Chapter 15: How many bowls of beef noodles

Let the mechanical worm change the sea wolf back to its original appearance, Nie Yun holds the cheek gang thinking about the future of sea wolf.
"Where can I find a big ship? It's better to be abandoned. Think of it this way. Shipwrecks seem to be a good choice. But the larger shipwrecks are basically recovered. Where do I get my turn?"
Suddenly, Nie Yun's spirit flashed, and there was a place with a large number of shipwrecks!
The South China Sea area of ​​the Rabbit Country used to be the hub of ancient Asian trade. From Europe and Africa, the ocean-going trade vessels of the Cape of Good Hope, and the trade vessels from Southeast Asia and the Americas to Guangdong Province and Fujian Province. In 2000 ships.
In recent years, the Rabbit Country has stepped up its efforts to salvage these ancient shipwrecks, and a large number of rare national treasures such as porcelain antiques have been unearthed. However, many shipwrecks are still buried in the mud of the deep sea and are forgotten by history.
The South China Sea and Nanao waters are such a famous shipwreck area! Many porcelain merchant ships from the Ming and Qing Dynasties have been salvaged here, and the overall value is incalculable.
Nie Yun drove the Seawolf to this sea full of treasures, because there are many ships here and there, and the Seawolf has changed back to a tattered look.
Then Nie Yun was in trouble. Although there should be a lot of shipwrecks in this area, they were all in the deep sea. How could he throw the mechanical worm on himself?
After thinking hard, Nie Yun suddenly saw a fishing rod leaning against the side of the boat, and suddenly a bold thought came to her mind.
He took the fishing rod, and the hook on the top of the rod changed according to Nie Yun's intentions, and turned into a silver-white solid ball.
"Go!" Nie Yun slammed the ball, and the ball flew a dozen meters away with the fishing line. "Pootong" fell into the sea with a sound, which stirred a small splash of water.
The heavy ball gradually sank into the deep sea with a slender silver fishing line, and from time to time a school of fish circled it cheerfully in curiosity.
Eventually, the ball sank to the bottom of the sea and stirred up a small sand.
Then the ball suddenly grew six slender spider legs, just like a small spider began to search on the bottom of the deep sea.
However, the efficiency of a mechanical insect spider is too low, Nie Yun frowned, "Little ones! Need support in front, reserve team, give me!"
Following Nie Yun ’s order, some of the objects on the Sea Wolf turned into silvery white liquids, which poured into the deep sea along the fishing rod and slender fishing line.
And under the deep sea, the original little spider began to split wildly, one changed into two, two became four, four became eight, and not many times, the figure of this little spider was everywhere on the seabed.
Many undersea creatures were scared by these newcomers, and there was a big and small commotion under the sea.
Thousands of small spiders are frantically searching under the sea, Nie Yun fixes the fishing rod on the boat, and then closes his eyes to bask in the sun to replenish his lost energy.
As the search range on the seabed grew, the mast on the Seawolf disappeared, the sails disappeared, and the anchor disappeared. Finally, except for some necessary skeletons, the Seawolf became a bare whiteboard ship.
After the manpower on the seabed was sufficient, the efficiency was greatly improved. Within ten minutes, the robot worms made their first discovery.
Nie Yun opened his eyes, the joy flashed by.
This is a dhow, about the size of the Seawolf. It looks like an old guy in the 1990s. Nie Yun launched the surrounding mechanical worms to search. Other regions continued to expand the search range.
"Well, the harvest is good, although it is made of wood, but there are a lot of iron guys in it, anchors and iron skins, enough for children to have a meal, but this structure does not meet the requirements, just an appetizer, continue to find! Three feet to find out the big guy! "
Although there are a lot of mechanical insects, the sea floor area is so huge. It was not until an hour later that the mechanical insects came again to find the target.
Nie Yun felt a little bit. The boss who opened his mouth suddenly couldn't help but burst out a sloppy sentence, "Lying Groove!"
