Chapter 135: Military District

People have evidence of possession, what else can you say? Take everyone to the military area first, then investigate slowly. As for whether someone will be in love later, let them deal with the military region. Do not
What to say, you must first occupy a home advantage. Outside the big official position, into the military region, you have to follow the rules of the military region? It is the dragon that gives me the disk, and the tiger gives me lying, unless it is the real big sister. However, the children of the real big brothers will make such things that they have nothing to eat?
Ten people, one did not run away, and even the people with the car were pulled to the residence of the Beijing Military Region. Then a group of military security personnel like a wolf-like tiger took the people one by one, and did not know where to go to interrogate.
After Guo Tailai arrived at the military region, he discovered that the seals used by those guys were actually the seals of a company that didn't know what to do. Sure enough, it’s daring, in the capital, casually wearing uniforms, dare to use a company’s seal to seal other people’s assets? this
These guys are still a little lucky, maybe these soldiers are like them, they are all fake, maybe they are militia. I saw the compound of the military area in the place, saw the strict guard post, and saw the group of poorly-watched security personnel, basically all soft. Wait
After Guo Tailai slowly drank the water and said it again, Zhao Xiangbei also arrived. No way, Guo Tailai can only say it again. listen
After the end, Zhao Xiangbei was directly angry. The old Zhao family is a signal that has released something wrong, so that people in the capital feel that it is a thing to be able to step on the head and pull it? Before a bunch of listed companies all said that they were good, they did not buy Mr. T's studio. As a result, Guo Tailai had not landed yet. He ran out of a group of uniforms to take Guo Tailai away, illegally operating? Three million shares in 70% of the shares? Is this the face of the old Zhao family?
Looks like Zhao is still not dead? Do you dare to lick your nose like this?
"Lang Gongzi? Where did you come out with a surname?" Zhao Xiangbei called his wife Ding on the spot, let her check, the big man in the capital who can step on the old Zhao family is the surname Lang? In the company, there are many people in the company, and there are not many contacts in the military. It is really not as familiar as Ding.
"What's wrong?" Ding's tone is very gentle, and Zhao Dong's impatience is completely opposite: "How does the surname Lang provoke you?"
After Zhao Xiangbei’s phone call said Guo Tailai’s experience, Ding’s direct explosion:
Give it to me!

The old wife of Zhao, Zhao Xiangbei can fully hear the anger in Ding’s calm tone. The time when Zhao Wei and Guo Tailai were controlled was not so terrible. Do not
With the news of waiting for the other side, the ten people here have all explained.
Facing the cold eyes of the guards with guns, and the ruthless apprehension of the interrogating officers, and with the frank and sturdy large banners behind them, these guys were the best performers without scaring on the spot. when
When the interrogating officers directly questioned what they wanted to do to inquire about military secrets, most of them had cried and shouted at the mother’s account of everything they knew, and they did not tell the matter of bedwetting as a child to seek leniency. It is.
Although ten people are wearing uniforms of business and industry, there is only one of them, that is, the young uniform that has been talking to Guo Tailai is the Trade and Industry Bureau. Moreover, the matter of looking for Guo Tailai was not the official business of the Trade and Industry Bureau, but he was entangled in the business and industry with the other nine people.
Nine people belong to social idlers, but they often work for a private company. The truck and seal are the company's, and the uniforms are provided by the company. This
Private companies are registered in the suburbs of Beijing. They often undertake the task of intercepting some local governments. There are special places to hold those petitioners from other places, often after being detained for a period of time, and then returning them to their original places. However, during their detention, this person is basically missing. No one can know where it is being held, no formalities, no notice, no external contact, and direct control. turn off
During the pledge, there will be a variety of methods for those who will surrender and promise not to continue to petition. Of course, the means are not on the table, the sand is only one of them, and there are some cruel shortcomings for outsiders. In short, after being caught, the body and mind must experience some painful suffering. Often, an iron-clad man will become a singular promise.
This time the uniform youth is going to use this trick to deal with Guo Tailai. Anyway, as long as the action is fast, cleanly take away Guo Tailai, no one knows where Guo Tailai is. When everything is done, the wood has become a boat, there is a contract signed by Guo Tailai, and Guo Tailai, who has been tossed and dare not resist again, even if someone is chasing Lang Gongzi can do everything. In the case of black and white contracts, even if you want to breach the contract, you have to get a liquidated penalty in accordance with the law. At that time, whether Guo Tailai continues to do or does not do it, there are a lot of banknotes earned. on
Even the real address of Guo Tailai’s studio is also provided by Lang Gongzi. But they really don't know that this studio is also involved in military secrets. They only want to control a foreign torment as before. To know that military secrets are involved, they will not dare to touch Guo Tailai’s hairless when they are killed. They even dare not approach the courtyard 50 meters. that
The young men in uniform began to be lucky, waiting for Lang Gongzi to find a way. After Guo Tailai and a general appeared, including this guy, everyone cried and shouted desperately to explain, they did not inquire about the military. Confidential meaning. No
In the way, before they were brought into the interrogation room, Guo Tailai opened a box in front of everyone. Inside, it was a combination of gun parts. Guo Tailai also introduced it in detail. This is the latest two assault rifles designed in China. The prototype, the grandson around him can prove.
It’s impossible to dispel the remorse in their hearts by crying and crying. It is estimated that these people have now put the son of the son who has made them to work. Spying on military secrets, and also making concrete actions, the seals of their companies have to be taken away and caught, the facts are simply iron. Can these people dare to admit? If this is confessed, don't sit on it! Lang
The son even knows the detailed address. Doesn't he know what it is doing? Obviously this is to treat them as cannon fodder, and to make a big profit, the unsuccessful is the pot of these people! Do not
In half an hour, the detailed confession has already reached the hands of General Sun and Zhao Xiangbei.
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