Chapter 354: Arrangement before diving (on)

General Li did not think that Guo Tai had said that he had to go to learn to dive. He had called him for five days and wanted to study for a while.
In this regard, General Li did not say anything, immediately promised, tomorrow will do, Guo Tailai can go directly to the Modu base, he is responsible for arranging everything. Guo
After Tailai and Zhao Yu talked about the submarine, Guo Tailai did not dare to tell Zhao Wei to let her meet her parents. He can be sure that Zhao Wei knows that his parents are also there. Even when he can feel that when they are together, they talk about the submarine. For a while, Zhao’s body is slightly trembling. She was afraid that Guo Tailai would say that she would go to see his parents, very afraid, Guo Tailai paid great attention, and did not mention this.
The processing equipment in the studio is definitely needed, but after Guo Tailai pondered for a while, he decided to do it himself. Professor Wang has a mature version of the control system. As long as the initial parameters are set, it can adapt to most machining centers. With a few other devices, Guo Tailai can fully support this studio. Anyway, most of these things he just made a look, everyone knows that Guo Tailai's favorite is still manual. except
In addition, some new jobs in the capital also need to be accounted for, such as sound-absorbing materials, and since you want to play diving, you must also bring a few gadgets that can be sent to General Li, which need to go back to Beijing to solve. Especially for those research projects, Guo Tailai needs to communicate his ideas and researchers, and face-to-face is definitely more convenient than telephone.
The two men went straight to the red flag car and drove back. Zhao Wei was very happy. He put down a huge stone in his heart and it was gentle to Guo Tailai. Guo Jianjun and Ding Yumei still stayed in Gusu, looking around and choosing the right place for their son.

The studio and the R&D center are in the two places. Is there any good way to solve the communication problem?
Guo Tailai enjoys the two worlds after the driver and the sister separated the driver in the car. The little relative asked Zhao Zhao. .
"In fact, the Internet is the best way to communicate." Zhao Wei thought and replied: "But the network is too slow. You can consider pulling a dedicated line. The bandwidth can reach several megabytes. Should you?"
If it is to contact Europe? Guo Tailai remembered that he had a studio in the UK. The new employees of Cosworth's job-hopping are now optimizing the previous w12 engine over there, and couldn't help but ask. Even if you send a domestic person in the past, always Need to contact?
"According to the rational network can also be achieved." Zhao Yan sighed: "But now the total bandwidth in China and Europe and the United States is limited, so many people need to use, most use e-mail. Really need real-time communication, or call !"
"You said, if, I mean, if." Guo Tailai took a moment and carefully asked Zhao Wei: "If I want the country to help me design and manufacture a few communication satellites, to ensure my company and some important Contact between customers, dedicated large bandwidth encrypted communication satellite, is it possible?"
"You are sick!" Rao is Zhao Yu knows that Guo Tailai is now "expanded", but he did not expect that he actually expanded to such a point, could not help but swear: "Just for the company's contact? Launch several satellites Do you know how much it costs?"
After Zhao finished, Zhao Wei only remembered that Guo Tailai seemed to have more than 900 million US dollars of unexpected wealth. The money could not be invested at once, enough to launch several satellites. "
Mainly safe. Guo Tailai didn't care about his sister's words, just smiled and explained: "Just for safety." You also know that most of the R&D projects of technology companies are military secrets. The same is true in the UK. It is a trade secret. If the network is not safe enough, I am afraid there will be big trouble. ""
You can consider renting several satellite lines first. "Zhao Wei also knows that Guo Tai is a fact. He does have reasons to use safe lines now, but launching satellites is really exaggerated. Foreign companies are okay, domestic companies are so high-profile: "Satellite, etc. In the past few years, I will do it when I need it.

"You can only do this first." Guo Tailai also knows that it is too exaggerated, but this year is really exciting! Think about it, a person using a satellite line to go online, what does it feel like? I buried this thorn in my heart and became a reality when it was right. return
After arriving in the capital, the two were separated by reluctance. Zhao Wei returned to the final assembly report, Guo Tailai went straight to the investment company. That 900 million dollars has to be quickly transferred out and spent, and it is also a hidden danger.
Lin Jiayi is still in Beijing, but she is ready after work. The accounts of several overseas offshore companies have already been opened. When Guo Tailai arrives, she points to Guo Tailai to transfer all the funds to the accounts of several companies. . Then I just turned a few more turns, and finally the funds were concentrated in an overseas investment company account. After all, the money was originally an anonymous transfer, and it has already entered the banking system. It is almost whitewashed and it is easy.
"I am going to the United States." After all this, Lin Jiayi was also a workaholic and immediately planned to leave: "What else does Guo have to do in the United States?"
"Not for the time being." Guo Tailai thought for a moment: "I should pay attention to rest, and bring a bodyguard when traveling. When appropriate, I will recruit a few people to help you share the work."
"Then I can thank the boss." Lin Jiayi smiled and said: "I will leave if I have nothing." Guo
Thai nodded. After sending away Lin Jiayi, Guo Tailai rushed to the Justice Square Technology. On the way back from Gusu, Guo Tailai had already called and said that there are several projects that I would like to arrange, and Mi Feifei is ready. When Guo Tailai arrived, Mi Feifei, head of the R&D department and several materials experts specially explained by Guo Tailai had been waiting in the conference room.
This time, Guo Tailai did not suddenly attack, but took the rules that Mi Feifei said last time. The project was taken out, and the company made various predictions and judgments, and then made proper arrangements according to priorities.

This time is mainly three R&D projects.
Guo Tailai did not like everyone, his company, said directly:
One is to study a new type of anechoic tile. I have some research and development ideas here, and then I will work with the project team. The other is a special kind of metal material. Of course, it is mainly for silencer, but it can also take into account the special density and temperature control as well as shielding electromagnetic radiation and impact energy absorption damping. ""
That's right, don't guess. Guo Tai looked at the strange expression on everyone's face and said with a smile: "It is used on the submarine."

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