Chapter 932: Can't pit the boss (Part 1)

Things come first and come later. No matter what Mr. Cao brought people to do, Guo Tailai had to finish his work first.
The big lens test is still placed in the front, and the back is all from the family. Wait for a few foreigners to leave.
Before going to the tower test, we must first measure it in the studio.
Guo Tailai personally accompanied the four people from the project team to the studio to start the test.
It is needless to say that the people at the Huaxia Observatory measured it carefully, but he did not favor it, but started from the perspective of the project.
The result is good, he is also very happy, frequently thumbs up.
The same is true for another staff member who supports Mr. T's manual work. They support Guo Tailai, but they do not reach the point of blind support.
Science is a matter of seeking truth from facts, so although they support it, the inspection and testing are very strict, which is also what it should be.
However, the other two guys who came over to test were a bit picky.
From the beginning of entering the studio, I have been constantly looking for the ballast. I will say that the temperature control is not strict, and I will say that the measurement tool is not qualified. In short, I just want to find an excuse to make trouble. I wish I could put this extremely professional high-precision processing studio Degraded into a garbage room.
After a short while, the two had not officially started testing, they had found more than a dozen places that they thought were not ideal, and specifically pointed out that in addition to large lenses in the studio, there were actually adjacent workbenches. The other processed parts are actually a super-run ceramic engine that has been processed but not yet delivered, but they feel that the processing debris of these things will definitely affect the accuracy of the lens. Anyway, it is a lot of dissatisfaction.
In the studio of the world-famous Mr. T, pointing Jiangshan to rebuke Fang Qi, it also feels indescribably comfortable.
What about you as a world celebrity?
This lens is qualified or not. Are we still in charge?
After all, it is still a discriminatory mentality.
On the one hand, Guo Tai came here in less than a quarter of the time that even Americans might not be able to do in eight years. This made a group of arrogant people always think they were the world. How can the first guys endure?
On the other hand, Mr. T, who only uses primitive and simple manual work, can also be compared with modern high-tech processing equipment?
If someone can accomplish this kind of high-precision work with a file of sandpaper, what more investment is needed in precision processing equipment?
If Guo Tai came to pass, where would they put their faces?
What about the processing company they support?
Both of them put forward a lot of opinions. One of them opposed it, but it was still a matter of fact. After all, I understand how the working environment is picky, and finally I have to see whether the finished lens can meet the project requirements.
Another older guy, Adams, seems to have some hatred. Before seeing the effect on the test tower, he would like to declare that the lenses made by Guo Tailai were not qualified on the spot.
"I can only say that I am very sorry for Mr. Adams's unprofessional performance."
Guo Tailai is so easy to speak?
So many world-renowned big men have never been so arrogant in front of Guo Tailai. This guy, who is known for his scientific research but does not respect the facts, is also worth respecting Guo Tailai?
Adams snorted directly at Guo Tailai's words: "You said I am not professional?
I am a professor at the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysics Center at Harvard University. The Large Magellanic Telescope Project is mainly responsible for our Harvard University, Carnegie Observatory and Smithsonian Astrophysical Station. We are not professional. Who else will be more professional? "
"I have to remind you very seriously, Professor Adams."
Guo Tailai didn't care about his identity, he just sat and said indifferently: "No matter how powerful an astronomer is, it is not always possible to manually produce a smallest screw.
Since processing and manufacturing are not your majors, you only need to do the part of the job you are good at, and don't point fingers in areas you don't understand.
If you do not have professional processing and testing knowledge, I suggest that your project team can come over with someone who understands a little bit.
Like Mr. George. "
Adams is an astronomer, so as long as he goes to the test tower to test whether the reflection of the mirror can meet the standard according to the standard procedure, it is not a nonsense to accuse the environment and tools and the objects placed in the studio processing place.
Could an astronomer tell the processing person how to arrange their processing environment to make the lens they require?
In the final analysis, it is just unreasonable.
George is the one who was opposed to the past but still considered a matter-of-fact. He does not speak now, but only waits to see the final result on the test tower.
Anyway, the smallpox in the early stage said that the test tower failed to pass.
Ten thousand mistakes were picked out in the front, but the tower test is fully qualified and it is qualified.
Picking the wrong one is just subconsciously thinking that there is a problem with the management of the processing equipment and the process, so maybe the result will also be problematic. The typical procedure is correct thinking, but at least he has not directly reached a conclusion and is still waiting for the final test.
"Ha! I don't have professional testing knowledge?"
Adams smiled angrily. As a professor in the astronomical physics center, how dare this Mr. T say that he does not understand professional knowledge?
How much naive can this be said?
"I suggest you wait for the phone first."
Guo Tailai sat there, smiling at Adams with a smile and reminded: "This will help you make some more professional and calm judgments."
Guo Tailai didn't even care about Adams' anxiety and corruption. Such a person with a prejudice in his heart, Guo Tailai was too lazy to persevere.
Really thought Guo Tailai was the kind of party B who did not hesitate to bow down to please Party A?
Still pick it up?
"what phone?"
What calls will there be at this time?
Adams didn't understand what Guo Tailai was talking about. This Mr. T was a bit inexplicable, right?
"Your boss's phone."
Guo Tailai still answered with a smile.
"my boss?"
Adams was still shocked. He was a university professor and not a part-time worker. Where did the boss come from?
"The person or people who paid for the project."
Guo Tailai briefly reminded Adams: "You are a university professor, I think you must understand some simple truths.
For example, do you think the investors in this project of the Large Magellanic Telescope plan are willing to support you desperately, or are they willing to support me in order to save several years of processing time for each lens and the additional investment that must be paid for this? "
As if it was cooperating with Guo Tailai, Guo Tailai's voice just fell, and Adams' phone rang very accurately.
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