Chapter 24: Subject direction

The last time I made the turbine blade Guo Tailai let Zhao Wei help to make a pack of instant noodles. Later, Guo Tailai was put up several times, and finally, in turn, Zhao Zhao took a face to solve it. This time Zhao Wei actually took the initiative to help himself instant noodles, the sun hit the west side?
There is Hou Academician, Guo Tailai did not dare to say anything embarrassing. Of course, even if the academician Hou is absent, it is estimated that he does not dare.
Hou Academician and Zhao Wei seem to be talking about fat people before, and the fat people don’t know what they are saying, they can only watch.
Seeing that Zhao Wei had soaked his face, and even sent the covered rice bowl to him, Guo Tailai could not believe his eyes.
Rubbing your eyes and opening it again, yes, it’s true that both Zhao and Hou are both illusory.
Look at the rice bowl, it is also true, it is indeed your own rice bowl. Uncover the lid, the inside is the uniform noodles, the taste is also right, the bag thrown in the trash can there is also right. Is this really what Zhao Wei gave?
"No poison?" Guo Tailai cautiously asked Zhao Wei.
Academician Hou screamed and laughed. Seeing the fat man like such a pitiful look, he knows that he has certainly not been tossed by this baby disciple, too poor.
"No poison!" Zhao sighed his teeth, aging mother, I volunteered to help you instant noodles, you still don't appreciate: "I just put a laxative!"
"Then I will be relieved!" Guo Tailai carefully patted his chest, a pair of frightened and relaxed minds, so that Hou Academician even wanted to laugh, but made Zhao Wei more angry.
Suddenly there was nothing to say, and the lab was quiet. Guo Tailai didn't know what they were doing in the lab. They sat down and rubbed their sweat while waiting for the face to soak. The air was filled with a scent of instant noodles.
"At night, I found three groups of people to do your pressure sensing control experiment." Zhao Wei suddenly said.
"Is there more than ten minutes?" Guo Tailai looked at the rice bowl, as if it was a beautiful woman than Zhao Wei, but the fat man's tone contained strong confidence.
"No." Zhao Xiao suddenly laughed, Guo Tailai looked up for a moment, as if to see a beautiful flower bloom in front of his own eyes.
"I will know." Guo Tailai was more happy than Zhao Wei, and then directly turned to the Academician Hou, and asked the academician Hou: "Teacher, are you satisfied with this paper?"
Why did Hou Academician appear here? Obviously, it must have been seen by Zhao Wei after the experiment was completed. Otherwise, the academician of Hou is so busy, how could he come to the lab in the middle of the night to wait for him to be a small undergraduate student.
Especially in the instant noodles, Guo Tailai also saw two straight shadows standing outside the laboratory door, and my heart was more generous.
"Very satisfied!" Academician Hou did not conceal his emotions. He is more and more satisfied with this fat man.
"What have you said in this paper, haven't you said it to other people?" What the academician Hou wants to confirm is this question.
In the evening, Zhao Yufeng came to him, and the two men organized three groups of people to reproduce the experiments in the fat papers, all without success. Even Zhao Yu and Hou Academician personally played and two of the children tried it, and they were able to cooperate with each other in a short time.
What does this mean? It is theoretically absolutely feasible to explain this pressure sensor control system in the fat man paper. The theory of the whole body sensor behind, from the theoretical analysis, with the knowledge of Hou Academician and Zhao Wei, there is no problem at all, very feasible.
Guo Tailai did not say much about the application prospect of mechanical exoskeleton in the paper. He only talked about the control theory, but Hou Academician and Zhao Wei were the first to think of the individual exoskeleton armor. As Guo Tailai thinks, any high-tech, first of all, must be used in the military.
Mechanical exoskeleton plus power is the power exoskeleton, more military, in addition to the basic function of enhancing human ability, but also has good protection, adaptability to complex environments and auxiliary firepower, communication, detection support Wait for military functions.
Foreign countries have already invested in research in this area, but there is no substantive result. Academician Hou has consulted experts in this field overnight and has a certain understanding of mechanical exoskeletons.
In particular, after talking with his own expert friends in this area, Hou’s essay talked about the fat man’s thesis, which directly aroused the interest of the other party. Within just half an hour, it attracted the attention of the military.
At the time when there is no mature control theory of mechanical exoskeleton in the world, a graduate of the University of Shuimu University this year has already produced a mature control model and two sets of theories, and completed the thesis, but also passed the The academician guarantee is extremely feasible, and the experts of the military do not pay attention to it.
This is why Hou Academician and Zhao Wei appeared here late at night. In addition, Zhao Wei’s military sensitivity is very good. After reading the thesis, he realized that the matter was of great importance. On the spot, Guo Tailai did not want to talk to outsiders.
"I just gave it to my sister when I finished it. I haven’t had time to talk to anyone." Guo Tailai is not a fool. To take out this thing is to want the country to take a step forward in this respect. Now the academician is so cautious and has already reached him. For the purpose, Guo Tailai will certainly not be extravagant.
"That's good, then good!" Academician Hou was relieved and relieved. If Guo Tailai talks with others, I am afraid I have to temporarily control other people. Now it is the best.
"Since you have designed these two control models, you must know the application prospects of mechanical exoskeletons." Academician Hou gave a vocabulary to clearly express: "This has an important role in promoting our country's military technology. So, you know, you have to keep it secret."
"No problem." Guo Tailai promised an unusually refreshing, what's the matter, these things in the inertial laboratory must be kept secret, too normal.
"There is something wrong with it." Academician Hou hesitated, a little embarrassed, but after all, he said: "I let you modify and deepen the paper, but because of this request, I am afraid you have to continue to use the original. The essay. Such an important control theory is not suitable for the graduation thesis defense of undergraduate graduates."
"No problem, no problem!" Guo Tailai said again and again no problem. The most direct purpose of his revision of the thesis is to get the approval of the academician Hou. The other aspects are just to push the hand and push it. Now the most important goal is completed, the others are the sidelines, Guo Tailai has no The meaning of opposition.
"Then, are you willing to study in this direction?" Academician Hou looked at Guo Tailai and asked another question.
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