Chapter 403: Historical reasons

Solar system.
The stars of the nine planets revolve around the galaxy's core like a moon, like an ever-present loyal guard.
The only light source in the solar system exudes endless light and heat, disperses the eternal darkness of the infinite universe, illuminates the entire galaxy, it burns itself, ignites the solar system, and also ignites the civilization flame of the earth.
The sun is the central celestial body of the galaxy. It occupies 99.86% of the total mass of the solar system. The remaining 0.14% of various celestial bodies and interstellar dust orbit all around the sun, and the sun revolves around the center of the galaxy.
It is a star interwoven with a hot plasma and a magnetic field, with a diameter of about 1.39 million kilometers, which is equivalent to 109 times the diameter of the earth, and a volume of about 1.3 million times that of the earth.
From the chemical composition point of view, about three-quarters of the mass of the sun is hydrogen, and the rest is almost helium. It uses nuclear fusion to release light and heat into space. It is the well-deserved energy heart of the solar system!
All activities on the planet are inseparable from the energy provided by the sun. In recent years, with the development of earth technology and the huge demand for electricity consumption, the photovoltaic industry has grown rapidly, and the utilization of solar energy in countries around the world has also become higher and higher. .
With the chaotic Nie Yunhei technology increasingly eroding the earth's daily life today, the long cosmic distance and high temperature can no longer prevent the earth's people from flying, so they turned their eyes to the sun!
In fact, Freeman Dyson proposed a theory as early as 1960, the so-called "Dyson ball".
He believes that the energy contained in planets such as the Earth itself is very limited, far from enough to support the development of civilization on it to an advanced stage, and the most energy in a star-planet system comes from stars!
However, the radiation of stars is actually wasted. At present, the solar radiation energy received by the planets of our solar system only occupies less than one percent of the total.
Therefore, a highly developed civilization must be able to surround the sun with a huge spherical structure, so that most of the sun's radiant energy is intercepted. Only in this way can the civilization be supported for a long time and be developed to a sufficient height.
Civilization has developed into the interstellar age, and it must have entered full electrification. The demand for energy will reach a very alarming level. Therefore, ensuring energy supply and improving energy collection efficiency are major issues that every civilization entering space must face.
Nie Yun, who entered the interstellar age, inevitably turned his attention to the use of solar energy.
The "Prometheus" plan is an open tender by the ghost captain, proposed by top scholar Lawrence, and certified by the ghost cloud research institute, and the first human civilization galaxy project supported by the Earth Defense Force!
Prometheus is a in Greek mythology that steals fire for humans, and what Prometheus plans to steal ... is the endless energy of the sun!
Speaking of this plan, there are "historical reasons" for its proposal and implementation ...
Originally, Nie Yun's time to enter space was too short. Even if he used the mechanical worms to mine madly to build a colonial base, he didn't occupy much land at all. For the solar system, even a drop of the sea can't be counted.
At the current scale of the solar system development, energy has not yet become a factor restricting the development of the earth's civilization.
In the cosmic colonial bases on major planets and asteroids, Nie Yun has built controllable nuclear fusion energy centers of varying sizes. The rich nuclear fuel in the universe is sufficient to provide the base's energy needs.
However, with the large-scale entry of the earth into the universe, hundreds of millions of robotic forces have been put into use, various infrastructures are gradually spread out, and the energy demand is increasing exponentially!
Among them, the large energy-consuming households include various mining heavy industry equipment, smelting centers, shipyards, quantum computer centers, and mechanical insects, etc ...
According to statistics, the scale of the small robot army in the solar system has reached about 350 million. About 1 billion humans take turns to use these avatars and enter the universe through virtual helmets to engage in various industrial and entertainment activities.
Even if the energy consumption of each robot is not high, but such a huge number, coupled with 24 hours of non-stop operation, still need to consume a lot of energy for recharging every day.
The smelting center is an energy black hole. All industrial construction and infrastructure, including the daily rations of mechanical insects, are inseparable from metals. The largest building in each colonial base is a smelting center.
Countless minerals are collected and put into a smelting center for high-temperature smelting. A large amount of steel and parts produced are transferred to various production lines, manufacturing robots and industrial equipment, which require a lot of energy.
The emerging space shipbuilding industry needs to consume massive amounts of metal. The importance of the shipbuilding industry to the interplanetary era is definitely far greater than that of the great nautical era!
For the stability of the rear, Nie Yun has not yet released the permit for the construction of the warship. The warship shipyard currently only has the exclusive shipbuilding base of the Earth Defense Force located in the asteroid belt.
The ordinary warships produced here are basically delivered to the Earth Defense Forces.
As for the super battleship of mechanical insect materials ... well, there is no need for a shipyard at all.
The current solar system can be said to be loose outside and tight inside, and it seems to have no military power, but in fact, the mechanical worm is too good to play a pig and eat a tiger.
When needed, Nie Yun can let the rear mechanical worms pull out a fully mechanical worm-like super fleet in just a few hours.
In this respect, a liquid metal warship capable of ever-changing changes can be said to have inherent stealth skills of "stealth".
