Chapter 6: Ref No.7543

When Xiao Qinghuan went up, he hugged his brother's arm. After waiting for two years, his brother finally came out of the prison, so that the excited eyes of the little girl who had learned to grow were red at this time.
"Um." Xiao Qingrong was rather indifferent, nodded, and his eyes fell on the feast of the side.
Sheng Yanhui also looked at Xiao Qingrong with complex eyes. He remembered that when he was in jail with the other party before, he had not seen each other for six months now, and this person still seemed to have not changed.
In the six months after he was released from prison, Sheng Yanhui relied on the Qinglong gang and his own ability to regain the Sheng family. Not only did he send Sheng's illegitimate son to a mental hospital, but he also overstretched Sheng Father's rights. Now Sheng Family has become After the feast of the feast.
"Let's go, Godfather is waiting for you."
He didn't know if he should be jealous of this young man, but occasionally, Sheng Yanhui probably understood the choice of godfather, Xiao Qingrong was more mysterious than he thought.
Three people got on the car together. This is a low-key black sports car. After sitting on it, you saw that Sheng Yanhui said the address to go, and then the car started automatically ...
Xiao Qinghuan had a lot of things he wanted to say to his brother, but at this moment he looked at his brother's indifferent look and didn't speak.
Xiao Qingrong, who was sitting in the car at this time, had already begun to question 618.
"618, I think there is something wrong with your data. The person who invented the fully autonomous car has just come out of the prison, and this fully autonomous car has already appeared ... Can you explain to me that this is What's going on? "
618 is too old, and hurried to find your own information, and found that the system gave the information that the host's body would invent this fully automatic driving car, but now, why does this car appear by itself?
[Sorry, host, I don't know what happened, I, I check ...]
As a system that has a host for the first time, 618 cherishes its own host, so it hurriedly began to investigate and even invaded the network of this world, only to find that this high-tech fully-autonomous car came from a Years ago, the state-owned enterprises officially released the sale. In one year, it has already achieved a lot of sales worldwide ...
But, the host was obviously still in prison a year ago ...
Xiao Qingrong no longer has any confidence in 618. He is not interested in this so-called fully-autonomous car. With this time, it is better to dissect the carcass ~
After half an hour, Xiao Qingrong was taken to the Banshan Villa in Anyang City. This is where Xin Chongliang is now, and where he is being held.
After entering the villa with the feast, after Xiao Qingrong entered, he immediately saw Xin Chongliang sitting in the hall, and Liang Xin who has now restored his status as a special soldier.
"Qing Rong, welcome back."
Xin Chongliang really likes Xiao Qingrong and treats him as a grandson. After Xiao Qingrong sits down, he hurries people to prepare Xiao Qingrong's favorite meal. Now he is very comfortable except that he can't just walk around.
"Old man, I want a laboratory. Do you have money?"
When eating, Xiao Qingrong put forward his own request, so that the feast Hui and Liang Xin who were sitting beside each other couldn't help looking at it. They had already had an impression of Xiao Qingrong's unreasonable trouble.
"Oh, of course I have money, but how much do you need to build a laboratory?" Xin Chongliang watched Xiao Qingrong eat braised pork and said that the child really likes braised pork best. Make tricks for this child.
"Not much, a few hundred million ~" Xiao Qingrong thought of the materials he needed in the system learning space, which add up to the price. He thinks Xin Chongliang still has the money.
Xin Chongliang heard these hundreds of millions, but it was no surprise. For this grandson, Xin Chongliang always knew that the other person was full of secrets, and it was precisely because of this that Xin Chongliang believed that the other party could hold everyone in the Qinglong Gang.
"This is okay, but Qing Rong, you have to help Grandpa manage the Qinglong Gang, so Grandpa can build a laboratory for you, so that ’s fair to Grandpa ~"
Looking at Xiao Qingrong kindly, through getting along in prison, Xin Chongliang already knew that this child was a child with his own ideas. If he wanted to get anything, he would exchange what he could do.
Xiao Qingrong thinks that this is not a problem. Anyway, before he was also the president of a company with nearly 100,000 people. It is not a matter of minutes to manage a small gang?
"Well, this is fine. This is what I need. You can just buy it."
A book was photographed in front of Xin Chongliang. This was a book borrowed by Xiao Qingrong from the prison. It was filled with the equipment needed by Xiao Qingrong. Xin Chongliang didn't take it, but nodded with a smile.
"Okay, Grandpa will give you a good preparation. This afternoon Yanhui will take you to the gang to see. You are the grandson of Grandpa and the heir of the Qinglong gang. You must let them know. You are great, you know?
This grandson himself doesn't like troublesome people, but the most in the gang right now is trouble. I hope this child can solve this matter ...
"Huh huh." Xiao Qingrong, who was busy eating braised pork, thought how much he had been stunned since Father Xin was released from prison? Is n’t it just a gangster? Can't you just be obedient?
