Chapter 458: The ultimate in marketing

As soon as the new year benefits of 1,000 kWh per person came out, no one could sit still. "How do I join the" Prometheus "energy network?"
"It's very simple, just log on to the Atlantis official website to write an online application, our engineering team will start laying free cross-sea cables from Atlantis to the designated country, the total construction period of any place in the world will not More than a month.
As long as the cable is integrated into the national main grid, all registered citizens can enjoy the energy services provided by Atlantis! Chu Xiaoxiao replied.
"His!" Another breathing sound.
The global free Internet connection within a month has really frightened many people.
"What about energy usage?" Someone asked again.
"Still adopting the unlimited currency pricing model, users who exceed the per capita free quota will be charged an energy fee of 50,000 kWh for one point of unlimited currency!"
Can 1 Infinite Coin buy 50 million hours of energy? What is the difference between this and free delivery? Everyone was shocked to inhale.
The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is already in despair, and all the energy interests are also mourning.
If the other party is fighting a price war, even if the current energy price is reduced by a factor of ten, they are confident to use the huge resources and influence they have to fight a long-term battle with the other party, forcing the other party to give up some of the benefits.
But they obviously miscalculated the cost line of the Prometheus plan, because that is almost zero cost!
In this case, just knowing the red eyes and thick necks of the people around you knows that it is useless to use some small means.
Others are using almost free energy supply, but they are paying high electricity bills, even the voters of the United States may not agree?
"I object! You are engaged in monopoly dumping, which is a serious violation of international antitrust laws!" The Minister of Energy of the United States saw that something was wrong and hurriedly came forward to express its objection.
Chu Xiaoxiao looked at him with a trace of pity in his eyes. "This minister, I am talking to you about the development of human civilization, but you are talking to me about monopoly?"
That tone and eyes showed a complete chain of contempt for the Minister of Energy's IQ, EQ, vision and even moral level ...
Ignoring the energy minister who had been humiliated, Chu Xiaoxiao waved his hand slightly, and charts appeared in front of everyone.
"According to statistical data, fossil energy represented by oil, natural gas, and coal accounts for more than 85% of the world's primary energy consumption, while nuclear and renewable energy account for a relatively small proportion.
Even though the technology of the earth has developed rapidly recently, this energy structure cannot be changed in the short term. "Speaking of this, Chu Xiaoxiao paused slightly, glancing at several countries headed by the United States, making their faces slightly unnatural.
Atlantis's intelligence network is almost pervasive. She naturally knows that the energy system has been updated very slowly in the past few decades, and many of these vested interest groups are hindering the energy upgrade.
Several of these great inventions, which were sufficient to change the existing energy structure, were silently "disappeared" because they touched the cakes of these groups.
Water in the energy field is much deeper than ordinary people think.
"A lot of fossil fuels not only have low energy conversion efficiency, but also cause great environmental problems, such as disordered mining, greenhouse gases, water pollution and smog!
Not only that, high energy prices also limit the rapid development of earth civilization!
According to our estimates, once connected to the energy network of the Prometheus project and using efficient, clean and cheap energy, the country's industrial development rate will increase by 5 to 10 percentage points!
The average production cost of an enterprise is reduced by 20 percentage points!
The investment in scientific research in various countries will drop by 30% ... "
Chu Xiaoxiao used all the same data and cases to show all countries the huge benefits that energy upgrades will bring.
As Chu Xiaoxiao talked with facts and data, many people fell into contemplation and began to think about the pros and cons of giving power to Atlantis to the entire country.
Controlling energy as a strategic resource in the hands of others is naturally dangerous, and it also hurts energy companies in the country.
But the energy services provided by Atlantis are too tempting!
For many pure energy importing countries, this is even a pie.
People are already in control of the energy lifeline, so who controls it? At least Atlantis has never interfered in other countries' internal affairs!
To put it another way, if you do not accept it, others will develop faster than you, and the cost of the things produced will be lower than you. How can you increase exports and reduce deficits?
You seem to have resisted the temptation to choose yourself to work hard, but after more than ten or twenty years, when others have been fully electrified, are you still burning coal to generate electricity?
