Chapter 630: Geshan repair

Nie Yun once thought that if the mechanical worm is the repair fluid of the spaceship of Aris civilization, how should a group of mechanical worms repair the spaceship?
Today, he has a possible answer in the materials used on the mecha core.
He has a bold guess.
Ares civilization's spaceship ... will it be composed of mechanical worms like Sea Wolf?
As the maker of the mechanical worm, the Ayers obviously have mastered the advanced technology of using the mechanical worm as an "atom" to manufacture materials for different purposes through different "microscopic arrangements".
That is to say ... all kinds of advanced materials that use mechanical insects as raw materials are the main material genres in the Ayres civilization technology tree!
In fact, the "heavy machine worm" used by Nie Yun's second-stage transformation can actually be counted as an "advanced material" that changes the performance of the machine by narrowing the distance between the machine worms.
It is conceivable that this spaceship of Aris civilization does not need other maintenance methods at all, just need to send the mechanical bug repair fluid to the damaged place ...
The first step is to connect the physical interface to complete the maintenance authority certification.
In the second step, the damaged equipment is decomposed and digested, becoming a member of the army of mechanical insect repair fluids.
The third step is to reconstruct the material and let me make up the head ...
It is simple, efficient, and very energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Whether it is damaged or aging, you only need to brush it with the repair fluid and immediately 24K pure new!
And it can return blood in battle!
It is really the perfect design for traveling at home and destroying the country!
Nie Yun ’s Sea Wolf is such a "full Mithril Concept Warship" built by mechanical worms. The power and excellence of this battleship, naturally, as a user, Nie Yun deeply understands.
At least, he never spent a penny for the maintenance of the fleet ...
Only this point, the advantages of the Mithril warship can make those countries and civilizations that have to pay huge fleet maintenance expenses every year envy the separation of the quality ...
Mechanical insects, this is a group of insects that can save money!
Mechanical insect: "..." (  ̄︿ ̄)
Seriously speaking, the basic version of "Mithril" mastered by Nie Yun is just a primary product like "iron".
And further processing of "iron" can get "steel", "stainless steel", "alloy steel", "heat-resistant steel" with better performance ...
For example, the kind used in the mecha core is a kind of "finished material" with a hundred times improvement in energy transmission performance.
However, in addition to the exaggerated energy conduction performance, other performance indicators of this material are far inferior to the basic version of "Mithril".
It is only the limit to strengthen the "Mithril" in terms of energy conduction, and it inevitably has an impact on other properties of the material.
Nie Yun inferred that since the Ayres civilization has special materials with a hundred-fold improvement in energy conductivity, then there must be other types of "advanced Mithril".
For example ... a material with a hundred times higher hardness? A material with a hundred times toughness? A material with a melting point that is a hundred times higher?
The spaceship built with these "Advanced Mithril" can be imagined to be more powerful than the single structure of the Sea Wolf!
Generally speaking, aside from the transformation ability, although the combat effectiveness of the Seawolf is powerful, it is only a battleship belonging to the same civilization level.
It is far from the gap between a "water drop" and the entire fleet of technological differences.
Otherwise, what other strategy does Nie Yun play? Long ago, the Seawolf drove all the way, killed the twin star, and pressed Kruzer's head with the muzzle to force him to hand over the vector engine.
[Cruzer: "..."]
"Unfortunately, I only got a structure diagram of an advanced material. If I can get an entire‘ material database ’of Ayres civilization, maybe I can make my material technology break through to a higher civilization?
Nie Yun regretted it secretly.
Somehow, the mechanical worms discovered and used by the Woolf Empire, because they lost their commanders, were simply formatted and surrendered by Nie Yun.
Nie Yun also logically obtained advanced materials related to them in their database.
In other words, now Nie Yun has been able to form "worm balls" through mechanical insects, thereby creating this advanced material in batches.
This also means ... He is only one step away from mastering the energy crystallization technology!
