Chapter 786: Format on the spot

One month later...
"Sneer~" The dormant cabin opened, and Viscount Tiebi was awakened from his deep sleep and slowly opened his eyes.
"Is the solar system here?"
"Return to Lord Viscount, there are about three days left. Our three'Earth Diggers' have already travelled to the intermittent Wormhole L869 in advance to prepare for the shuttle." The adjutant replied.
"Yeah! How is the battle plan of the general staff?" Viscount Tiebi asked casually while putting on his uniform under the service of the guards.
"According to intelligence, this solar system has only been developed for only a few years, and the number of warships is very small. It is only the use of the narrow terrain of the D-class wormhole, which barely withstands the Gemini attack.
Even if calculated according to the opponent's top combat power, we can almost form a crushing advantage by dispatching 300 warships. "
"So the plan of the staff is that after entering the solar system, the fleet will be divided into two groups, 300 ordinary warships will go to capture the solar system, to ensure that we have no worries, and then join the main force after completing the mission.
The other 2,700 main fleets directly seized the solar system wormholes and headed to the neighboring galaxies, destroying the opponent's outer defense line in one fell swoop before Gemini did not respond, and then drove straight in.
If all goes well, within half a year, we will be able to invade the opponent's central galaxy and force the opponent to surrender! "
"Yeah!" Viscount Tiebi nodded, obviously having no objection to this plan.
In front of two thousand elites and one thousand black flags, there is really no need for too complicated tactical moves.
One word, horizontal push is over!
"Where is the mouse with its head and tail hidden?" Viscount Tiebi asked.
The adjutant immediately understood who the other party was referring to, "Ah! The second prince's secret guard is still asleep, and the other party said that he believed in the commanding ability of the Viscount Lord before going to sleep, so he only needs to wait for the fleet to hit the Gemini planet before waking him ."
"Hmph! If he is acquainted, if he dared to point fingers during the battle, I will directly give him a place that unfortunately died in battle!" Viscount Tiebi sneered.
It's just that when he thinks that the other party is asleep, but he has to fight for others like a errand boy, he immediately becomes uneasy again.
"The key to this operation is the word'fast'. The Gemini stars are not small in size. If they are given time to mobilize, they are likely to use the tactics of the sea.
Even if the opponent's dying counterattack is not threatening, it can be troublesome to deal with. I don't want to waste too much time on such trivial matters, understand? "
The Viscount Ironwall and all the Woolf officers took it for granted that the focus of this battle was on the blitzkrieg against Gemini.
In the entire action plan, more than 99% of the space is about the planning of combat operations and combat plans after Proxima.
The solar system's drama is less than 1%, and it is just a stroke of "annihilating the vital power of the solar system and destroying all traces of civilization".
No one thinks that they will encounter any decent resistance in the solar system.
In fact, this is not to blame Viscount Iron Wall.
All his information about the solar system comes from the second prince, and the second prince’s information comes from Cloros, the information of Cloros comes from the Gallente zone, and the intelligence of the Gallente zone is from the tenth. It came from the Caldari star area, thousands of miles away.
As we all know, internal propaganda materials generally go through certain beautification operations? For example, reduce one's own casualties? Highlight one's own battlefield advantage, accuse the enemy of not using military ethics, etc...
This has caused the first-hand information received from Gemini to be somewhat distorted? Coupled with the multiple intelligence transmissions of the trio, it directly leads to the devaluation of the solar system's "force value".
The 300 empires are elites in battle, and their combat power is roughly equivalent to 10 Gemini pioneering legions.
Previously, the opponent was struggling to fight one? Let alone fight 10?
At the same time, in front of the huge expeditionary fleet? Three strange-looking spaceships hovered quietly in a void.
These three spaceships are bloated? Some are chubby like silkworm cocoons, and the bow of the ship is prominently shaped like a black obelisk.
At this time, they were arranging their positions in an equilateral triangle, aiming the bows of the ships forward.
[Confirmation of C-class intermittent wormhole coordinates of star cluster 0779? No.1~No.3 "Dugworm" coordinate review completed? "Wormhole expansion device" started! 】
I saw a huge energy surge inside the three "Earth Digger" spacecraft, and purple arcs began to emerge from the top of the obelisk on the bow.
After three minutes of energy storage, "Zi~"
The invisible energy formed three torrents, shooting straight into the void ahead, and then submerged strangely.
The next moment? At the center of the front of the three spaceships, a spiral-shaped spatial distortion suddenly appeared!
As energy continues to be injected? The range of space distortion is gradually expanding, one kilometer...three kilometers...five kilometers...
The void vortex is expanding? A spatial channel that has been silent for hundreds of years is completely activated...
"Ha~ Fatty, is the scientific research team of your classmate reliable? What is the place where the tides of the universe gather? We have been wandering around here for more than a month? The Wormhole Detector did not respond at all."
The thin man nicknamed "Spare Ribs" yawned and complained.
"This...should be reliable, right? They have won the'Cloud Research Institute Cooperation Achievement Award'..." After being asked too many times, the fat man who had some confidence in his old classmates was also lacking in confidence.
Even the old classmates themselves are a bit discouraged. The most talked about in recent calls are "should not be" "impossible" "should be nearby" and so on...
Unfortunately, the wormhole detector found nothing.
"Everyone, sorry, this time the brigade may have to be busy for nothing."
After all, it is a month's precious time. Others are actively preparing for the battle, but he is wandering aimlessly, and the fat man feels a little sorry.
"Stop talking about this. The decision is made by everyone, not the responsibility of one individual.
What's more, in scientific research, we have succeeded once in a thousand times, and we have become one of 999 failures, which is also valuable.
Even if we can't find the target this time, at least this part of the airspace is excluded for the earth's civilization, and we will also receive a small amount of meritorious rewards, which is not nothing. Chris said comfortingly.
However, with little success, the two still looked depressed.
You succeed once in a thousand times. Why is it not yourself that succeeds? Resentment...
"Don't give up, as long as the enemy hasn't appeared, then we still have a chance!
My creed in life is never give up, no matter how bleak the future is, I must believe that miracles may come to the world inadvertently. "
Alice folded her palms on her chest with a pious face, praying silently, her face seemed to be radiant.
When confused, Alice will always think of the dark times many years ago, and then her heart will be filled with hope again...
"Ah~ I'm cured!" The fat and thin guys stared at Alice.
"It's decided, even if I find the sea and the rocks, I must dig out the wormhole!"
"That's right! The big deal is to change to another airspace and continue to look for it! I still don't believe it, is it possible that the wormhole as large as the casserole can be hidden in the crevice of the meteorite?"
The two screamed, and the vitality value that was about to be cleared directly exploded.
Chris looked at the two renewed enthusiasm with relief. Sure enough, morale boosting should still be left to the high priest...
Suddenly, an unusual sound of alarm interrupted the joyous and harmonious atmosphere of the brigade.
In an instant, everyone was quiet.
They slowly turned their heads and looked at a dashboard that was constantly flashing...
After several seconds passed.
"Uh...Fat man, did you deliberately press the false alarm to make us happy?" The thin man looked at the "instrument operator" suspiciously.
"Gudong~" The fat man swallowed fiercely.
"I swear, if I press it, my 108T hard drive will be formatted on the spot!"
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