Chapter 981: Making money and gifts (below)

During this time, Lin Jiayi's operation really earned a lot, even more than the previous plan.
The higher yields than others benefited from the fact that several tycoons in the banking industry allowed her to use spare funds totaling no more than $10 billion at any time to cover positions. These funds for making up positions are non-collateralized and are all provided on Guo Tailai's face. Of course, most of the time you don’t need to move, but you can fill it in whenever you need it. The premise is that these financial operations must be opened and operated in their bank.
All of them are allies. Everyone knows about the later operations, and there is no problem of non-disclosure, so Lin Jiayi accepted this condition decisively and received an additional deposit.
Several tycoons know the ability of Guo Tailai, so this is just to provide an opportunity for Lin Jiayi to use most of his funds to invest without worrying about liquidation, and can put in a batch of reserve funds that he prepared before. In this way, Lin Jiayi directly invested more than 20 billion US dollars, plus leveraged funds, only earned 60%, which is already very careful for Lin Jiayi's operation.
However, compared with those predators, this money is really worth mentioning. Under the turbulent financial tsunami, several super crocodiles were hidden underwater, swallowing some small fish and shrimps in groups, and Mr. Madoff, who was making waves on the sea, seemed to be a large bait. The funds that have been attracted have become a great meal for underwater predators.
No, Guo Tailai and Chu Fei just embraced each other while enjoying an extremely wanton romantic excitement lying on the hill of 10 billion dollar bills, new news came from the United States, and S&P lowered its secondary Mortgage bond rating, the global financial market has been volatile.
Starting in February, every few months during these months, there will be shocks. Guo Tailai has been numb since the shocks. But in the financial world, this kind of shock is a gluttonous meal for a few people, but for another group of most people, it may be a disaster. Some people around the world have begun to play trapeze.
Although he didn’t know the exact number of his own fat people, Chu Fei still cares about the box office of Transformers. This is an affirmation of her career, of course, we must pay attention to it. After sticking with the fat guy for more than a day, after nourishing the body, and recuperating the spirit, Chu Fei immediately set off again and threw himself into the propaganda.
Now Chu Fei has become the representative of the Chinese female star in Hollywood, with a perfect face and perfect figure, or the heroine of Transformers. Even though she plays an American, the domestic audience recognizes it! Wherever he went, the popularity was beyond imagination, and a stock house frenzy immediately set off.
In just ten days, Transformers rushed through the domestic box office of 260 million. According to media and theater manager speculation, this is the most likely to break the Titanic’s domestic record. This number is more than that of Guo Tailai's future dream.
Another week later, news came again from the financial markets that Bear Stearns’ hedge fund was on the verge of disintegrating, and it was shocking again. Guo Tailai was too lazy to listen to this news, and the shocks were not new.
But there is no way. Lin Jiayi has been working very hard recently. He has been busy almost all day without rest. Guo Tailai must force her to take a good rest in her arms for two or three days, and give her full body care to solve the hidden dangers.
These news are all said when eating together. Mi Feifei listened as a gossip that stimulated her spirit. She was busy with her feet every day. The bigger the company, the more her work.
No, Mr. Mi just relocated the group company and several related subsidiaries to the Iron Man Building in the past two days and straightened out the work. Now the focus of her work is that mobile phone design company, trying to fully occupy the market when 3G rolls out.
When she went deeper in her work, Mi Feifei discovered that Christina had acquired so many patents related to mobile phones and communications in advance, which made her overjoyed, and she was more confident in this respect. There is also good news one after another from Justice Square Technology, and every technological breakthrough will allow her to seize more firsthand.
Perhaps every small shock in the market is a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars for Guo Tailai, but Guo Tailai now suddenly finds that he is still in a state of mind, and he does not care at all. I really am a noble person who is rich and incapable of obscenity! However, several technological breakthroughs of Zhengfangfang Technology made him very satisfied, and he can make some fun things.
Just before the August 1st Army Day, Guo Tailai called her sister. Usually the phone is constant, but it can only complain to the heart through the line, but this time, Guo Tailai has reason to see the sister again.
"Sister, there is a small gift for you." Guo Tailai was very straightforward when he called, and the goods in his hand were different: "I will send it to you or you come to get it?"
"Wait for me!" Sister Sister knew that Guo Tailai had something again. Without saying anything, let Guo Tailai wait.
Guo Tailai's things have always been given high priority in the final assembly. Within three hours after Guo Tailai made the phone call, Sister took a Tiangang helicopter to fly from Beijing and landed directly on the edge of the airport hangar.
Entering the secret hangar, where no one else can see, Guo Tailai held her sister in her arms and tasted her lips first. The elder sister also forgot to cooperate with each other, and it took a while to separate.
"What's the gift?" After a simple intimacy, Sister asked without forgetting the business.
"Isn't there just another two models of carbon fiber production technology research done recently?" Guo Tailai took the sister's hand and replied with two packed boxes not far away: "I did something. Go back and take a look at it to see if it works."
Seeing that the sister stared at herself very dissatisfied, Guo Tailai smiled and remedied: "One of them is for you, and I will take it back to try it."
"Just call me here?" Sister indeed was a little dissatisfied. Guo Tailai's attitude of not paying attention made her very unhappy, although she knew in her heart that Guo Tailai must be the reason for wanting to see her, but this is a bit too Too much. She is a soldier, she can't be called by her boyfriend anytime.
"Okay, a brand new sniper rifle." Guo Tailai was a little more serious about the dissatisfaction of the sister, and quickly introduced: "You can use the more commonly used. 300 Winchester short Magnum bullets, lighter and more accurate. But this is not the point that brings you over, the point is that."
While talking, Guo Tailai pointed to the middle of the hangar. With Guo Tailai's words, the empty hangar floor opened automatically, and a plane with excellent workmanship slowly rose from the ground.
"Beauty, do you want to go for a ride?" Guo Tailai whistle, pretending to be very frivolous, and sending an invitation to her sister.
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