Without competitiveness, what's the use of shouting "Let's suffocate our dreams"? Sell ​​feelings?
The national strategy is not impossible to make concessions, the key depends on whether you have enough chips!
Moreover, each country also has a strategic energy reserve. Even if the daily energy supply is completely entrusted to Atlantis, the other party may not be able to completely cut off their energy supply.
It's no big deal to leave a spare energy network!
This matter ... seems promising?
Most of the people around were so impressed, even the Minister of Energy of the United States began to hesitate. After all, energy is only one of the advantages of the United States.
Seeing that the situation has turned sharply, the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia can no longer sit still. Their country can only rely on energy. Once the energy is upgraded, they will undoubtedly be directly spine!
"Just as you said, the smallpox still cannot change the fact that Atlantis intends to monopolize global energy.
Once the traditional energy industry is completely destroyed, you will be able to raise prices arbitrarily. By then, can we not only be lambs arbitrarily slaughtered? "
The words of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did arouse the concern of many people, but Chu Xiaoxiao smiled carelessly.
"Hehe! If you are just worried about our profit, then you can rest assured that I hereby promise on behalf of Atlantis that the price of 10,000 kWh per point of unlimited currency ... will not change for 100 years!"
"His!" There was an inhalation again.
100 years? !
No company has ever dared to make such an amazing price commitment in a time span!
Are you sure this is not the 100-year period in "Hook and Hang for 100 Years?"
What to do if the energy crisis occurs? What about inflation? There are too many unexpected factors.
Are you afraid of losing money?
Mechanical Bug: "..." (Where is it?)
(Ben: "Who is looking for me?")
Not waiting for everyone to fully digest the information, Chu Xiaoxiao spoke again.
"Money is just a number for our chairman, Mr. Captain Ghost. He doesn't even know how many zeros there are in his book.
Unless you think he can make a wish to himself with the money he printed ... "
A small joke from Chu Xiaoxiao caused a burst of kind laughter from everyone present.
Yes! Infinite currency was issued by his family, and the money printing machine was in his hand. It was just printed directly to make money, but this was completely meaningless.
Is New Year ’s welfare ... true?
"You ... you are confusing concepts! You are not for money, but also for power, in order to make us subject to others! This is naked economic aggression and strategic monopoly!" The Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia said angrily.
Supermarket discounts, Ma Yun sent red envelopes, saying that it is New Year's benefits, when I do not know that these are routines?
No matter what you say, I do n’t believe in punctuation anyway!
As for what he said, being constrained by people is a bit far-fetched. The ghost captain ’s guns are floating above his head. It seems to be the same as the real one. We are also a little embarrassed ...
"Cough! As a special consultant on earth development affairs, and as a ... well! A company with a strong sense of social responsibility, Atlantis is committed to promoting the progress of civilization of all mankind."
Chu Xiaoxiao's face was a little bit red when he said this, and the face of the audience below was also weird.
Very socially responsible company?
Who doesn't know that Atlantis has a "limited liability system" ...
It seems that I feel that my morale is worth a little bit faster. After Chu Xiaoxiao's words, I quickly entered the topic.
"So we decided that all the profits generated by the Prometheus plan will be used to set up the 'Earth Development Public Welfare Fund', which will be returned to the local government for free for energy network and other infrastructure construction on a national basis!"
Everyone was dumbfounded, and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Shah was completely ashamed.
Others talk to you about monopoly, you talk about human progress and civilization development.
I talk to you about the right to talk about money, and you actually talk to me about charity?
On this day ... Can I continue talking? !
Everyone has done this. Can you point to someone who does charity and charity to say that he is a monopoly?
There is no such thing in international antitrust laws!
Once this plan came out, I am afraid that apart from a few countries, no one could refuse such a tempting condition.
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Atlantis' energy promotion plan ... is no longer unstoppable!
It turned out that the red envelopes and the like were all weak!
The ultimate in marketing ... is it a public good ...
The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was disappointed. Unfortunately, how painful this is ...
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