Chapter 406: Newcomer benefits

Endless light and heat are shining on the huge film of Torch 1, and some of the trapped light and heat radiation are converted into their own energy by mechanical insects.
"The energy retention rate is 35%, and the reserve energy of Torch 1 is increasing ..."
In the sound of the system in the virtual command room, Lawrence looked nervously at the picture in front of him.
With super materials that can withstand high temperatures, how to transform energy and compress and store huge violent energy without being exploded is the key step in the success of the "Prometheus" plan.
It is not difficult to "steal the fire" from the hands of the sun. What is difficult is not to catch fire!
"Ziz!" Soon afterwards, a blue arc flashed on the huge umbrella-shaped film, which is a unique energy spillover phenomenon of mechanical insects.
Immediately afterwards, incomparably huge energy was converted into electrical energy, which was concentrated and transmitted to the hemispherical pod. I saw that the complex light path in the pod gradually lighted up, and the outline looked like a cannon ...
"Drop! When the energy reaches the threshold, start laser positioning ... Make sure that the" torchbearer "receives the positioning signal! The" torchbearer "is ready for docking!
Countdown torch lighting! 10,9 ... 3,2,1! "
At the next moment, the light in the pod is shining!
"Zi!" A thick bucket of high-energy laser was excited and shot straight into the void away from the sun from the pod!
This high-energy laser traversed a long distance at the speed of light at a slight deviation from the solar system ecliptic plane, and was finally received by a weird-looking aircraft 30 million kilometers away!
This aircraft is named "torchbearer", and the core components are still made of mechanical insects. Its appearance looks like an old monocular with a slight curvature, the front is big and the back is small.
I saw that after a long distance, a huge light beam that had spread to dozens of square meters accurately drilled into the larger entrance, and then when it was drilled from the smaller exit, it was recompressed into the thickness of the bucket, and the laser turned a slight angle. , Shot again towards the solar system zodiac ...
Solar system, Mercury base.
Unlike the hustle and bustle of the past, this base has temporarily closed all functions and ceased opening to the outside world.
All users of virtual helmets who want to log in to Mercury Base will receive a strange prompt "System upgrade, the map is temporarily closed".
The base's nuclear fusion energy has been shut down and replaced by a backup energy system, so the base is now dark, and the Buddha is in a deep sleep.
Just then, a huge beam of light descended from the sky!
Through the distant space, the beam of light coming from afar directly hit another "torchbearer" in Mercury's orbit.
The light beam was compressed and gathered again, and refracted straight toward Mercury below the next moment. After a while, it accurately submerged into the Mercury base below!
"Zi ~" The turbulent energy is like injecting soul into this base, and the light is centered on a straight beam of light, which in turn quickly lights outward!
"Boom!" The machine began to roar again, and the automated production line that was stopped was resumed! The furnace heats up again, igniting a dazzling flame ...
The whole base is like a giant beast, waking up instantly from a deep sleep!
"No. 1 energy transportation line is established, the equipment is operating normally, the track is stable and normal ... the energy transmission loss is 6%, the energy obtained per unit time is 235247755.54 kW ... The energy reserve of the Mercury base continues to increase ..."
In the "Prometheus" plan, the energy transmission method is not to use energy storage materials for energy transportation, but to choose a high-energy laser to achieve light-speed energy delivery!
The energy storage medium cannot be transported in a "hard landing" like a mechanical worm, so the long distance between the sun and the bases in the galaxy determines the long transportation period calculated by traditional transportation methods in months!
This method not only consumes a lot of energy in the transportation process itself, but also has extremely low transportation efficiency. For Nie Yun, who lacks a transportation spaceship, it is not a way to achieve it in a short time.
However, it is very convenient to transmit energy by means of high-energy laser!
Calculated according to the speed of light, it only takes 5.6 hours from the sun to the farthest Pluto, and it can fully achieve the "one day" in the solar system!
However, although this method is efficient, it also has its shortcomings. First, it will be interfered by cosmic dust and various orbiting objects during transportation.
Therefore, the transportation route planned by "Prometheus" was selected outside the solar system's ecliptic plane, and was refracted by the "torchbearer" to deliver energy to Mercury in a triangular path!
The solar system is a galaxy formed by the explosion of a supernova. The primitive nebula at the beginning of the formation of the galaxy spun itself, so a large number of planets, asteroids and cosmic dust are all gathered on the solar system ecliptic.
On the zodiac, all kinds of celestial bodies are rampant, just like the busy land traffic on the earth.
The area outside the zodiac is relatively "clean", like an air route, and is the best choice for establishing semi-permanent transportation routes.
Another problem with transportation is the diffusion effect of light.
Even if there is no medium interference, the artificial laser will diffuse with the increase of distance in a complete vacuum environment. If it is the previous earth technology, it is impossible to excite a low-diffusivity ultra-long-range laser.
In addition to the amazing machining accuracy of the mechanical worm, this must also be attributed to the generous Gemini.
But low diffusivity is not equal to non-diffusion, so it is necessary to use the "torchbearer" as a relay to compress the diffused light back.
About every 30 million kilometers, such a relay is needed to ensure a high degree of energy condensation!
If the distance between the ground and the sun is about 150 million kilometers, it takes about 6 transfer stations to complete the relay. This number is not much. With Nie Yun ’s current productivity, even if this energy transmission line is full The solar system is not difficult.
Virtual command room.
"Papapap!" Everyone stood up and applauded for this historic moment.
Although it is only the successful launch of Torch 1, it is still far from the huge idea of ​​Dyson ball, but the journey of a thousand miles is the first step!
"I ... we succeeded?" Lawrence was still incredible.
Especially the data of 6% energy transmission loss almost blinded his presbyopia!
Roughly calculated, this is almost equivalent to almost no loss in the entire energy transportation process except for the energy dissipation of the laser itself? !
How to do it!
"Well! The system is running well, the energy delivery power is almost equivalent to a large energy center, and it is almost permanent! We did succeed!
However, this is just "Torch 1", the subsequent "Torch" series will be launched from the Mercury base in succession, and the parallel operation of multiple "torches" also needs to continue to improve the test.
In addition, the torchbearer's intermediate relay route also needs to be well planned. I need to fully lay out the energy transmission line to an important base of the entire solar system, so the entire project has just begun! Yu Lao said with a big smile on his face.
The "Prometheus" plan was successfully trial run, and the boss promised another R & D fund. He was naturally happy, and even watching Lawrence became more pleasing.
"The basic model of 'Prometheus' has been established. The rest of the follow-up work is not difficult. Just look for someone to stare at, but everyone in this room still has a lot of scientific research projects on hand Open, so ... "
"I do!" Lawrence said, "Let me come" before he finished talking.
"Uh ..." Yu Lao's eyelids jumped, and was thundered by these three words.
"Cough! Very good, then the codename Miss will handle the onboarding procedures for you. Is there any problem with the one-month internship period?"
"No problem!" Lawrence resolutely answered, not even asking about his labor contract and benefits.
As long as he can enter the cloud research institute, he would be willing to even post it! This is an opportunity that many people dream of.
After this period of contact, he has been completely conquered by everything here, and no scientist can withstand such temptations without being tempted.
"Okay, rest assured, the boss will never treat the people who work for him. The welfare of the newcomers here is absolutely beyond your imagination, hehe ..." Yu Laoxiao means a lot.
People around them also smiled the same.
The so-called lonely music is not as good as the public music. Since you are unlucky, you need more people to be fair ...
Lawrence couldn't see everyone's smiles, but only felt a bit chilly behind ...
He naturally didn't know that this newcomer's welfare has a very nice name called "forever eighteen years old"!
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