Chapter 926: Shipping gifts and gossip three

Chapter 926 Transporting Gifts and Gossip III
However, people who eat melons will never think of why Liangtang has become light on this issue. However, several stars have guessed, such as Mai Mai, such as mj and so on. Most of the justices of the Justice Square also guessed the same. Knowing that Liang Tang had spent a few months in Huaxia before taking a break with a rest, everyone basically knew it.
In particular, many people know that Liang Tang has been living in Baochuan Hotel in the late period, not to mention, Tie Ding and Guo Tai cannot be separated.
No one who knows knows what to say, and at most when they meet with Liang Tang, they greet each other with a smile and never mention the treasure ship hotel.
Liang Tang's height can be solved, what else can't be solved? Moreover, everyone knows that Guo Tailai's youthful treatment can make a person 20 years younger. It is not a big problem to maintain the youth in appearance. It can greatly extend his acting career. Guo Tailai has only one person, and too many people definitely serve But come. Why should this limited resource be known to others?
Ordinary people who eat melon don't even need to know, as long as they let them know that the soup they like or hate is starting to hack themselves, and they can attract or repel some fans, this is enough.
Liang Tang will not explain too much, until later on various occasions slowly let those paparazzi find out that they have grown tall, and surprised them to doubt that life is the most correct way. This will jump out and say that they have lengthened their height by cosmetic surgery. That is the most stupid. It is most appropriate to surprise them without knowing the truth.
Of course, the beautiful soup powder and beautiful soup black people all over the world also joined this entertainment feast. When each was boiling against the sky, Guo Tailai reluctantly boarded the helicopter to Zhengding Airport with Mi Feifei.
He couldn't figure it out. Why should he go by himself for such a simple thing as delivery? But not only Mi Feifei, but even Lin Jiayi persuaded him that there might be some moths in Ukraine. It would be good to take a trip to see. Anyway, he stays in Gusu and works, so he might as well go out to relax.
That is, Lin Jiayi and Mi Feifei coaxed him together. Guo Tailai nodded reluctantly, just take it easy! Instead of persuasion, I am afraid that no one except Persian and Chu Fei could persuade Guo Tai to come.
The helicopter landed and stopped right next to the huge An 225. Compared with the huge transport aircraft, the Teana helicopter is small and insignificant, just like the smallest smart car and the largest container freight car. The comparison is too obvious.
"I haven't seen the internal structure of An 225, otherwise, let's go in and see?" Mr. Mi accompanied Guo Tai to stand next to the giant object, and it was also a moment of emotion.
This thing is too big, it is so amazing that such a giant iron goblet can fly up. You can imagine that the technological strength of the Soviet Union at that time was really terrible.
"Go, take a look." Guo Tailai was not particularly curious about the structure of An 225. He had already seen it at the Paris Air Show that year, and he had also understood the structure. What is curious now is only Mr. Mi. Since Mi Feifei wants to see, it doesn't matter if Guo Tai comes to see her. Is it the aircraft I rented?
The rear of An 225 does not have a tail gate that can also be used as an unloading ramp. Unlike An 124, there is only a "lift cover" cargo hatch door that can be opened and opened. In the past, Mr. Mi simply negotiated, and the cargo door opened and opened.
Guo Tailai casually accompanied Mr. Mi into the huge cargo bay of An 225 and suddenly saw a person who should not have appeared here.
"Surprise!" Paul, who should be waiting for his Christmas present in the United States, actually appeared in this huge cargo hold. He smiled at Guo Tai and raised his hands to greet him, hugging Guo Tai.
Guo Tai came for a while and hugged with Paul, and suddenly realized what he was, and asked Paul fiercely, "Is MiG 29 delivered?"
Before Paul answered, Guo Tailai had also seen two non-standard containers in the cargo hold. One was more than 18 meters in length and the other seemed to be more standard.
While talking, countless nano-robots have penetrated into the container and saw the fuselage of the MiG-29 wrapped with wings removed. No need to ask, there must be wings in the other container. Sure enough, it was his own gift.
No wonder the emphasis has always been on letting Guo Tai come in person! That turned out to be the case. Guo Tailai should have thought of it himself. When the plane came from Ukraine, it must have been the MiG fighter that came by himself. Paul can definitely afford this cost, and Antonov can earn a freight on the way, absolutely happy.
"Mr. Mi, did you already know?" Guo Tai turned around in surprise and asked Mi Feifei. Because Feifei and Fifi can get confused, Mr. Mi is strictly forbidden to call himself Feifei, only let him call him Mr. Mi.
Mi Feifei tried to persuade Guo Tailai to come here in Gusu. If she didn't know, she would not believe Guo Tailai. Not only Mi Feifei, Lin Jiayi must also be an insider. The two of them even took the initiative to conceal without telling the truth.
"Just to give you a surprise!" Mi Feifei also smiled on the face with the same splendor. There are not many opportunities to see Guo Tailai's surprise expression, now I see it.
"G! Do you like this Christmas gift?" Seeing Guo Tai leaping cheerfully to the front of the container and trying to open it, Paul asked Guo Tai with a smile.
"Ha! I like it so much!" Guo Tailai did not hide his joy: "Paul, thank you so much!"
"You're welcome! G!" Paul smiled happily and politely: "I also like the Christmas gift you prepared for me, we're evened out!"
Guo Tai came to rent An 225 in order to send a small batch of helicopters to Finn and Paul. They purposely rushed before Christmas, just as a Christmas gift. Now everyone has his own Christmas present.
"That's right! One more thing." Paul continued with a smile and said, "Next summer you can live in Malibu's Freedom City, and it's no problem to make a movie."
This MiG 29 was designed by Guo Tailai for the Free City of Iron Man's residence built in Malibu. Paul said that the villa should be under construction or even completed. The calculation time is almost the same. It seems that when Iron Man shoots, real-time shooting can be done without cg production.
Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the Iron Man Tower to start construction, and it will not be completed next year, otherwise real-world shooting is also possible. But by the time of the Avengers, it should be almost the same.
"These don't let engineers move around randomly." Looking at the two large containers, Guo Tailai flashed an expectant smile on his face: "I want to assemble it myself!"
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