In the core of the mech, the dazzling and complicated energy circuit made Nie Yun's eyes shine, just like the gray wolf who saw the happy sheep.
Most of the energy circuits known by Nie Yun are generally designed as planar structures, but the core of this mecha completely subverts the design concept of traditional energy circuits, jumping directly from two-dimensional to three-dimensional spatial structure.
More complex energy circuits are parallel, interlaced, and entangled with each other ... like a three-dimensional transportation system full of harmony and beauty, allowing energy to run wild in it.
It turned out to be so!
Nie Yun seemed to see a new world. His thoughts spread along the surging mechanical worms, along the energy circuit, copying the top technology essence of the Woolf Empire at an amazing speed ...
Do not! wrong!
This circuit structure is completely different from the style of the Woolf empire's scientific and technological system ... It may also come from the Aris civilization!
Think about it too. Woolf's overall technology and Gemini are roughly at the same level. How could it suddenly pop out of such a black technology of energy crystallization.
In this way, the item obtained from the ruins of the Woolf Empire is likely to be related to energy crystallization technology, and is relatively well preserved ...
What would this thing be?
Combined with the clues found before, Nie Yun could not help but start to associate.
Now suppose that there is really a super-airship of Aris civilization that crashed and disintegrated for some reason, and the wreckage of its spacecraft just happened to be thrown to the cantilever of Orion. ...
So what the Woolf Empire discovered ... is probably a part of the spaceship!
Nie Yun immediately listed all the important parts in the spaceship, and then used the elimination method to remove most of the irrelevant parts, and finally found the option with a possibility of up to 68.9% ...
Shield generating device!
Yes! Aris civilized spaceship is likely to use a more advanced "crystal energy shield"!
Like this key component, it has always been the key protection object of the spacecraft, and it is likely to be completely preserved after the spacecraft crashes and disintegrates!
In this way, the Woolf empire has parsed the energy circuit technology of the "crystal shield generator", but because the material technology is not enough, it has never been able to mass produce.
In the end, it was only possible to retreat, and chose to use limited materials to form a "Star Cross Knights" that swept across the universe?
Spaceship repair fluid, vector engine, shield generator ... this is the three-piece suit of Ares?
Add a suspected target longevity, maybe ... is a four-piece suit?
"I said ... he has touched it for half an hour, right? That stuff ... does it feel so good?" Chilong chuckled a little.
He and Messiah were waiting for Captain Ghost to show the true technology of the mechanical family. Unexpectedly, the guy stood there so motionlessly, completely meaningless to start performing.
Originally, they thought the other party was fighting against the mecha core firewall, fighting a war without smoke.
But after a long time, the secret input box has always been grievously suspended there ...
Obviously completely ignored ...
Messiah was equally puzzled.
At the speed of modern wisdom brain computing, let alone an electronic offensive and defensive battle for such a long time, even landlords can discuss for hundreds of rounds, right?
Is there any other conspiracy?
At this moment, the long-held ghost captain finally moved!
He slowly withdrew his hands, seeming to relax for a long time, a posture of finishing work.
The mech core of Chilong immediately shrank back and was again protected by layers of protective measures.
Seeing this, Chilong and Messiah looked at each other, and there was a trace of disappointment in their eyes.
Not even the technology of the mechanical family ...
Although disappointed, the two stepped forward to express their gratitude.
"Your hard work! Although we haven't been able to repair the core, but we have also received your kindness!" Messiah comforted with a smile.
"Eh? Who said it wasn't fixed?"
Nie Yun's words left both of them dumbfounded.
"But this core ..." Chilong stopped talking. You did n’t even open the core, what can you do?
But at this moment, Chilong suddenly blinked.
"Drip! The system self-test is completed, the core is operating normally, and the current output power is 100%!"
Ssangyong: "..."
Looking at the dumbfounded dogs, Nie Yun smiled slightly.
"Who said there was no spearhead ... cough! Who said that it cannot be repaired without opening?"
This trick is the ultimate maintenance of my own creation ...
Repair the stream across the mountain!
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