Xin Chongliang didn't know the idea of ​​violence in his grandson's mind. After having dinner together, he let Sheng Yanhui take Xiao Qingrong to familiarize himself with his room. In order to welcome Xiao Qingrong's return, there was not only Xiao Qingrong's bedroom, but also a huge In the cloakroom, under the interference of Fei Yanhui, Xiao Qingrong instantly became a little prince in a suit.
That's right, such a clean, harmless face of humans and animals, coupled with this weak-looking body, looks really expensive in a suit, but it has nothing to do with the gangster ...
After resigning from Ye Xin in the afternoon, Sheng Yanhui took Xiao Qingrong to the main hall of Qinglong Gang. Although Xiao Qinghuan was worried, as a girl, he was left at home by Xin Ye. Of course, this kind of man's affairs is necessary. Man deals.
Sitting in the car, Fei Yanhui couldn't help looking at Xiao Qingrong next to him, and found that the other party seemed totally uninterested in the person he was about to meet, and he didn't know what was going on. He felt that the elders could really control Xiao Qingrong?
"Although the Qinglong Gang now has no heads, there are four elders. These four people have followed when they started the Qinglong Gang from the godfather. The godfather has been in jail for eight years, and these people have long been eager to move. There is some restraint, it is estimated that Qinglong has already helped the hands, Xiao Qingrong, as the heir of the godfather, today you will definitely be targeted, maybe ... "
Have no return! !! !!
Afterwards, Ban Yanhui didn't say it, because as long as things like power have been obtained for a long time, how can they be willing to let go? What's more, even Xin Ye had to hand over this big blue dragon gang to such a hairy kid? How could those four elders be willing?
Xiao Qingrong actually heard Sheng Yanhui's concern, but he blinked at the other person, looking innocent.
"If I know the news is good, let's Qinglong Gang, is it a gangster?"
The question he asked made Fei Yanhui confused and didn't know what Xiao Qingrong wanted to express, but in the next second, when he saw the other person's lips drew, his eyes suddenly became hot, like a wolf that saw a prey.
"The words of the gangsters are not to listen to anyone who has a big fist? Since they are not obedient, I can only let them obey."
Looking at the young man in front of him, the other party was obviously nineteen years old, but Sheng Yanhui felt an unprecedented sense of oppression, as if the other party was using his scalpel against his neck in prison.
Afterwards, all the way was silent. When Qinglong helped, Feast feasted off and drove the door for Xiao Qingrong in person to prove Xiao Qingrong's identity.
Many of these gang members waiting outside saw the feast, and knew that it was Xinye ’s son, but the one who came out of the car was his future heir! It is said that he is only nineteen years old this year.
Xiao Qingrong came out of the car. The harmless appearance of humans and animals surprised everyone a little bit. Then he walked in all the way. The people next to him fell on Xiao Qingrong's body. Some were pure curiosity. With malicious.
Soon I came to the main hall where the Qinglong gang handles things. In this main hall, only those who are very capable of the Qinglong gang can come here.
When Xiao Qingrong stepped into the Qinglong Hall, it was almost instantaneous. The people sitting on the left and right sides of the Qinglong Hall looked at each other. There were six people on each side. The first two were older and the latter were older. Slightly younger.
Xiao Qingrong didn't even look at it, and went straight to his place. The position of the lord who originally belonged to Xin Ye was so easy to sit down.
In an instant, the atmosphere of Qinglongtang changed, and the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.
A white-bearded old man sitting on the left snorted and took the lead.
"Where is this guy? Do you understand the rules?"
This person is one of the four elders, known as Bai Ye.
"Hey ~ Baibai, we people are all old. The younger generations have a higher heart than the sky. With a little relationship with Xin Ge, there is no one in sight ~" This is a fat old man with a face There are scars on it. He is also one of the elders, known as the Lord of the Swords.
"I see, Xin Ge's vision is not very good this time, can such a weak chicken be the young master of our blue dragon gang?" Another person also spoke, letting the feast look at Xiao Qingrong sitting on the main seat. .
Now these elders rely on the old to sell the old, but the feast does not feel that Xiao Qingrong is the kind of person who will let it go.
Sure enough, these elders in the Qinglong Hall targeted Xiao Qingrong word by word, but none of them took the initiative to take care of Xiao Qingrong, as if to watch Xiao Qingrong embarrassed here.
Seriously, Xiao Qingrong didn't feel embarrassed, just felt a little annoyed. After listening for a few minutes, he was even a little annoyed, and reached out and waved the tea cup on the table directly to the ground.
The broken voice of the tea cup brought everyone's eyes back to Xiao Qingrong. Looking at the heir chosen by Xinye himself, the atmosphere was frozen again. Xiao Qingrong was satisfied with the quietness, glanced at everyone, and suddenly showed a provocative smile. .
"Sufficient to say? The grandfathers are crooked, is it interesting? If you don't agree with me, just kill me?"
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