Chapter 123: Nothing to treat (on)

"Let's say, how long have you not eaten this?" Guo Tailai did not expect that Chu Fei, a pretty woman with a good figure, was so happy to face a piece of sauce and elbow that she couldn't help but ask. "
Six days? "See Chu Fei than a six-digit number, Guo Tailai asked subconsciously. Chu Fei shook his head with his mouth shut, Guo Tailai stunned, and guessed: "Six months? "This
The second Chu Fei nodded, still did not speak, as if to the juice in the sauce elbow into the general. true
So delicious? Guo Tailai himself clipped two pieces and chewed it for a while. Influenced by Chu Fei, Guo Tailai also felt that the taste had become better. "
By the way, this meal is good to say that you are treating guests. Didn’t I express my mistake on the phone before? "I am going to continue eating. Guo Tailai suddenly thought of a serious problem. Two people ordered so many dishes. Did they express their mistakes before?"
"I treat you!" Chu Fei did not have a good white, Guo Tai came to a glance, the small mouth began to chew slowly and carefully. So many delicious people, this fat fat man actually thinks about the problem of such awkward scenery.
"Then I will be relieved!" Guo Tailai patted the chest, and then continued to chew, some people treat, the deliciousness of this meal automatically increased by 30%, really delicious. Say
In the meantime, there have been hot dishes coming to the table. What surprised Guo Tailai was that they were almost all leeks, chickens, ducks and fish. Looking at these dishes, Guo Tailai looked at Chu Fei, who was still chewing on a small piece of elbow, and had never eaten the elbow for this six months. The beauty of the woman expressed deep sympathy.
At present, Guo Tailai does not need to manage his body. What's more, he still has the consciousness to maintain a certain fat content during this time, so he does not have to consider what to diet. Someone treats you, let go of your stomach and eat it. in
At the dinner table, Guo Tailai’s moves have always been big and big. Although there is a Chufei around, but contacted a few times, this girl is not bad, and Guo Tailai has a temper and a good temper. In the case that Guo Tailai has no other intentions for her, she does not have to consider the problem of maintaining the image in front of the beauty. Anyway, It is a dish that fat people love to eat, and it is all the way to eat. dish
It’s very fast, and it’s estimated that there’s not much to do with it. Soon, all the dishes will be on the same line. Finish
Guo Tailai, who became the first stage of the bottom of the stomach, finally can slow down a little bit, first to order Tang Runrunzi.
This time, Guo Tailai was not so unpretentious. After giving Chu Fei a bowl of hot and sour soup, he gave himself a bowl and slowly tasted it.
Chu Fei eats very slowly, Guo Tailai can see it, she did not plan how to eat and drink, all the dishes may be what she wants to eat, but each one, she is just a small piece. Then there is a moment in the mouth, as if the small pieces of essence have been absorbed, then slowly chew and eat.
For each kind of dish, she almost only eats one or two mouths. Occasionally, she has a special love and is not fatty. For example, the fish head will eat one or two more, and then they will not eat more.
Guo Tailai gave her a soup, Chu Fei also just drank a small two tablespoons and stopped drinking, as if she just tasted it. Twelve dishes plus two soups, Chu Fei at least eaten seven or eighty mouths and then no more to eat, just watching Guo Tailai here to eat and drink, and occasionally talk to him. "
Cooperating with you, please invite me to eat. In fact, I ordered the dishes you like to taste. Guo Tailai was very dissatisfied and yelled at Chu Fei, too no face.
"It's what you said I want to choose my favorite food!" Chu Fei made a naughty face, explaining to Guo Tailai with a smile, the tone filled with a small trick to make a happy. "
Saying, you rich people who give away diamonds casually, do you want to eat, can't you come over and eat a table? Guo Tailai asked inexplicably: "As for half a year, I can't eat a elbow that I want to eat?"

How can one waste when eating alone?
Chu Fei replied immediately with a plausible message. "
Then you can waste me if you ask me to eat? Guo Tailai was shocked by her powerful logic and asked silently.
That is my request for you, you are wasting if you have not finished eating! "Chufi is more powerful than Guo Tailai's reason: "You have to eat fast, so many dishes, you can waste if you don't finish eating!"

"I am dizzy!" Guo Tailai was shocked by the answer that Chu Fei could not answer. He couldn't say a word for a long time. "
Eat fast, eat fast. Chu Fei was very enthusiastic about using a pair of public chopsticks to give Guo Tailai a dish: "This is a good taste, I like it most." This is not bad, I like their spicy taste and eat fast. Guo
Tailai had no choice but to start eating and drinking in the second round. While eating, he still did not forget to ask: "Then you want to eat, can't you ask your classmates to eat?"
"Can't you just ask someone to eat?" When talking about this topic, Chu Fei seems to be not very interested: "Not to mention that they may not be willing to come."
With Chu Fei’s words, Guo Tailai took a look at Chu Fei’s beautiful and dissident appearance and body, and soon understood. An ordinary fat man like Guo Tailai is very easy to mingle with his classmates. But Chu Fei is supermodel-level, but it is not so easy to integrate into the middle class. Not to mention Chu Fei, Zhao Wei rarely has a good relationship with her classmates, at least Guo Tailai has not seen. Wu
In the novel, Xia often said that the master is lonely, the master is lonely, and now it seems that the beautiful woman who is so beautiful is also lonely.
Can't help but say that Chu Fei's request for himself is strictly strict, and Jane has reached the point of being harsh. Faced with a table of food that I love to eat, there is no one to restrain it. On the contrary, there is a temptation to keep eating, and even deliberately tempted, this gimmick can hardly hold back. Be
Guo Tailai is really tempted, she will be the same as the last time to eat dessert, a small mouth bite the size of the broad bean, slowly in the mouth with taste, in short, it is absolutely not easy to move chopsticks. "
For a good woman, for the sake of beauty, can a woman be cruel to herself? "Guo Tailai is having a good time while chatting with Chu Fei."
Normal! "Chufi didn't feel that she was doing something wrong: "Many models I know are more cruel than I have ever. Do you know how much they eat in a day?" This is still domestic. It is said that the supermodels abroad are even more so. It seems that everyone does not feel that something is wrong. ""
You can't eat a little more, then exercise more? Guo Tailai continued to ask: "With sufficient exercise, the body will be better!" ""
I have exercise! Chu Fei replied with a smile: "It's just that it's not the way to the athletes." ""
If you can keep your body without such a cruel and healthy method, do you think there will be a market? Guo Tailai asked thoughtfully.
Will there be a market? Chu Fei directly gave Guo Tailai an answer: "I really have this method, women can break the head, do you believe it or not?"

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