Chapter 369: Make a block table (below)

There are five more days.
Lin Jiayi quickly answered Guo Tailai’s question:
Be sure to come and set up and prepare promotional materials.

Specially emphasize the ‘blue blood nobles’?
Guo Tailai asked again.
"I emphasized." Lin Jiayi smiled and said with a small mouth: "I have not dared to forget a sentence. In addition to performance, the most important thing is the nobleness of blue blood."
Just a few days away. Guo Tailai thought for a moment: "Give me a few sample hairsprings. I can also play a few watches." ""
Ok! "I know the speed of my boss's perverted work, and there is no surprise to Guo Tailai's understatement of making a few watches."
"I want to go to the British Museum to see the Rosetta Stone." Since Lin Jiayi was around, Guo Tailai certainly gave his trip to Lin Jiayi to arrange: "Then go to the studio to do the engine and make a few watches. Then go to the International Jewelry & Watch Fair to see if you can help me arrange the time! In addition, choose a few restaurants you like to eat and eat British food together."
"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiayi was originally an assistant to Guo Tailai. She did not deny this work and promised directly. Have
With a good assistant arrangement, Guo Tailai is a lot easier. Don't think about anything else. Just consider sleeping while sleeping, eating at dinner, and starting when you leave. Don't worry about other things. so comfortable!
The day must be a break in the hotel, eat some of the hotel's food and then sleep in the jet lag, the next morning to visit the British Museum.
When I saw the Rosetta Stone, there was a little accident. Guo Tailai got the reminder of the control system early and found the nano-robot carrying the data. However, it was discovered in the Egyptian Pavilion displaying the stone tablet that the stone monument was sealed in a closed glass cover. Transparent glass can be seen very real, but it can't reach the stone monument, and the nano robot inside can't fly directly. Fortunately
If you don't have a long distance, you will absorb the nano-robot. Otherwise, if the nano-robot can't break through the glass and the remaining energy is exhausted, I am afraid that it is hard to find.
However, this is hard to beat Guo Tailai. He just pretends to look closely at the stone tablet. It is close to the glass. One hand touches the seam of the corner of the glass. It is close to the baby and looks carefully. It seems to be seen from the stone tablet. A flower is general. No
People know that just in the place where Guo Tailai touched the glass joints, a fine needle consisting entirely of nano-robots easily pierced the glue of the glass joints and penetrated into the glass display cabinet. With
With the release of the absorption command, the nano-robot attached to the Rosetta Stone accurately flew to the fine needle and then quietly blended into the fine needle. After all of them were completed, the fine needles were quietly retracted into Guo Tailai's body. At the same time, they were easily retracted and the pierced glue was filled with welding.
Until Guo Tailai’s hand left the glass joint, no one could find any change in the Rosetta Stone itself and the glass showcase.
The main purpose of coming to the British Museum has been completed. Guo Tailai looked at the marble carvings of the Parthenon in Athens and looked at the old Amen Hoffett III head. He looked at the Portland vases, except for these. In addition to the exhibits of the famous British Museum, Guo Tailai and Lin Jiayi also went to Hall 33, the Huaxia Pavilion, to see the cultural relics from China. Unfortunately, they did not see the famous "Female History". One
It was spent in the British Museum in the morning. In fact, if you look carefully, one morning is not enough, but Guo Tailai has not had much time and can only leave. car
The son opened a studio in London not far from the headquarters of Cosworth. The location of the studio was specially selected here, so that the original engineers were comfortable to go to work, or the familiar commute route, but the distance was a few hundred meters, very convenient.
Volkswagen engineers have also been in place, and the w12 engine they have begun to study, which is included in the overall transaction. When Guo Tailai arrived, he opened a small meeting with the engineers in his studio. Then he gathered all the engineers in the studio, including Volkswagen, to open a meeting, explaining the focus of the next development and adjustment. Guo Tailai began to work.
Special steel for engine, which is the first special heat-resistant and wear-resistant steel developed by Li Yuzhu in China, has already been prepared before Guo Tailai arrived. Driven by Guo Tailai, driven by FAW Pagani and the ultimate rx7 and some Mercedes-Benz high-end engines, this engine-specific special steel has become the standard for high-end engines. Sorry to say hello to others. Of course, except for titanium alloys.
The studio here has a relatively simple fitter workshop, which is more advanced than Guo Tailai's studio in Beijing. It is temperature-controlled, humid and dust-free. It is built under the supervision of the studio's engineers. It also has a complete set of tools and small tools. Machine tool, Guo Tailai can do it at any time. flower
For three days, Guo Tailai first built two w16 engines, and gave them to the studio and the Volkswagen engineers to adjust the test. The rest of the time was to make a watch. It
A few days ago, in the early stage of the Jewelry Watch Fair, various companies have begun to set up exhibitions, and it is easy to find suppliers. Several bodyguards have already arranged several large watch accessories suppliers under the arrangement of Lin Jiayi to purchase a batch of high-grade materials to the studio according to Guo Tailai's request, only waiting for Guo Tailai to start. Of course, the Blue Dragonfly that this Justice Square technology wants to promote is indispensable.
"What kind of watch do you make?" Faced with a pile of materials, Guo Tailai was stupid. I haven't thought about it before, now let him think, choose too much, don't know what to do. I couldn’t think of the goal for a while, and asked Lin Jiayi casually: "What advice?"
"Boss, you seem to have no watch yet?" Lin Jiayi couldn't help but laugh at it. He could only say to Guo Tai: "It's good to be a men's watch for you."
Well, the men's watch, the range has been reduced by half, very good! Guo Tailai nodded and continued to ask: "What kind of men's watch?"
"It is suitable for formal wear." Lin Jiayi can only continue to advise Guo Tailai; "If you want to pursue change, this year is the Year of the Dragon, can you think about what changes can be made?"
Table, formal wear, also suitable for the Year of the Dragon? Guo Tailai searched for a while in the dream of the future, his eyes lit up, it seems that there is a table right!
Richard Mill, rm057, Mr. Cheng, this watch, isn't it all consistent?
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