Chapter 603: Spartak uprising

At night, the hustle and bustle in village 67 for a long time finally finally fell into silence. In the dark night, only the embers of the bonfire exuded a slight light.
Sula snuggled up with the drunken Spartak, and suddenly felt that the corner of the dress was gently pulled by someone.
She looked down and found that this little girl Kiki suddenly smiled and gently hugged her into her arms.
"What's wrong, don't you go to bed so late?"
"Sister Sula, did your dad never come back?" Kiki asked, lowering her head softly.
Sura stiffened, and Spartak's hand moved slightly, and the habits he had developed on the battlefield made him sleep very lightly.
"How come, I said, your dad is just on duty, and this time he can't come back with us." Sura still couldn't bear to tell the little girl the cruel reality.
"Really? But mom just cried in the room for a long time ..." Kiki said in a low voice.
Although she was young, she was so enraged that she didn't understand anything, and she finally noticed something.
Sura remained silent for a long time without speaking, but hugged Kiki, who was sobbing, tightly.
Spartak opened his eyes quietly without speaking, but looked at the gray sky with confusion.
Kiki's father was his fellow countryman and comrade-in-arms, but was assigned to a different combat team. After a battle two months ago, he never heard any news from him.
In the end, there was not even a formal death notice.
But no one would care about such "little things", because alive, they already let them do their best.
Perhaps, one day, like the comrade-in-arms, he will disappear in this world silently. At that time, I do n’t know if my relatives will be as sad and sad as Kiki ...
Spartak looked at Sura beside him, and there was a trace of pity and intolerance in his eyes.
If I were to die, Sura ... and what kind of future would I have in the future?
Even if I am promoted to a senior bronze warrior today, I still can't change the tragic fate of my family ...
At this moment, a dazzling shooting star suddenly struck the dark sky, illuminating the entire valley.
Spartak looked up in surprise, and then saw dozens of meteors in the night sky pierced the sky.
"This is ... the spaceship!" Spartak was startled and immediately stood up.
He knew that there were absolutely few troops stationed here by the Rock Consortium, but in front of him he saw that there were nearly a hundred landing crafts that were breaking through the atmosphere. This is probably not the spacecraft of the Fifth Fleet!
"Spartak." Sula pulled Kiki up, with some worry in her eyes.
The Lane people in the village also noticed the anomaly and were awakened one after another, some confused and confused.
"Relax, for a fleet of this size, a village like ours is completely non-threatening, and they should not be interested in us ..." Spartak comforted Sura softly.
However, before he finished talking, he saw a landing ship flying straight towards the valley. The huge air friction whistled, which exacerbated people's panic.
"Come on, arrange women and children to take shelter in the refuge, men pick up weapons! Soldiers enter the mech!" The one-armed village chief shouted.
Spartak quickly let Sura hide with Kiki, and he followed the team on an old mech.
The mech is rusty, and the weapon is only a beam gun. It is useless in front of unknown enemies, and Spartak has no confidence in his heart.
In order to prevent the Ryan rebellion, the Rock consortium has very strict control of weapons on the planet, so that they have little resistance against modern interplanetary landing forces.
When Spartak led the team to guard the valley mouth, the landing boat had already "banged" with a loud noise and landed at the valley mouth.
"Sure enough, it is not the Rocket Consort's spaceship!" Spartak also confirmed his judgment when he saw this landing craft of an unfamiliar model.
Several grisly high-powered artillery on the landing boat made Spartak and others dared not move at all.
The strengths of the enemy and our opponents are too disparate, not to mention that they can have more than one landing craft, and maybe there is an opposing fleet in space. If you do n’t know the intention of the opposing party, it is absolutely dead.
"Oh!" The hatch of the landing craft slowly opened.
The spacecraft's high-power spotlights illuminate a large area around it, and Spartak clearly sees that a person coming out of the hatch ... man?
This is a tall Woolf empire with black hair and does not wear any protective equipment.