At present, most of the mechanical worms are secretly engulfing and breeding in secret areas that are not open to the outside world. The number of mechanical worms is equal to Nie Yun's strength. As long as they continue to eat, Nie Yun's strength will steadily expand ...
If you are not worried about the safety of the wormhole defense line, just in case, Nie Yun does n’t even want to be stationed there. After all, the resources near the wormhole are not abundant.
However, the two warships stationed in the wormholes were not idle. A lot of metal was mined in the fortress and nearby celestial bodies. In addition to the construction of war weapons, at some time, some steel will be transported to the two warships for them Devour.
If the radar of Gemini is accurate enough, you will find that these two warships are slowly gaining weight ...
Compared with cheating robot warships, the manufacture of ordinary warships is much more serious.
The shipbuilding base of the asteroid belt has been continuously expanded, and dumplings are being dumped at a rate of 1 per month, and the shipbuilding speed is still increasing.
In addition to the first Soyuz launched, another battleship has also been completed. At this moment, a batch of supplies are being transported to the wormhole to join the defensive front.
The military shipbuilding industry Nie Yun temporarily does not allow countries and forces on the earth to interfere, but in order to stimulate market competition and promote the development of the industry, Nie Yun actively opened the construction application of civil shipyards.
Some powerful countries or forces, which one does not want to be strong on the ship, to cross the stars and the sea?
Even if you can only build civilian ships, it is also a kind of technology accumulation, not to mention getting some technical support from the ghost captain. This kind of good thing naturally does not want to let go.
However, such things as space shipyards are heavy assets and sophisticated. Without certain technical and economic strength, they ca n’t play at all. Therefore, at present, only the four major forces of Europa, Rice, Mao Xiong and Zhonghuajia have their own independent shipyards. And, after completion, it can only produce small spaceships below 10,000 tons.
Many consortium forces and Fortune 500 companies have also applied for the construction of dozens of small shipyards through shareholdings or joint fund-raising to produce small spaceships of 1,000 tons.
In order to meet market demand, Atlantis has also established a special banking institution to provide special low-interest loans to further accelerate the development of the shipbuilding industry.
As the development of the solar system continues to expand, the problem of complementary resources between various colonial bases has also been put on the agenda. The hidden demand for transport spacecraft is huge to covet, massive orders, and thousands of tons to tens of thousands of each Unequal tonnage, no matter how much capacity, can not fill up the black hole of rapidly increasing demand.
With the current production capacity, the orders of governments of various countries have been scheduled until 2025, which is not a civil society that cannot even get orders.
What followed was a surge in demand for materials.
According to the code-name prediction, they need to at least double the number of current smelting centers to meet the market demand, and the supporting energy centers must also keep up, and the resulting fuel demand will also rise!
In addition to these infrastructure projects, with the popularization of virtual technology, billions of humans have flowed into the virtual community. Countless streams of consciousness require massive amounts of computing power to process. Virtual laboratories also require a lot of computing resources, plus countless automation. The production line and equipment, and the occupancy rate of the computing power continue to climb to a new high.
The quantum computer center on the moon has been continuously expanded, and now occupies almost the size of 5 football fields.
Such a huge quantum computer center consumes a lot of energy at all times, and it is fortunate that the moon has rich nuclear fuel resources.
Of course, the above series of resource consumption are also within the expectations of Nie Yun and the code name. With the current energy collection efficiency, it is enough to meet all needs, and there is a surplus of about 10% to 20%.
But life is always full of surprises, Nie Yun still ignores the amazing spending power of some groups ...
R & D in science and technology has always taken up a lot of social resources, including energy, but what Nie Yun did not expect is that the energy consumption of this group of scientists began to rise until it broke through the sky ...
All along, Nie Yun, who insists on the prosperity of science and technology, has carried out policy inclinations and financial subsidies for scientific research, so the cost of electricity is basically zero.
It must be said that this measure stimulated the enthusiasm of R & D guys and accelerated the technological development of earth civilization.
But it turns out that scientists are the group of people closest to lunatics, and mad scientists without restrictions are a group of old rogues!
Nie Yun ’s indulgence allowed Yu Lao and other scientists to use energy to take care of it. Just a "energy plasma study" organized by this group of guys last month, the energy consumed occupied the total energy consumption of the month 3% of the amount!
This is almost a month's power consumption of a colonial base!
However, this group of guys did not know Chai Migui when they were not at home. Some time ago, they applied for a series of "super" like super-large quantum collision, ultra-high temperature plasma, ultra-long-range fortress-level laser gun, super heavy gravity collapse, etc. , "Super" -level experiments on the very tall.
One today, two tomorrow, and it seems that the future plan is still increasing in equivalence. I am afraid that if it is not understaffed, this group of guys will turn all solar system objects into laboratories ...
Then the big housekeeper code name found that his own new energy increase rate is almost unable to keep up with the energy consumption rate ...
When Nie Yun, who worked the front line not long ago, received the system prompt "Energy is insufficient, please recharge as soon as possible", the whole person was ignorant!
Lao Tzu is all nuclear fusion! You actually told me that I owed money? !
Isn't the front line yet to go to war, I have to start using strategic resources like energy crystal?
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