Chapter 343: Unexpected harvest (below)

Dozens of tons of white powder? Guo Tailai asked in a big voice: "I rely on! Is it full?"
A dedicated cargo hold, full. "The bodyguard interface that came out later replied."
At least two hundred tons! "Guo Tailai listened, and there was a more accurate estimate of the time: "The people upstairs are not dying for 10,000 times!" "Two
When the bodyguards listened, it was awkward. For the estimation of weight, they absolutely believe Guo Tailai's professional judgment. Two hundred tons of white powder, how big are these poisonous cockroaches to play? The eyes of the two men once again looked at Guo Tailai, waiting for him to make a decision.
"I will go out and find a place to call the police." Guo Tai made a decision between the calls and the Flintstone: "If their police team is clean, they should contribute to the poisoning of people all over the world. If their police are corrupt, then corruption. These white powders continue to harm Americans. Anyway, if we go to the big day, we will always be alarmed."
Therefore, the two bodyguards have no opinion at all. As Guo Tailai said, is it wrong to find drugs and give the police to the police? Why do we let a few foreigners who have just arrived for a day to tell whether your police are really corrupt or fake? "
Submarines can still be used and cannot be easily left to them. I am going to break the shell. Guo Tailai pointed to the submarine and then rushed to the two people and said: "Those banknotes are going to move quickly, for up to half an hour, how much can be moved." Let us go when time comes.

The two promised to go up, Guo Tailai reached out and put the hard drive in his hand, waving them and letting them do it quickly. first
I found some soft cloth to wrap the hard disk and stuff it in my clothes. Standing for a while near the pier at the head of the submarine, I walked to the rear and stood for a while, then slowly walked back and continued to walk back to the basement along the passage.
The submarine looked intact and there was no sign of damage. However, if someone wants to drive out a submarine, they can drive up to ten nautical miles. The outer shell of the submarine will break through three irregular holes with a diameter of at least two meters under the pressure and seawater corrosion. Being under the sea, perhaps abandoning the ship to escape is their best choice. go
In the basement, Guo Tailai saw the room that was closed to a few foreigners, and sighed. After all, the innocent people could not go. He took a squat and then took one of them and took two squats. He sent all seven people to the seat of a seven-seat car in the yard. He walked over to the cargo compartment and took more than 100,000 dollars and threw it. In the car, close the door.
These people will wake up within five minutes of their departure, and the car's key will be inserted in the car. If they are smart enough, they should immediately take the money and drive away. If they want curiosity, they have to get out and look at it, and they will get them. As long as they see the body being scared, it will be fine if they leave in time. But if they are greedy and see the things in the collection room move greed, then they will be blamed by others who are being chased by the poisonous men in the future. it is good
The singularity will kill the cat and it will kill the dead. Similarly, greed is also, man is dead, birds are eating and drinking! This is not a matter of Guo Tailai. It is death or alive, they decide for themselves.
Next, Guo Tailai did not idle, while releasing the synthetic vision to observe the surroundings, and also joined the team that carried the banknotes.
It is also a coincidence that it may be because of the frequent handling of banknotes and drugs, there are actually a few special hand-drawn flatbeds in the villa, as long as they are neatly tidy, they can transport millions of dollars at a glance.
Guo Tailai is steady, and is responsible for loading money on the board. It is very neat, fast and stable. The two bodyguards ran errands. Everyone ran an average of a dozen or so. The banknotes that were moved were not ready to be sorted out. They were thrown into the cargo compartment and then immediately ran to the villa to continue pulling. The action was unprecedented. To tell a joke, it is estimated that the training of the 400-meter obstacle in the army did not run so fast. Qi
Under the concerted efforts, it was not half an hour, and the cash in that half of the house was actually moved clean. It’s just that the banknotes that Guo Tailai has moved are more than 200 million, which is close to 200 million. It’s not the part of the two bodyguards that Guo Tai came before.
One bodyguard was sitting in the cargo compartment and the other driving. Guo Tailai removed the license plates of two other cars and cut down a few numbers easily, and then welded them to the license plate of the truck. Of course, no one saw this hand.
When the car drove out quickly, Guo Tailai still remembered the road when he came, and all the way to the road, the car almost reached the limit that can be opened. Fortunately
The loss is a separate villa area, and the poisonous cockroaches generally operate the iron barrels here, and there are no ordinary people around to dare to approach. This is why they can carry the banknotes with ease for half an hour without anyone discovering them. The car had been back for more than an hour, and no one had ever encountered any gangsters, and everyone was relieved.
I found a public telephone hall on the side of the road. One of the bodyguards spoke Spanish and called the police. Just saying a word, two hundred tons of drugs in that villa, the villa is no longer alive. After the phone call, I left without leaving any traces.
It’s been more than an hour since they left the villa. Those foreigners should leave if they are smart. If they are not smart, they can’t blame others for finding death.
The evil door is very, the former carefully not dare to show the mountain that dare not dew, the result of sneaking a bus can catch up with the drug lords to chase the 25-year-old, now driving a truck loaded with nearly 200 million dollars, It’s a big swing, but nobody cares. I knew this before, why should I still sneak in before, crying and crying, there is no place to reason. More
The more trouble I thought, the more the car went back for half an hour. This time, the Spanish-speaking bodyguard bought a map in a small town, bought some food, and determined his position. The car turned and went straight to the Sun Pyramid. "
I have heard a joke. Guo Tailai sat in the co-pilot and said to the bodyguard who drove the car: "There is a mathematician who is particularly afraid of flying. He never dares to fly. Others ask the reason. He said that he is afraid of a bomb on the plane. Then one day, suddenly he dared to fly, and every time he went out, he would fly. Other people are very strange, just ask him why. ""
Why? The bodyguards also made fun, and they were equally curious and asked.
"He said that the probability of having a bomb on the plane is one in 100,000. Although it is small, it has not reached the point where it will not happen. So I dare not sit. But there are two bombs on the plane. That is one. One billionth of a billion, can be ignored." Guo Tailai said with a smile: "So, I am now on the plane to bring a bomb."
It took a while for the dart to realize where the smile was, and laughed.
"You said, now we are not like passengers who have brought a bomb?" Guo Tailai said, pointing to the back of the container.
The driver's bodyguard turned and looked at it, then twisted back without a word to continue to look at the road. After a while, he sighed helplessly: "It's really a fucking."
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