Chapter 428: Orders from the United States (on)

As soon as the above is serious, the results of some things will soon come to the fore. that
A small doctor can grit his teeth and report his false report under the preliminary investigation of Haige. However, under the detailed investigation of some relevant departments, he never dared to die. He confessed that some people wanted him. Report the facts. he
A little doctor, never been to Xiangjiang, how could you know when the big peninsula of Xiangjiang went to the Peninsula Hotel, when did you meet with Guo Tailai? Before that, some people told him that he even smashed him. It’s really necessary to investigate, and he will die if he is not guilty of being robbed. Others will naturally be there.
Sure enough, the latter thing, as the person expected, only fined him for the first-class salary, and then it was gone. I thought it was okay, but only a few days later, a more powerful and desperate department directly found him. After continuous inquiries, the simple excuses of the previous ones no longer worked. One by one was Analyze, find out the loopholes in his speech one word at a time, and everyone he mentions must confirm.
This kind of means is by no means a small doctor can bear. When the person in charge of the investigation told me the timing of the seriousness of the problem, the little doctor finally refused to die. The whole account was explained.
With the explanation of the little doctor, a series of people have been smashed out of the way, and things are slowly starting to fall.
The doctor’s report was instigated by a vice president of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, while the vice president was instructed by an official of the Ministry of Health, and he was bewildered by two other officials. Not only was there a participant in the Beijing Health Bureau, but the Suzhou Health Department also participated. More than 20 officials have been identified by the relevant departments directly from the health department. In addition, there are more than a dozen experts and doctors involved.
The reason is also very simple. Some people watched Guo Tailai make a lot of money to make money. When the last price bureau was looking for Guo Tailai to trouble, many people in the health department also knew that there was still a beauty salon to make money. In a few months, the net profit is hundreds of millions! What is the speed of making money? Want
Is it possible to control such a beauty salon, then everyone is still trying to find out what medicine factory, hospital and other institutions to borrow money? You can earn a lot of money with cleanliness and water! This is also the reason why many people are tempted. And if you want to control the beauty salon, there is only one way to control Guo Tailai. another
The outside part is for another reason. Guo Tailai's treatment is really amazing. If you don't take medicine and don't open the knife, you can regenerate the skin and you can treat the early liver cancer. If you can learn his skills and figure out his principle, can you not be able to fame and fortune? Receive? To overcome the glory of cancer, in addition to being able to save Buddha, it is absolutely possible for some of them to qualify for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
Even if it is not for this, but its own hospital has become a specialist hospital for treating cancer, and it is also a great honor and interest. Among them, the China-Japan Friendship Hospital is the most active.
There may be some people who are pursuing the lofty purpose of healing people, but after they have had a preliminary understanding, they know that they cannot copy Guo Tailai's means. But after all, everyone still has some luck, maybe it can be copied?
If you want to study, you have to cooperate with Guo Tai, but the elders have also said that the ban will force Guo Tai to cooperate. Then some people must use some means, and also some of them, through the health sector's practice assessment to try to let Guo Tailai yield. Place
Some people think that Guo Tailai holds such a big interest, and the net income of several billion yuan a year can never be abandoned casually. Who can be easily replaced with a billion-dollar industry with a net profit of one year? Just take a pinch, Guo Tailai even if it is not completely coordinated, I am afraid I have to bow my head?
But no one expected that Guo Tailai’s reaction turned out to be a merciless resignation, and he gave up on his own initiative and gave up completely. He handed in his certificate of practicing doctor directly, and according to the Law on Practitioners, the reason for the revoked is reasonable and legal, and there is no place to be accommodating. This
It also means that before Guo Tailai did not re-examine the practicing doctors in China, Guo Tailai could never carry out the nursing work of the beauty salon, which was illegal medical practice. Many people still don't know that Guo Tailai has already begun to lay out abroad. They only know that Guo Tailai is a person who would rather not play and will not cooperate with them.
Things are checked, and the next step is simple. In addition to the beauty salon, Guo Tailai has another identity as a master of fine craftsmanship. He has a very special identity. He is the maker of the big red flag of the t-head. The drivers of the Chinese characters are all built by Guo Tailai. The rest can not be public, there is a large part related to the military, many people do not know is not clear, but every time doing things shows Guo Tailai's credit. This
Anyone who is honest, and who is really able to help the country improve the manufacturing industry can be so tossed. After that, other ordinary doctors can only live in the dark days? guard
The health department directly rectified, involving more than 200 people from the ministry to the locals who took bribes. Several hospitals in Beijing were also reorganized, and the directors of the dean of the medical device medical representatives were connected. The attending physician directly took the next batch of evidence, and the evidence was conclusive. The double-regulation of the double-regulation should be sent to the supervisory organ of the supervisory authority. The disciplinary committee had coffee to go to drink coffee. After some rectification, the health department's atmosphere was completely new. "
Li Bobo, too tired of your elders! Guo Tailai just attended another concert of mj, and I heard about some things. If I didn’t say anything, I immediately called Li Chaoren: "Thank you a few words, let me also be a fox." ""
Small things! Li Chaoren said with a smile: "Someone has to say that we are looking for illegal doctors, then we old couples must not recognize it!"

Guo Tailai smiled and laughed at several of the big elders in Xiangjiang, and in another place in the capital, a middle-aged man was in the cold. Fortunately, after listening to my brother, I didn’t jump out, but I was clever enough to find a person in the health system to go out for an interview. Otherwise, he himself had to get stuck. The coffee of the Disciplinary Committee could not be good.
Even so, the enthusiasm of taking two or three hundred people at the same time scared him a lot. The original people in the health system were cleaned up this time. In a short time, they could not reach even their hands. It is.
What is more troublesome is that the body of the elderly has become worse and worse. If there is no improvement, I am afraid that I will only resign from the Chinese Communist Party.
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