Chapter 457: The richest man and friend (on)

"Be sure to be good!" I haven't entered the door yet. When I heard Guo Tailai's words, Paul immediately became happy. His face was full of smiles from the heart: "Hey, you have to let Bill lift his head, ha. Haha!"
Uh! Guo Tailai did not expect Paul to say so, did Paul like to be spit?
On the side of Bill's face smile, Guo Tailai instantly understood his will.
Paul checked out the cancer in 82 years, and then basically left Microsoft. Later, Windows development was basically unrelated to Paul, so he was not afraid of Guo Tailai spitting windows, it was Bill's pot. Paul was happy to see Bill being spit, and he might be happy.
I didn't expect the two to come together, so the study only prepared two chairs. Xiaoyu is also a good eyesight price. Guo Tailai’s delay in their efforts at the door, she has already prepared a set.
Into the study, Bill and Paul are a glimpse. Even if they are already psychologically prepared, the nursing process here at the Justice Square Beauty Salon is a very relaxed atmosphere, but I did not expect it to be so comfortable. outer
Snow-covered, warm fireplace chairs in the study, red wine cigars, books and computers with TVs, they can even enjoy a warm and warm nightgown and lie in this warm winter study room to enjoy classical and modern unity. Relaxation, and Bill and Paul are old friends for many years, sitting here talking about the land, this is simply a vacation! "
what! I like this! Paul came in, didn't look at the three half-chairs that had been prepared, but looked at the lazy couch that Guo Tailai had just ordered from the carpet. It was actually a big sandbag-like style filled with Soft and comfortable padding, just look like what you want, how to sit and how to sit."
Paul likes to be comfortable. "Bill is actually explaining for Paul. Guo.
Tai Lai did not care at all. Among the people he knew, compared to Abu, Paul was the real player. His Microsoft stock was enough to support him to enjoy his work. He himself died from cancer. Since then, enjoy life, play all kinds of waves, Abu compared with him, Xiao Wu sees a big witch. A
A future luxury yacht is bought from Paul. In the words of impoliteness, it is the rest of the game. Guo Tailai’s share of the ac Milan club inspired Abu’s idea of ​​buying a team, but Paul is already the owner of the NFL professional football team Seattle Seahawks and the NBA team Portland Trail Blazers. That is, Old America doesn't like modern football very much, otherwise Paul has already started. this
In addition, Paul is a shareholder of DreamWorks, a lead singer and guitarist of a rock band, a "playboy" who plays yachts, plays adventures, and plays space. This is a real player.
"In fact, I also like to be comfortable." Guo Tailai replied with a smile: "This is very good!"
The clothes were changed, the red wine was full, and the warmth was around the fireplace. Guo Tailai asked the nursing project that the two wanted to do. "
Today is mainly Paul. "Bell is very polite: "You know, Paul's body is not very good for a while. I am only accompanying guests today. My real appointment is after Christmas.

"It doesn't matter, you can be together." Guo Tailai replied with a smile and said: "I can take another day off when I work overtime."
Paul's purpose is very clear. He still has some cancer effects. He hopes to try it out at Guo Tai to see if there is any chance to solve it. In addition to normal internal organs and male care, plus a full body shaping and rejuvenation treatment. "
Want to take off your glasses? Guo Tailai waited for Paul to finish, smiled and reminded him.

Can you wear glasses for decades?
Paul asked in surprise. "
of course! Guo Tailai nodded very seriously: "You can enjoy wearing a variety of different sunglasses in the future, no need to worry about myopia."

"Plus!" Paul said nothing, and immediately decided to come down. "
I also want! "Bill is also welcome. Two of them do, wearing glasses is a standard, can have the opportunity to remove the possible side effects of corneal surgery, of course.
Bill's care program is relatively simple, is the standard routine, visceral care plus male care plus body shaping younger treatment, and Guo Tailai reminded myopia treatment.
Before the start, Guo Tailai had to check the bodies of the two. Upon inspection, Guo Tailai frowned slightly. ratio
Er's body is very good, no big problem, basic care is enough. But Paul's is not so optimistic. He suffers from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Although the previous treatment was very good, it was not 100% eradicated. Some places have relapsed, but the scale is not big. according to
Guo Tailai knows that Paul has been continuing treatment. However, he has money, the doctors who are looking for are the best, and the treatment effect is not bad.
"Paul, I have seen your tumor, slightly affecting other organs." Guo Tailai pointed fingers at several places on Paul, which are some of the worse parts: "I can temporarily remove these, but also guarantee a few I won't relapse within the year, but I don't know the cause of your disease. I can't guarantee that I can't relapse in my life, so every few years, I'm afraid I need to come to check it again!"
Although Guo Tailai didn't see the medical record, he didn't ask about Paul's feelings. But Guo Tailai just put the wrists and then the fingers. It was some of the less wonderful places that Paul recently checked his body. It also made Paul's confidence in Guo Tailai increase.
"Compared to the detailed inspection and even treatment every few months, this is already the best news I have heard." Even if Paul did not hear Guo Tailai's perfect guarantee, Guo Tai's effect is enough for Paul. Surprise. Want
I know that Guo Tai can remove the existing tumors and guarantee that there will be no recurrence within a few years. Just because I don't know the cause of the disease, I can't completely guarantee that I will not relapse for the rest of my life. This makes Paul, who has suffered from the pain for nearly two decades, be ecstatic. Connect
Down is to start treatment, Guo Tailai took two long needles into the body of Bill and Paul, and then everyone started the chat mode, from time to time Guo Tailai also had to eat a bite of butter, then shake the long needle, but the two I don't feel the pain of needle sticking in my body.
"In fact, I used to give care to the big director Spielberg." Guo Tailai started to provoke an acquaintance that everyone knows: "He also promised me to wait for the "Transformers" movie. At the time, I will give my friend a chance to audition."
what! Paul took the call: "I just knew you from his side." Rest assured, I will remind him to remember this promise. However, what I want to hear most now is your resentment against windows, hahaha!

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