Chapter 805: Online technology upgrade

In a void 3 million kilometers away from the Kuiper Belt, a small nebula composed of loose fine dust is slowly rotating around the solar system, as if eternal.
However, this tranquility of thousands of years was suddenly broken.
Like a sharp arrow piercing through the cloud, a gap in the center of the small nebula was suddenly broken by an invisible object, and the tiny dust spread out like scattered fireworks, forming a small nebula flower.
A glass-like transparent object flashed away in the void, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and galloped toward the inside of the solar system.
This unremarkable scene took place in an unremarkable corner far from the battlefield. It is logically very secretive. However, a small, ordinary fragment-like detection probe in the nebula clearly recorded this anomaly. .
In the next moment, the information has been transmitted hundreds of thousands of miles away...
The blue light flashed in Codename's eyes.
"Boss, our'Eagle Eye' reconnaissance network has found invisible unknown objects in the TYX8758 area at coordinates XXX, XXX, XXX, and it is flying towards the inner solar system.
According to the calculation of the course, this UFO was launched from the vicinity of the Iron Wall Squadron which is attacking the solar system. "
"Huh?" Nie Yun, who was observing the battlefield, was taken aback. "UFO? How did the enemy break through to this position? Our radar system did not respond?"
The "Solar System Reconnaissance Network" deployed by Nie Yun in his early years has now spread throughout the entire galaxy. As a battlefield, this area is naturally the focus of monitoring.
As early as a month ago, Nie Yun had strengthened the monitoring density of the nearby area, and it was almost a million kilometers, and there would be an "Eagle Eye Scout" of his own.
Under this kind of monitoring, there is actually something that can break through the battlefield and almost become a fish in the net?
"Yes, the other party's stealth technology is quite high-end, a bit similar to the'mirage system' you copied from the Woolf Empire. It is extremely difficult to detect with ordinary radar.
Even with our monitoring density, the abnormality was discovered only through the environment disturbed by the other party.
But at present I have locked on this target, and our "Eagle Eye" scouts will follow it along its path. "
"The Mirage System?" Nie Yun raised his brows.
That's it!
It seems that this royal secret is so secret...Even the Iron Wall Fleet uses this technique...
It can be seen from this that not only the Grand Duke of Horton fully supports the second prince, but the second prince also does not mind sharing some of the royal family's cutting-edge technology, and the trust between the two parties is extremely high.
This also confirmed Nie Yun's speculation from the side...
"Can it predict its goal?" Nie Yun asked.
"The opponent's specific goal is still uncertain, but the general area should be within the Earth-Moon system!"
"Earth and Moon..." Nie Yun thought for a moment.
Do you want to get a salary...
"Since the other party wants to play a surprise attack, there must not be only one assassin...
Take the solar system battlefield as the center, closely monitor the surrounding star fields, and strengthen the reconnaissance power in this area along the way to the solar system. You can't let a fish slip through the net! "
"Yes, boss!"
The blue light flickered in Codename's eyes, and he began to mobilize investigative forces to closely monitor any corner where the "sneak attacker" might appear.
Nie Yun closed his eyes and called up the research project data of the "mirage stealth system" of the Cloud Research Institute.
After copying this technology from Shadow’s legendary mecha, Nie Yun naturally wouldn’t leave it alone, and scientists immediately took over the subsequent cracking work.
After years of cooperation, Nie Yun and the Cloud Research Institute have long formed a clear division of labor such as "I will copy the technology home, and you will spend it out of it."...
After a short search, Nie Yun browsed through the technical cracking project of the'mirage stealth system'.
The main persons in charge of this research project are mechanical dynamicist Liang Guang and high-energy physicist Lawrence. The current analytical work has been carried out to about 43%.
Although it has not been completely cracked, it can be regarded as a certain result.
Nie Yun immediately mobilized a huge amount of computing power to derive these technical results practically, focusing on how to crack this stealth technology...
Ten minutes later, Nie Yun opened his eyes, his eyes moved slightly, and he began to upgrade the "Eagle Eye Detection System."