Appearing in front of Nie Yun is an ancient European-style three-masted sailboat. The hull is planted in a thousand-year-old sand at an oblique angle of 70 degrees. Only a small part of the hull is exposed, and the surrounding area is also covered with coral reefs. Our carpet search is really not easy to find!
After hundreds of years, the ship was covered with seaweed, and from time to time some marine organisms came in and out, apparently nesting inside. Several large holes were broken on one side of the ship, which was the reason for the sinking.
These are not the point, the point is, this turned out to be an ancient battleship!
The muzzles opened in the row of holes on the side of the hull, some of them can even see ancient artillery covered with patina. Hundreds of years have passed, and the muzzles of those black holes are still standing there, as if they are telling the past. years.
Nie Yun swallowed, this must be at least a thousand-ton ship, and more importantly, the artillery inside can provide a considerable amount of iron!
There is nothing more to say here, call the brethren and give me cruelty! Eat clean!
Countless silver shining mechanical bugs swarmed!
On the surface of the sea, a bare ship's shelf floats on the surface of the sea. There are only two things that stand out on the ship, one person and one fishing rod.
This quirky combination attracted a lot of passing ships, and some people even approached specially. A sailor on the deck shouted to this side: "Hi, brother, did you die and need help?"
Nie Yunhui expressed his most sincere thanks. "No! Thank you, brother! I'm fishing for big fish! There is a thousand tons, so it takes some effort!"
The man in that ship finally left the sea with a madman's gaze.
The sun rises and sunsets, and until noon the next day, the mechanical insects finally eaten all the iron objects on the ship, and the number has more than ten times. Nie Yun feels that it has been a little hard to control the mechanical insects now, at least the solar energy has Not enough for him to maintain high-intensity work, from time to time also need to eat a big meal to supplement physical strength.
And the energy of the mechanical worm was exhausted again, he had to let the younger brothers suspend their work, spread out on the sea surface to absorb the noon vigorous sunlight recharge, from a distance, a piece of silver sparkling, not close to it would think it was the sea surface Reflective, so I don't worry about being discovered.
Just then, Chu Xiaoxiao's phone came again.
"Hey, Nie Yun, your ancient silver coin has been identified!" Chu Xiaoxiao's tone seemed strange.
"Well, how?" Nie Yun said casually, and then took a big mouthful of instant noodles. He was really hungry.
"The result of the appraisal says that your silver coin is worth at least 10 million."
"Huh, huh? Poof!" Nie Yun first whispered carelessly, then suddenly reacted huh? With a bang, he sprayed the face in his mouth and almost choked into his nose.
"Cough! Cough!" He coughed violently for a long time.
"You ... how much do you say ?!"
"10 million yuan, soft sister currency! At least!" Chu Xiaoxiao said angrily, out of breath!
"What !? That broken coin, worth 10 million? Hey, I said, wouldn't you want to repay my life-saving grace?" Nie Yun doubted.
"I'm not that boring! It's okay to show you the testimonials by then. You guys will be shit!
This silver coin is called Ssangyong Shou coin. A pair of bat patterns cast on both sides of the front of the silver coin means auspicious, because the word "bat" of the bat and the word "fu" are homophonic. "," "Fu" homophonic.
Corresponding to the word "Shou" on the back, it means "Fu Shou Shuang Quan". It was cast by the Guangdong Mint Bureau to commemorate the 60th birthday of Cixi. It is rare in quantity and has not been seen on the market for many years.
The market price of this silver coin ten years ago was 1.29 million, and it is now valued at 10 million. "
"That is to say, my silver coin is really worth 10 million?" Nie Yun asked a little silly.
The opposite Chu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, and got it, all the previous words were said in vain!
"Yes! It's worth 10 million! And it's the starting price."
"Hey, what's wrong, why don't you talk?"
"No, I was thinking about how many bowls of beef noodles are 10 million."
Chu Xiaoxiao: "..."
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