Chapter 701: Big Dipper Fist

"What happened? Why didn't the Leviathan beast move?"
Both sides on the battlefield gradually discovered a strange situation.
The high-profile Leviathan, who was still killing the Quartet just now, suddenly stopped acting for some reason.
Except for the various anti-aircraft weapons on his body that were still firing continuously to resist the crazy attack of the Dark Temple, he never actively launched an attack, and even showed signs of retreating slowly.
At the same time, the friendly forces around Leviathan began to exert force. A large number of mecha units belonging to the six pirate regiments directly rushed away from the enemies around Leviathan by virtue of their numbers and firepower advantages.
Immediately afterwards, a large number of warships moved closer in this direction, providing powerful support firepower.
For a while, Leviathan's surroundings seemed to have been cleared, protected by Tuantuan, the surrounding area was fierce, but here was strangely quiet.
Just when everyone felt a little inexplicable, a surprising scene appeared.
"Zi!" A light flashed, and a thick energy ray suddenly shot out of Leviathan's body!
Leviathan’s powerful flesh and blood tissue instantly carbonized and disintegrated, and the violent energy rays made a wound several meters in diameter on the side of Leviathan’s cheek. After taking away a hapless mecha, it slowly disappeared. In the void.
Before everyone recovered from the abnormality that appeared on Leviathan, a more exciting scene appeared.
"Zi! Zi!" "Swish!" "Boom!"
Leviathan's body seemed to have exploded, and beams of light rose up into the sky from time to time, mixed with various energy blades and indestructible bright starlight.
Various colors and different types of attacks have hit Leviathan's entire oral cavity full of holes and blood.
"This...what is this? Why did the attack come from within?"
"Could someone sneak into Leviathan and attacked?"
"This must be the case. The last time Captain Ghost defeated Karon like this, the people in the Dark Temple want to follow suit?"
"Do you want to die? I really think anyone can do this kind of thing? I don't know how many people have been eaten by Kalong, except for Captain Ghost, I have never heard of anyone who can come out alive."
"That kind of starlight... seems to be the unique attack method of the Dark Devil? Captain Flint is inside! And looking at this posture, at least four or five legendary mechas are fighting in it! What happened inside?"
As everyone speculated, the battle continued.
Leviathan's physique and regenerative ability are extremely terrifying. Although these wounds seem scary, they are completely tickling to Leviathan. It takes almost a few breaths to be re-occluded by flesh and blood tissue, and then slowly heals.
Not only that, everyone also found that with Leviathan as the center, a burst of dark light would erupt from time to time, which made people feel palpitation inexplicably.
The pirates who know something about the Karonmon know that this is a big trump card of the Karonmon... mental shock!
Obviously, Leviathan has also joined the war.
This fierce battle lasted for about three full minutes, and then the intense light inside Leviathan suddenly flashed.
"Boom!" Violent energy burst into Leviathan's body, and the entire mouth swelled almost instantly.
"Woo~" Invisible pain groaned through the audience, and black smoke came out of Leviathan's vents, mixed with carbonized flesh and blood.
At the same time, everyone on the battlefield detected the violent energy response erupting in Leviathan, and it seemed that a large-yield super bomb exploded in Leviathan's mouth.
"Boom!" At the next moment, a dilapidated and broken figure smashed through the massively carbonized flesh and blood tissue, and suddenly rushed out of Leviathan.
"Yes... it's the Shadow Number!"
The figure that rushed out was indeed the Shadow Number, but at this time, the Shadow Number still had the image of the previous elegant assassin.
The elbow of his left arm has been severed by Qigen, the armor is shattered, and his body is covered with fist marks and charred energy impact marks. The corrosive Leviathan's blood is still "sizzling" with black smoke.
A small portion of the spherical power devices distributed throughout the body were either broken or dim. Obviously, they were destroyed in the fierce battle, or even completely destroyed by overload.
This image highlights a miserable one!
"Swish swish!" The crowd hadn't reacted from the sudden appearance of the Shadow, the next moment, several lights and shadows rushed out of Leviathan's body.
"Five stations! Five legends!" everyone exclaimed.
Although the Crystal Shield was dim, Flint and the others were in a much better state than the Shadow.
"Huhuhu~" sweating, the panting shadow looked at the five figures in the distance, and quickly moved away, but there was a crazy smile on his face.
"Hahaha! Captain Ghost, you failed to kill me today. From now on, each of you will live under the fear of the Shadow!"
After speaking without hesitation, the figure of the Shadow had begun to fade.
"I will be back..."
Listening to Shadow's classic revenge declaration with an ending sound, Flint and the others looked upset on their faces.
"Damn, this guy is really tough, you can't kill him like this!"
No one thought that Shadow was so crazy in desperation that it detonated a large-yield super bomb at close range.
If everyone is not a legend, the crystal shield is extremely powerful, and I am afraid that it will inevitably end in the end.
Even so, the shadow still escaped by taking advantage of the chaos, making the whole action fall short!
Obviously, that bomb was originally prepared to destroy Leviathan's core center, but it was unexpected that it would become a life-saving straw for the Shadow at the critical moment.
Escaped the small black room, without the hidden searchlight, the Shadow was like a fish into the sea, and it was almost impossible to get the bait again.
"No, the radar can't find him at all, and the encirclement is useless!" Messiah probed carefully, and finally gave up.
Although Leviathan is surrounded by the people of the six major pirate alliances, it is impossible to be airtight. It is really not too simple for an invisible ghost mecha to slip out.
As the shadow flees, the pirate believers in the Dark Temple also gave up their feint attacks and fled in all directions.
Even if the troops are several times stronger than the opponent, it is inevitable that there will be fish in this situation.
Although the Shadow was hit hard, as long as he drilled on a certain battleship, the probability of escape was definitely not low.
"What to do? If this guy really comes back to retaliate, we might be in big trouble. We can't stay in the mecha with the shield every day, right?"
"The Shadow was hit hard by us, and even the Shadow was forced to use a bottle of desperate potion. Even if the side effects of the improved product are not that huge, there should be no storm in a short time."
"What will happen after that?"
Everyone fell silent, like a light on their backs.
"Cough!" Nie Yun coughed, "I didn't expect that this shadow number would be immune to mental shock."
This was the first time Nie Yun encountered a situation where even mental shocks could be ignored, and it was indeed a bit beyond Nie Yun's expectations.
Obviously, the shadow dared to sneak attack on Leviathan, he must have made full preparations and had already guarded against this trick.
However, although there were some accidents in the process, the plan was finally completed smoothly...
Nie Yun glanced at an inconspicuous corner in the distance.
This guy is really slow...
I hope you can escape smoothly, but don't be compensated by a small soldier halfway.
That's right, at the beginning, Nie Yun didn't intend to leave a shadow at all, otherwise it would not be just 5 legends who waited to beat him, but a man full of...
Alsace’s experience tells us that the "living" enemy is a good enemy.
Therefore, in the brutal group fight just now, Nie Yun found the opportunity to go up with a close old fist.
The erosion of mechanical insects is like a colorless, odorless and highly poisonous, always killing people invisible and invisible.
At this time, the wave of the "Silver Revolution" might have begun in the Shadow.
Looking at the Shadow number escaping from the battlefield cautiously, Nie Yun really wanted to add a word.
If you hit my Big Dipper Fist, you are already dead...
Mechanical insect: "……" (ˉ―ˉ?)
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