Chapter 613: New map

"Commander, the" Civilization Front "has updated a new map!"
"Oh?" As soon as he went online, Klein heard the news, and he was shocked.
"Civilization Front" is the second-ranked core virtual world in the endless virtual world system created by Captain Ghost, with more than 500 million people online at the peak.
After the popularization of virtual technology, traditional game developers have opened up their own exclusive "game world" to complete the gorgeous transformation of 2D, 3D to a fully immersive experience.
However, these traditional games can't compete with the popularity of the "civilized front".
Not only because this is the only ghost virtual game with technical support from Atlantis and the ghost captain, but also because of the "hard core" level of the game.
Regardless of the actual combat effect of the hot and cold weapons, or the combat parameters of the mech warships, all are military training levels, and the civilized front is completely close to reality, and the simulation has achieved the extreme that the current ghost technology can achieve.
Even the regular army such as the Earth Defense Force has been stationed on the "civilized front" for virtual training, and after passing the official "VIP certification", it has become the largest military force among them!
What is more tempting is that the civilian elites who stand out from this super-large war game ... also have the opportunity to personally participate in the external battle of earth civilization!
The Europa Defence Warfare and the Wormhole Defence Warfare, the success of several foreign wars in succession, have created a large number of household celebrities!
For example, once relying on a sword fairy mech, the first counterattack into the wormhole in the second wormhole defense battle, the brilliant "Round Table Knights" has become one of the most prestigious mercenary groups.
Major companies have come to ask for sponsorship, and the dolls of the team members are popular all over the world.
Is there a virtual game that is more attractive than "double fame and fortune"?
The avid earthman directly set off a "national upgrade frenzy", all of them participated in the "level" promotion within the civilization front, hoping that one day they could also become national heroes.
When people say hello, they no longer say "Did you eat it?", But "How many levels of artillery do you have?" "Have you got the battleship driver's license?"
Nie Yun quietly completed a universal "military training."
If necessary, all the earth people are his reserve soldiers!
"The rise of the Pirate King? The name of this new map ..." Klein touched his chin and began to look at the background of the new map word by word.
The huge and ancient interstellar empire is booming and declining, with internal hidden dangers and strong external enemies, while in the remote broken star field, the seven pirate groups are endless ...
Klein looked very carefully, thinking about every word and even every punctuation mark.
The background setting and plot line in the "Civilization Front" were not fabricated by the design team casually. More and more facts prove that a large amount of real-world information is hidden in this virtual world!
Whether it is the Kara, Gemini, or the Woolf Empire that has just vaguely appeared recently, various NPC forces on the civilization front have been hammered again and again!
Even intelligence organizations in various countries regard the civilization front as one of the most important sources for gathering intelligence from outside civilization forces!
Not long ago, a lucky man accidentally dug out a hidden mission, and finally opened the truth clue of the moon, thus dug out the hidden civilization of the Ante Empire!
Others accidentally fumbled and accidentally obtained part of the information of the hidden huge organization "The Return of All Things" ...
Mechanical worm: "..." (ˉ―ˉ?)
Information from various clues shows that the ghost captain buried more than one egg inside the civilization front, waiting for the earth players to dig deeper.
From the introduction of the new map, it seems that the protagonist of this battlefield is a group of pirates? The Empire's official forces are the biggest villains?
This plot is subversive enough!
and many more! There are even strange requirements for "pirate character analysis" and "primary plunder" in the player's training content?
No wonder this map is "slightly violent", requiring players over 18 to enter ...
"Eh? Wait! The spiritual attributes of this new map are a bit high, right?"
After reading the map introduction, Klein scanned the player's request, but he was stunned.
"Requires player mental attributes: 20 or more!"
The spiritual attribute is a new attribute of a character that appeared after the last update of the civilization front system. At present, no one knows its specific role and judging standard.
But the pervasive players still summed up some rules.
The mental attributes of ordinary humans generally hover around 5-10, and the older they are, or the higher their IQ, the mental attributes tend to be higher than those of ordinary people.
But even if individual talents are different, this value is basically below 18.
Klein's spiritual attribute is 13, which is slightly higher than that of ordinary people, but there is still a big gap from the 20 required by the new map.
He even suspected that some of the human beings could have more than 20 spiritual attributes?
"This map is too demanding? Are you sure someone can go in?" Lancelot doubted.
"Ordinary people can't do it, but the ghost knights can definitely, and ... Gao Wen, I asked you to check the strengthening of the human body.
In the Atlantis purchase list, the first series of enhancement options has just been launched, but there are still very few who have dared to try so far.
"There has been progress. The Earth Defense Force is currently popularizing the first sequence of reinforcement. It is said that the effect is very good, and there are no side effects."
"Well! The captain produced it, it must be a fine product! Since Captain Master directly popularized this technology, it must be a proven mature technology.
Gao Wen, immediately mobilize the funds in the regiment. Our main battle personnel must accept the first sequence of reinforcement as soon as possible. Let's start with me to see how it strengthens the personal attributes. Maybe it is related to the spiritual attributes.
Judging from the requirements of the new map for players, the threshold for such advanced maps may become higher and higher in the future. If we want to maintain the first echelon, we must closely follow the footsteps of the captain!
Not only is the first series of strengthening, under the circumstances of sufficient funds, we must also be brave to try the subsequent strengthening!
This time the map requirements are so high, it is likely to be another battlefield employment task, so we must fight for the first batch to enter the new map! "
"Yes, leader!" "Understand, leader!"
Because they directly killed a Gemini drone mothership before, and received a huge reward commission, plus a lot of sponsorship and investment brought by the great reputation, the team funds of the Knights of the Round Table are definitely the most of all teams. Ample.
Not only them, but a large number of player groups around the world have started a heated discussion on the new map. "Rise of the Pirate King", "Human Body Enhancement" and "Spiritual Attribute" will soon be on the hot search!
"One hundred thousand why": "Question: Is it safe to strengthen the human body? Can the mental attributes skyrocket after use?"
"Professional technician for sharp brain turning": "Answer: Not only safe, but also very comfortable. After using it, my legs are not sore and my waist does not hurt anymore.
"Earth Defense Army (VIP certification)": "Earth Defense Army publicly rewards spiritual attribute information, the value of information is not limited, and the bounty is not capped!"
"Steel Ambition Team (VIP certification)": "This team specially recruits great spirits with a spirit attribute of 20 or more to open up wasteland, and you can enjoy core member treatment when you enter the group! Ps: Due to the gender ratio of this team, women have priority!"
"I am a pirate in Somalia": "The pirate special training class has started! Somali senior retired pirates take you to learn about the mysterious pirate group, the looting skills directly point to the full level, the new map is necessary for the wasteland! What are you waiting for? Phone 186XXXXXXX ... "
"Small report professional households": "The real name has been reported, upstairs lecturer please run away as soon as possible!"
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