Chapter 185: Investigation and upgrade (below)

Guo Tailai, who is in Xiangjiang, did not know the things behind him, and even did not know that his own mistakes also happened to prove his innocence.
After Chu Fei spent the night holding a golden brick to sleep, Guo Tailai called Zhao Xiangbei, let him help the gold bricks, and donated to the last foundation. Wait
After the five gold bricks were taken away by the people sent by Zhao Xiangbei, Guo Tailai basically had no worries, and he could sleep beautifully.
In Xiangjiang, only the jewellery display that was taken when Chu Fei entered the competition was left, so you don’t have to wait until the end to go back. So before that, Guo Tailai can say that he can absorb those nano-robots without worrying about anything. Ding
Good Chu Fei and Yan Jie Zhou Jie, let them stare, after they need to sleep well for more than 30 hours, the three women are very serious nod, to ensure that people do not disturb Guo Tailai. All
Curious, but did not ask why. After all, Guo Tailai gave Chu Fei a scar, and healed an ankle sprain. It is a constant rest. It is normal.
In the room of the Peninsula Hotel, Guo Tailai was lying in bed, in the most comfortable position, issued a system upgrade command, and then instantly entered deep sleep.
The last system upgrade, Guo Tailai spent a full thirty hours, this time thought that the time will be longer, who knows that it took only twenty-four hours to open his eyes. One
I didn’t eat or drink it all night, and Guo Tailai woke up and was almost hungry and thirsty. Fortunately, there was the last experience in Gloria. Before going to bed, I prepared chocolate and bread in front of the bed and a few bottles of mineral water. After waking up, I grabbed it and ate it. After two large pieces of chocolate and two pieces of bread and two bottles of mineral water, Guo Tailai was considered to be less hungry and flustered. "
Read the data done! ""
The system upgrade is complete! Current version, v2.02.

As expected, only a small version number was upgraded.

List the new features after the upgrade!
Guo Tailai endured the happiness and issued the order. "
The maximum number of nano robots controlled is 500 million. ""
Increase part of the in vivo detection function.

Increase the speed of muscle control behavior.

Increase muscle control stability.

Increase stimulating cell strengthening.

Limiting the speed of nanobots flying in vitro by 500%.

Increase the clarity of nano robot shooting.

Increase the 360-degree synthetic image of nano-robots.

"Limiting the distance traveled by nanobots in vitro is 5cm."
Limit the synthetic field of view of nano robots to 5cm.

The maximum number has been increased. The good thing is that the number of nano-robots has been limited for a long time. This time, it has finally increased ten times directly to the figure of 500 million. There are more things that Guo Tailai can do now. increase
Adding in vivo detection function, increasing the speed and stability of muscle control, and increasing the stimulating cell strengthening function, these are commonplace, basically every upgrade will have some improvement, Guo Tailai is used to it. inverted
It is a 500% increase in flight speed in vitro, which makes Guo Tailai more happy, and the speed of nano robots moving faster is always a good thing.
It is not unexpected to increase the sharpness of the shooting, but there is one more function. What is a 360-degree synthetic image?
Thinking about it, Guo Tailai also issued instructions to synthesize images. Tens of millions of nano-robots flew out of Guo Tailai's body, and then Guo Tailai's mind had a strange perspective. through
Often, normal humans have a range of angles of 120 degrees, which means they can see the scene in the 120-degree direction. But if you focus your attention, this perspective will shrink to about a fifth, almost 25 degrees.
In plain language, you can only see the scene within the 120-degree angle of the front, and the left and right sides and the back are invisible. The angle of view of the fisheye is close to 180 degrees, and the eyes on both sides must have a view of almost 360 degrees. and
Now, Guo Tailai is a situation where all the scenery can be seen from front to back, left and right. Very strange, very shocking, but also very novel. Have
New features, new problems also appear. The first is that this 360-degree view is not clear enough, just like Guo Tailai's previous myopia. It seems that only after the system upgrade, the nano-robot can increase the clarity of the shooting to see. another
A problem outside is actually an old problem, that is, a habit problem. Guo Tailai used to look at people from a normal perspective. Suddenly, she came to a 360-degree, very uncomfortable feeling. Everything can be seen behind, Guo Tailai habitually wants to touch, but the result is the opposite direction, which requires Guo Tailai to adapt for a long time.
For the time being, this feature is not practical, only after it is clear enough. With previous experience, Guo Tailai quickly closed this function, and then let me know when I can see it clearly! most
The latter change is that the nano-robot has a synthetic field of view of 5 cm, which is a synthetic field of view with a diameter of five centimeters.
Of course, the flight distance has increased to 5 cm, which means that Guo Tailai can process workpieces up to ten centimeters thick and can make larger pieces. Guo
Tailai is very happy, not to mention the release of the dormant instructions of the backup robot, but also allows some of the nano-robots to start copying, to maximize the number of dormant robots.
System upgrades will definitely have the next clue, this time is no exception. However, Guo Tailai always has some bad feelings. through
The latitude Guo Tailai has not been scrutinized, but I know that the desolate valley and the dry areas like the desert area are not good, especially a huge Buddha statue, almost in the whole mountain, very majestic, but Guo Tailai is also very worry. Fortunately, the new nano-robot is not on the Buddha statue, but on the murals in some small caves on the side of the mountain wall, it is not bad.
Woke up to clean up and took a shower. Guo Tailai went out and knocked on the door of Chufei’s room, telling Chu Fei and Zhou Jie that she was already good. Then, as expected, Chu Feila went out to go shopping and eat. Since Xiangjiang is a duty-free shopping paradise, can Chufei hold back and buy it?
Guo Tailai found a map of the world, and probably checked it. The latitude and longitude coordinates obtained this time are abroad. Looking at the results of the inquiry, Guo Tailai couldn't help but smile. The previous hunch was correct, and it was really a bad place. That place, in Afghanistan, the big Buddha statue should be one of the Bamiyan Buddhas. Now
In Afghanistan, it seems that it is not a peaceful area, and the Taliban is making a lot of noise. I want to go there, I am afraid that Zhao Xiangbei will not let him go to death.
"Hey? Fat man, why didn't you wear Patek Philip?" Chu Fei strolled happily, naturally holding Guo Tailai's arm, and suddenly seemed to find something in general, asked Guo Tailai.
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