Wherever consciousness passes, the kaleidoscope of precise structures inside the detection probes generally keeps occluding and changing, but in a short while, a brand-new detection function is added and the system is simultaneously upgraded.
According to Nie Yun's calculations, the overall capability of the new system has not improved dramatically, but the detection capability of flying objects equipped with the "mirage system" can be increased by about 5 to 7 percentage points.
It is completely different from the traditional military forces’ update of military equipment, which has been calculated over the past ten years, and has to go through complicated processes such as manufacturing, recycling, and re-equipment. The "online technology upgrade" of mechanical insects is so easy and free...
There are many types of weapons, and it is very important to control the attributes.
When you complete the weapon update during the battle, it's like you obviously had Frostmourne in your hand before the start of the fight. It was easy for someone to make up a set of ice resistance suits. As a result, your backhand is a joy of fire...
Are you crying?
Less than an hour after the system "patches" were applied and the targeted and concentrated investigative force conducted a dragnet search, the code names successively reported four signal sources.
The end result is that the assassins who had high hopes for Viscount Iron Wall were quietly watched by the Yishui River before they even went to Xianyang...
The next thing is very simple. After Nie Yun figured out the opponent's trajectory, he sprinkled the "world net" ahead of time.
Without noticing the 5 "dark thorns", they were already confused by some small silver particles "Biaji", with some small silver spots on their body.
Then these unremarkable little spots disappeared strangely like water droplets infiltrating in just a few seconds...
The facts have proved once again that the flow of stealing towers around the back and the flow of the whole picture are pierced... Complete defeat!
"Huh?" Liang Guang, who was researching something around a set of ultra-precision equipment densely arranged around the headquarters of the Cloud Research Institute on the moon, suddenly uttered.
"What's the matter? Is there something new?" Lawrence beside him waved away the pile of data screens in front of him, and looked at Liang Guang in confusion.
"Oh, that's not the case, but I just searched the science and technology library and found that our'Mirage Stealth System Research Directory' suddenly added a technical branch, which seems to have just been added by the boss."
"New technology branch?" Lawrence opened the technology library in confusion, and indeed found a new subdirectory.
"Anti-mirage stealth detection technology... The current research and development progress is 8%... Really! But this time it is not a sample, it is actually a ready-made technical data." Lawrence was a little surprised.
After such a long time, these scientists who are closest to Nie Yun naturally know the style of their bosses. They have always "slapped" the ready-made samples on the table, and then let a group of scientists dismantle them to fully understand the new technology .
It looked like it was like grabbing a bunch of antique treasures from outside, throwing a sack on the table, and then letting the experts appraise the value...
For example, what was placed in front of them was a "mirage system component" that was directly removed from the mecha.
"The boss is not directing the battle on the front line? Why is there still room for research?"
Looking at the release time, this technology is obviously "hot".
"It should be urgently needed. If it is not particularly urgent, the boss will generally not take the action personally." Liang Guang said it.
"I didn't expect the boss to be able to promote technological progress while fighting?" Lawrence was shocked.
"Just listen to what you mean, does the boss have a strong scientific research ability?"
"Haha..." Liang Guang smiled non-committal at this question.
Liang Guang was the first group of old people to join the Cloud Research Institute. Compared with Lawrence, he understood Nie Yun's "monster" better.
Although Nie Yun always classified himself as a "logistics staff" in front of them, and occasionally made guest appearances as combatants, you should know that the early technology tree was completely built by Nie Yun alone.
A person almost represents a civilized science and technology library. Will such a person really have weak research and development capabilities?
These old guys recognized that if Nie Yun was a researcher and had more enthusiasm for research, I am afraid they would be fine.
It's just that as the team of scientists continues to grow, Nie Yun has personally made fewer and fewer projects,'s getting lazier...
With their old drivers, why should I drive?
Isn't it fragrant to sit back and enjoy it?
This is probably the boss’s true thoughts...
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