. This is completely different from the design that can be taken out one after another every year. This year, there is no new weapon, which surprised and disappointed a few generals who were used to it.
"What other design is needed?" Guo Tailai also smiled bitterly: "Is there all kinds of categories? There is no domestic need for short-term replacement, what's the point of doing so many repetitive designs? Besides, it's like a lithography machine Like ultra-high-precision machine tools, this industry is not my own business. And you know, I have offended many people. "
In light weapons, pistols, assault rifles, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, light machine guns, Gatling, and even sniper grenade launchers and special strong crossbows are also available. There are everything for ordinary soldiers and special forces, really It can be said that all kinds are available. In addition to a few special equipment, there are many options for pistols, automatic rifles, and sniper rifles. It can be said that Guo Tailai has basically completed the design of all types of light weapons.
Of course, the military likes Guo Tailai's beautiful and fast-working designer. However, as Guo Tailai said, in the past few years, Guo Tailai has not given others a chance to perform, which is actually very criticized. Because this country has been troubled more than once, but only by the military to press it. Although Guo Tailai himself did not say, he also knew that he was not a good image in the eyes of some people.
Anyway, what should be taken is also available, Guo Tailai does not need to kill all his peers, and things cannot be done too well. This industry is really not alone. Recently, Guo Tailai is also reflecting on whether he should continue to sharpen the mirror honestly, not various blending.
"Then you don't design weapons in the future?" Of course, the sister knew what Guo Tailai had faced, and she understood Guo Tailai's choice very well. In fact, when asked by her superiors, she already answered the superiors for Guo Tailai for the same reason.
"Why? Is it something you want to know above, or is there someone else?" Listening to the sister's faint question, Guo Tailai immediately sensitively realized that there must be some problems, and he quickly asked: Isn't it so unfriendly? "
Those who know the details are senior military generals. How could they have any opinions on Guo Tailai because of this? Guo Tailai firmly believes that there must be other people who have opinions. But Guo Tailai is also very strange. When designing a weapon yourself, some people have opinions. If you don't design weapons, there are still people who have opinions? This is too hard to serve, right?
"It was the problem caused by the structural color m200 sniper rifle you made." Zhao Yanyan also did not conceal it and said what she knew: "There are a few gift guns in the front, not the Military Institute, but someone else. Gossiping. "
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