Chapter 326: I am upset (on)

Chu Fei bite very heavy, certainly broken skin and blood, but Guo Tailai did not let the nano-robot stop bleeding and stop pain, this little pain at this moment, far less than hurt the heartache of a beautiful girl. from
I am really alive, knowing that there is a teacher and sister, I also moved to Chu Fei, a scum male who is alive. What can Guo Tailai do? At least he has always been very sensible, not crossing the Thunder Pool, otherwise he will hurt the girl deeper. Say
In fact, Guo Tailai prefers Chu Fei to let Yan Jie and Zhou Jie beat themselves up, and she does not want her to tear her tears and kiss herself after she is sad to drive herself away.
In the meantime, Guo Tailai did not know how he got out of the hotel where Chu Fei lived. Liu Zhizhu saw Guo Tailai's appearance, especially when he saw the bite on his lips. He said nothing, just let Guo Tailai get on the train and go back to the hotel. hand
The machine rang, Liu Zhizhu took it and looked at it, and then handed it to Guo Tailai: "The boss is the phone of Rhone's ear."
Hey, Ronnie! Guo Tailai took the call and asked a list of languid, and heard the excitement of the phone in the ear.
"Mr. G, I am going to play soon!" There was a sound of a tsunami in the microphone of Rhone's ear. It was the cheer of the audience. "
Ronnie, score a few more goals. Guo Tailai let go of the arrogance in his heart, and screamed loudly at the ear of Rhone on the phone: "I am very upset now, I want to vent!"

Rhone's ear stopped obviously there, and then immediately hesitated without hesitation: "I will do my best, g!"
Tailai is very arrogant now, very angry, wants to kill! Liu Zhizhuo saw it. Guo Tailai was in a bad mood. He knew from the roaring of his ears that he immediately let the driver of the chartered car speed up and quickly returned to the hotel. Let Guo Tailai suffocate a person, maybe Guo Tailai will break out, let him see the ball vent, if it can really vent out this evil fire, maybe it will be better.
When I turned on the TV and found the live broadcast, it was just the Rhone ear on the TV. Today is the fifth, Inter Milan vs. Udinese, and the first time after Rhone's ear injury.
The entire Meazza Stadium was madly cheering, and countless ancestors wearing blue and black jerseys dyed the entire Meazza Stadium in a blue, cheering overwhelming. a few
A few days ago, the Sports Medicine Center in Paris announced that it was a Rhône ear that had to rest for a few months after a comminuted fracture of the knee cartilage. At this moment, there was no sign of injury, and it ran to the side of the court from the exit of the locker room. Instead of running directly into the court, he squatted down, his right hand tapped on his lips, and touched the lawn of the court.
This action, more and more let the Meazza stadium boil, the sound of the cheers of the ancestors cheered the fans of the Udinese fans in the stadium as if they were dumb! fine
If the fans of the heart watched it with great care, they would find that when Rhone's ears were on the court, they seemed to be murderous. Every step of the way seems to be different from ordinary times. Even the teammates who are familiar with him feel that today’s Rhone ears are different and often more serious than ever before.
Hey, the referee's opening whistle blows, Inter Milan guessed the coin got the ball and kicked the ball in the middle. The two Inter players fell twice, and the third football was sent to the foot of Rhone's ear that had already reached the other half. Luo
The ear received the ball, did not see the position of the teammates, directly with the ball before the rush. The football seems to be a living elf at his feet. As the aliens dance in joy, they easily pass the first interceptor, the second guard, the third guard, and then the front goalkeeper. to
A big left step, the goalkeeper instinctively rushed to the left, but the alien's left foot was gently dialed, and the football flew to the right. This action was repeated, waiting for the Rhone ear to lightly move forward. At that time, the goalkeeper has been swayed by a series of fake actions just by Rhone's ear. He can only watch the aliens ride the dust and rush to the goal.
The entire stadium is crazy! What was it? The most classic pendulum style of aliens! How long has the Rhone ear been worn without a pendulum? But now I just did it when I got on the court.
The Zuzuolas boiled directly, and the cheers on the scene almost turned the stadium over. In the cheers, Rhone's ears ran with the ball all the way. When they were four or five meters away from the goal, they pushed gently and the football was accurate. Fly into the net. At this moment, the nearest Udinese defender who was rushing to him was three meters away from the ears of Rhone. and also
It was the Rhone ear that left Udinese with a few faces, and did not directly take the ball into the goal, otherwise it would be a naked insult! Enter
The effective whistle of the ball rang, bang! The entire Meazza Stadium immediately became a sea of ​​joy, and the blue waves suddenly picked up. Countless people were in front of their seats, reaching out to the rushing figure, as if they were worshipping. . This
For a moment, the player with two big rabbit teeth is the king of Meazza Stadium, the of the ancestral lords.
Twenty-four seconds, the opening twenty-four seconds, the alien's Rhone ears ran with a wonderful long-distance, even four people, the classic pendulum style, scoring, and more than this to make Inter fans happy Things? Do not
Guangmei Acha Stadium, half of Milan City are cheering, are jumping. At this time, as long as it is Nezula, no one is still sitting on a stool. The beer in the bar didn't know how much was spilled, but no one cares. They only looked at the god-like figure and the tears in their faces. Guo
Tailai was also shocked by this goal. After this guy completely recovered his health, it was the most powerful striker of this era, no one!
Udinese was also scared by this goal, but the next performance of the aliens is even more desperate. Even
When is the sprint of Rhone's ear so fast? Skilled and frightening, not to mention the consciousness, Udinese used four guards to prevent the Rhone ears, one can't help, how can the ball be played?
At the end of the first half, the score was already 4:0 and the home team was behind the former team. After the return of the Rhone ears, the first half was alone in the three yuan, hat trick. During the midfield, the songs of the ancestral lords shocked the entire city of Milan.
In the second half, they changed their side and fight again. Rhone's ears were not replaced, but they continued to fight. The second half continued to play well, not only scored two goals, but also sent two assists. At the end of the game, the 8:0 scoreboard allowed the Udinese team to hide their faces.
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