After walking out of the hatch, he looked at the surrounding environment and walked straight towards the valley entrance.
It's really coming to the village! Spartak's heart suddenly tightened, and many Ryan warriors also clenched their weapons in their hands.
"Boom!" At this moment, a desert a hundred meters away suddenly made a loud noise and the earth and stone splashed!
A head is more than five meters high, with three sharp long horns on his head. The black scales on his body suddenly drilled out of the ground, bringing up the sky with dust.
"It's an earth dragon! It must have been the movement of the spaceship landing that angered it!" The Lane clan exclaimed.
The ground-dragon has a huge body, thick skin and thick meat, and the sharp corners on the top of the head are extremely aggressive. Even if it is an armor, it will be knocked over without care! Even on the Ryan star with fierce beasts, it belongs to the top of the food chain.
"Roar ~" I saw that the earth-going dragon roared upwards, and then his head was lowered, and he threw his hoofs and rushed towards the landing boat. The body of more than ten tons made the earth tremble.
In the dark night, it is the most shining and conspicuous here, and naturally became its first target of attack.
And unfortunately, the man who just came out was so unstoppable that he was blocked on the road to the ground dragon charge!
The presence of the pirates or the Lane people did not expect that Cheng Chengjin would suddenly be killed during the confrontation. It was all a bit ignorant, and it was too late for the pirates to rescue.
Seeing that the unlucky egg was going to die tragically under the foot of the dragon, but the next moment ...
"Bang!" The giant dragon's huge body swooped out, and then a "bang" crashed directly on a small hill in the distance.
Thick thighs twitched twice and stopped moving ...
Nie Yun slowly withdrew his high leg and dusted the dust on his body. "Oh! The creatures here are really enthusiastic."
Everyone can clearly see that the head of the earth dragon is twisted strangely, and it was actually kicked by a man with a thick neck ...
The scene was a little quiet, and everyone looked at Nie Yun as if they were looking at a human-shaped tyrannosaurus.
Nie Yun, who is just like everyone else, controls the mechanical insect avatar and slowly walks into the valley mouth, over the bunker built by the boulder.
All the Lane tribes looked at him like an enemy, but even if there were more than a dozen mechas, no one would dare to start.
"Tap ~ tap ~ tap" The quiet scene was only footsteps from Nie Yun's movements, and many of the Len's foreheads were sweating coldly.
Then Spartak was stunned to find that the other party came straight towards the mech he was driving!
Nie Yun stood in front of the armor driven by Spartak, raised his head and smiled at him, then a familiar voice rang directly in Spartak's mind.
"Now, it's time for you to make your choice, Spartak ..."
Spartak was shocked.
He is naturally familiar with this voice. It is the mysterious man who signed a contract with himself and also included a hammer of destruction!
Could it be that……
Thinking of the inexplicable "Spartak salvation" task, he looked at Nie Yun in front of him and swallowed.
"Choose ... what?"
"You can choose to be an ordinary person, a free person, instead of being an involuntary slave ..."
Nie Yun's words made Spartak's heart beat violently.
This mysterious existence helped save Sula when he was desperate, and now, he took the fleet from the sky and said that it brought the dawn of redemption for himself and his people ...
"Why help us?"
"Because you are valuable." Nie Yun said straightforwardly.
"... what do you want us to do?"
"What do you think of being a pirate?"
Spartak: "..."
Everyone looked inexplicably at Nie Yun standing still in front of Spartak, and no one knew what the two had exchanged.
But soon, in the eyes of everyone's consternation, some broken mechas suddenly knelt on one knee and dropped their heads towards Nie Yun.
In the courtesy of the Lane tribe, the proud soldier will only make such a move under one circumstance ... that is to show surrender!
From this moment, the history of the Lane tribe has opened a new chapter.
Later historians will call the "looting" of this remote planet today the beginning of the "Spartak uprising" ...
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