Chapter 289: Mithril Knight

Haizu Forest Ranger, in the main cabin.
A large number of mechanical worms are devouring and reconstructing a huge host that almost occupies the entire cabin, as if slowly painted with a layer of silver paint by an invisible hand, nearly one-fifth of the host has completely changed Camp.
If possible, Nie Yun certainly hopes that his invasion of the host is a precise blow, quietly using his brain to control the entire Forest Ranger, but unfortunately, the ideal is very full, but the reality is extremely skinny!
After Nie Yun obtained the micro-quantum computer on the Gemini civilization detector before, it seems that it took him only about ten minutes to build a more advanced quantum computer for the code name.
But that is just a stack of micro-quantum computers. Although the computing power is improved, there is still a huge gap between the technical level and the complexity of the structure, and the professional military shipborne mainframe such as the Ranger.
Therefore, Nie Yun can understand nothing about the construction of advanced large quantum computers!
As the saying goes, if you want to conquer me, you must first understand me ...
When Nie Yun found this treasure, he embarrassedly found that he could not understand this quantum computer ...
As a result, he can only change from a precise strike to a carpet-like indiscriminate engulfment, choosing to eat the entire host in one breath.
This means that although I do n’t understand you, I can choose to conquer you physically!
Of course, this method is quite rude and unfriendly. In the process, the other party's struggles are more violent, and the disturbances are larger, so naturally it is understandable ...
Quantum computer: "..." (╥w╥)
Although Nie Yun's infiltration plan was successfully completed, in order not to alert the other party, the battle of Europa was not long, and the number of infiltrated mechanical insects was naturally limited.
According to Nie Yun's estimate, it would take about 20 minutes to completely devour this host at the current phagocytosis speed.
Of course, with the mechanical worming of the mainframe, Nie Yun's control of the mainframe will also rise linearly. He doesn't have to wait until all is swallowed, he can completely control the control system of the Hai Clan Forester.
During this period, it is not long, but the problem is ... Hai people will not sit still and Nie Yun has even guessed the other party's possible response plan.
Therefore, Nie Yun has already made an emergency plan, and he has no way to devour the host, so the task of buying time for himself falls gloriously on the three ghost knights ...
Outside the main engine compartment door.
The silver humanoid objects gathered together in the sand tower finally solidified. From the appearance, it seems to be no different from the "Brave Heart" armor unique to the ghost knight, except that a tactical backpack is added behind it.
There are not many mechanical bugs that Nie Yun sneaked into. Except for the part that engulfed the host, only the number of these three special machines was left.
"Mithril Knight ... Start!"
With the help of the intelligent brain, the red eyes of this special body that stood quietly flashed, and it was activated completely as if it were alive.
It moved his lower body, twisted his neck and shoulders, then raised his right hand, stretched his lower five fingers, and felt the smooth maneuverability like a real person.
There is no stagnation between the actions. It can be said that the bionic transmission has reached a new height, and there is almost no difference between the body movements of the human body.
"Hey! Sure enough, the boss produced it, it must be a boutique! This special machine is really a bunker!" The youngest smiled with satisfaction.
Not long ago, the three ghost knights who had just completed the initial body use training quickly through the brain chip could not understand the powerful attributes of the body they are currently operating.
It can be said that this machine body has surpassed the ordinary weapon concept of "robot", and should move closer to the concept of "small mech".
These three bodies are made of mechanical worms. It is one of the scientific and technological achievements that Nie Yun and a group of core scientists have just teamed up to solve the problem. It is also a special machine for "Ghost Rider"!
It was named ... "Mithril Knight"!
After obtaining some of the technology of the moon ruins and the Gemini civilization, Nie Yun was finally able to begin the modernization of his "humanoid weapon" with a "qualitative change in combat effectiveness".
From the "20-meter grade" to the "2 meter level", "Mithril Knight", a high-end machine using mechanical insect materials, was finally born!
The life-size robot on Europa, Nie Yun set the harsh exchange conditions, because even if it is manufactured, the combat effectiveness will not be qualitatively improved.
Even a ghost knight with a brain chip can be seen by being easily eliminated by others, with no effort to fight back. For the powerful Gemini civilization, this opponent is at most a scum with four-dimensional attributes of 1, which is no different from a streaking wolf robot ...
The reason is that he does not have small shield technology, he does not have powerful miniaturized high-density energy, and he does not have sharp attack weapons ...
But now ... he basically has it!
It wasn't until the end of Europa's fourth battle that Nie Yun, with a deepened technological background, put on the god-level material of mechanical insects, this new body was finally finalized, and this high-end combat power could be promoted in a small range!
The reason why Nie Yun developed this kind of robot is mainly to ... open a "trumpet".
Although the "advent" skill is easy to use, it cannot be applied to multiple battlefields. After all, Nie Yun cannot achieve "multiple avatars"! When he has no time to distract him, the existence of the "Mithril Knight" can help Nie Yun suppress small-scale regional battles.
In a sense, these Mithril Knights are the trumpets that Nie Yun exists specifically for hanging up!
And it ’s the three ghost knights who helped the practice ...
As a trumpet, the combat power is too low to be natural. At the beginning of the design, the "Mithril Knight" was designed for the high-end body specifically used by the super warriors implanted with brain chips. The final performance test was shocking to participate in the design. The eyeballs of Yu Lao and other scientists ...
Nie Yun's time was quite accurate. The third boy had just landed on the new body, and a dense footstep came from the corner of the aisle. A group of sea warriors wearing simple combat uniforms and armed with guns appeared in front of him. ...
These sea warriors belonging to the Guards of the Forest Ranger were caught off guard and met the youngest, and they all stunned!
Even if they were told in advance that this trip was to suppress the invaders, they absolutely did not expect the intruder to be such a big one!
Could it be that we are collectively blind? Can such a big goal be lurked in? !
"Everyone, welcome to the solar system as a guest! Next, please feel the enthusiasm of the earth people ... hehe!" The youngest man squeezed his fists with a smile and took the initiative to walk towards them ...
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