Chapter 133: Military sentiment (below)

When Zhao Xiangbei came over, Guo Tailai was screaming. Zhao Xiangbei asked the guards who guarded the door. He also knew that Guo Tailai had been busy all day and night for ten days. "
poor child. After Zhao Xiangbei listened, he just gave an evaluation of such a sentence.
Everyone can understand why Guo Tailai’s desperate work has made him so tired. What else can he do besides the psychological burden of killing people? Although the performance in the military region is very normal, Guo Tailai is only an ordinary person, not a trained soldier. Two living people are killed by their own guns. If there is no feeling at all, how cold and cold? This
Good, so it seems that Guo Tailai has a human touch. Informed people think so, so Guo Tailai has worked so hard, and no one has come to persuade one. It is also a good thing to let him paralyze himself through the work of forgetting to forget the unhappy things. Guo
Tailai did not know that there was such a misunderstanding. Of course, he knew that he would pretend not to know. There is no need to know everyone in the heart, and it is the kingly way to make money.
Zhao Xiangbei did not take Guo Tai to sleep while pulling things away, and he did not know what the fat man did in the end, how to use it, all need the fat man to wake up to explain. So he just let the guards at the door pay more attention, wait for the fat man to wake up and get something for him to eat, and other fat people wake up and say.
Thinking of Guo Tailai sleeping in the military area for a full twenty-four hours, Zhao Xiangbei slammed the guard again, without waking up the fat man, let him sleep to wake up naturally. The guard was very clean and "yes", and he wrote down all the contents of the shackles. Guo
Tai Lai’s sleep is very fragrant, but he is not naturally awake, but is awakened by people.
"Get up! Get up!" Guo Tailai feels that someone is shooting his face in a dream. Guo Tailai thinks it is a mosquito, and directly slaps the past: "Don't make trouble!"
With a bang, the person who took Guo Tailai’s face was directly slap by Guo Tailai’s unconscious slap to turn the fan for half a lap. Guo Tailai has already turned around and continued to slumber and scream.
Hey, a basin of cold water directly poured over Guo Tailai’s head, and the weather in Beijing in March, Guo Tailai was immediately awake.
"What is going on?" Ning seduce the drunks and not slumber, Guo Tailai's temper that was so tossed up immediately burst into anger, and rushed at the people. "
Are you Guo Tailai? When he came to the uniform, Guo Tailai did not know which department's uniform was in the moment. See Guo Tailai woke up and immediately asked loudly.
How did you get in? What about the concierge? Guo Tailai was shocked. The gate of this yard was a rotation of the guards all the year round. Was it so easily smashed in?
"Your concierge has been controlled by us because it hinders official business!" Just questioned Guo Tailai is a young man. It seems that he has some powers. He even explained the sentence and then asked: "Are you Guo Tailai?"
Fang told Guo Tailai that the concierge had been controlled, that is, he wanted to dispel Guo Tailai's luck, and sure enough, Guo Tailai stunned.
"You really cow! I served!" Guo Tailai did not care about his head still cold water, and directly yelled at the two people in front of him: "Yes, I am Guo Tailai. What?"
Although the porter of the mouth is a casual wear all the year round, it is a mission requirement. The true identity of the guard is the soldier of the defending troops of the Beijing Military Region. These uniforms do not know which department they are. They dare to control him. What is the head? Not to be dissatisfied with Guo Tai, the tone is also awkward, did not dare to collide. One
A seemingly sophisticated uniformed officer took a bath towel from the bathroom and threw it to Guo Tailai, letting him wipe it first. This cold weather, if you can't get a cold.
"You are suspected of illegal business, let us take a trip!" Young uniforms coldly directed at Guo Tai, did not hide his feelings for Guo Tailai.
"Illegal business?" Guo Tailai wiped half of his hair and stopped. His face was inexplicable: "I haven't done it yet? The company is only operating in the business scope!"
Did you sell gold bracelets before the Spring Festival? "The young uniform sneered: "Gold and silver and its products, gold and silver crafts, jewellery are all exclusive items. It is forbidden to buy or sell without permission. Let us take a trip and accept the investigation." ""
No, I am sending it, not my own business. Although Guo Tailai did not understand the exact definition of the crime of illegal business, it was not blind, and hurriedly argued. It is only here that the taste is coming: "You are a business?" Who gave you the power to catch people? It is also the police to catch it! Let go of the concierge!

The industrial and commercial departments dare to move the guards at the door. Although they are just casual clothes, they don’t know how much trouble they have caused? This is obviously directed at Guo Tai, so Guo Tailai directly asked them to let go of the concierge.
"You said the filming, we have not mastered this situation, so you need to go to the investigation." The young industrial and commercial iron and iron is selfless, simply ignore Guo Tailai's words: "The porter hinders us from performing official duties, we only temporarily control him. In addition, he is suspected Injury, we will send him to the police station later."
"Don't you dare to cooperate with the law enforcement?" Guo Tailai is simply admiring these people. He has missed the five bodies: "No, you are not business. The staff of the industry and commerce will not be strong. Who are you?"
When Guo Tai came to ponder, how can the industrial and commercial staff use the door to investigate? A phone call, Guo Tailai, who is a legal representative, is not allowed to report to the Trade and Industry Bureau? Still use such a big fan to come over?
The goal of these people is obviously Guo Tailai. Guo Tailai instantly remembered what Zhao Xiangbei and he had said that someone had to buy a studio. But isn't he saying that he has already gone back a few? How come people jump out? Is it that those who have a headache for Zhao Xiangbei? Means
Did the people behind these guys have not investigated Guo Tailai’s combat effectiveness? Don't you know that Guo Tailai can play a few? Just after this thought, Guo Tailai suddenly thought that maybe those people thought that it would be Guo Tailai to do it. Once something happened, then some things would be easy to operate.
Guo Tailai will not give those guys a chance, but when the eyes turn, Guo Tailai's tone has become gentle. "
Where are you going? Well, I am going with you. But you can't take the boxes out of the house, that's what I just did.

Pit people in the end, send the Buddha to the West!
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