Chapter 86: Brave

After Nie Yun finished the call with Chu Xiaoxiao, he immediately began to increase the amount of iron ore mining.
According to his calculations, increasing the number of ordinary coyotes from the current 30,000 to 1 million can almost increase the amount of iron ore mining to one million tons per day.
Nie Yun called it the "Million Wolf Project!"
Millions of wolves are very bluffing, but they actually occupy a small area of ​​activity.
Nie Yun estimated that when the production increase is completed, the three bases will only expand to about 100 square kilometers, which is relatively small compared to the huge ocean.
However, because these little wolves are made of ordinary materials and need wireless signal control, Nie Yun ’s previous approach was to build a small computer control center and signal tower built by a mechanical worm in each mining base, so that he could control these small ones at any time. Wolves.
With the sudden increase in the number of ordinary coyotes, these supporting equipment also need to be upgraded to increase computing power and signal coverage.
In addition, the expansion of the mining base will increase the possibility of exposure to a certain extent, and the safety issues of the mining base also need to be on the agenda!
Because ordinary coyotes have limited pressure-bearing capacity, the three mining bases chosen by Nie Yun are all in the shallow sea, and ordinary submarines can easily dive to this depth.
Although the probability of encountering such a thing is not high, it is necessary to take some precautions!
After thinking for a while, Nie Yun decided to design and build a special mining frigate!
Taking the 1,000-ton-class Sea Wolf as a basic model, Nie Yun drastically removed almost all the facilities and cabins inside, leaving only some basic detection, camouflage and attack systems.
Then the hull was widened and lengthened, a huge computer control center was built inside, and a huge signal transmission tower was installed on the back deck.
In addition, Nie Yun also installed a large nuclear fusion energy core directly in its power cabin, which is responsible for providing energy for millions of coyotes.
After the design is completed, the "special mining frigate" looks like a shark with only dorsal fins.
This new frigate can not only undertake the task of guarding and guarding, but also serve as a mining control center. In addition, a large number of cabins are reserved inside it. If necessary, it can accommodate nearly one million coyote robots for direct transfer.
Mining base car! This is Nie Yun's position on it!
As long as you need it, expand it and you can immediately become a mining base!
The design is not difficult, and the technical content of the new frigate is not high. Nie Yun took the building blocks to piece together various equipment and completed the work in half an hour.
Then he directly built three ships and drove to the three bases respectively. After arriving, he took materials on site and began to manufacture ordinary coyotes at high speed!
Southeast Military Region Headquarters.
"Military commander, the contact person of Chu Group has informed us that the second transaction is possible immediately!"
"Oh, did they say the quantity they can provide this time?" Commander Hu asked with some surprises.
Beside him, there is also his old classmate Professor Fang, who is also very happy at the moment.
Originally based on the digestion capacity of the Southeast Military Region, one kilogram of nuclear fuel was enough for them to use for several months, but there is no airtight wall in the world. Soon, there is a way to get cheap high-enriched uranium in the Southeast Military Region. spread like wildfire!
So naturally, all the bigwigs couldn't sit still.
Southwest Military Region: "Lao Hu, eating alone is not a good comrade!"
Northwest Military Region: "In terms of seniority, you must call me Uncle! When I was a kid, I still hugged you! Say, where did things come from!"
Northeast Military Region: "Remember the four companies and three shifts under Mount Helian that year? They are all old comrades who had carried guns together. Can they only share the troubles, not the rich and the rich?"
One by one, it was a call to Hu Junchang's office by running water, which made him completely unable to parry him.
On the other hand, the news that many institutes and nuclear power plants in the southeast have bought cheap enriched uranium is even more impossible to hide! Tracing back to the source, everyone's eyes were green and stared at Professor Fang who was said to be the first person to contact.
In these two days, the threshold of his family has been crushed, and the scientific research workers are more stubborn than the soldiers. Professor Fang is very troublesome.
The two old classmates with the same disease had to work together to discuss and try to buy a batch of enriched uranium from Nie Yun, and said that the quantity needed might be a little more.
I didn't expect the news to pass shortly afterwards, and the others agreed directly, which made the two of them not surprised!
"Chief, there is no specific quantity provided, but let us report the number to them, saying yes ... Saying no capping!" The men replied hesitantly.
"What? Do you say it again ?!" Commander Hu stared inexplicably at the reported men with wide eyes.
"They said there is no cap on the number of transactions!"
"Hiss!" Both of them took a breath.
What a big tone!
This is the only thought of the two of them at the moment!
Waving his hand back, Hu Junchang looked puzzled, "Lao Fang, you said they really have so much goods? How do you feel that they are selling not nuclear fuel, but a lot of dogtail grass on the roadside?"
The truth about Commander Hu! Nie Yun, who sits around the world, does have almost endless nuclear fuel. This thing is not much different from the dogtail grass on the roadside!
Not to mention that he has now strode into the threshold of nuclear fusion, which is even more useless for him!
"Don't talk about you, I feel the same way, but they don't need to lie to us! By the way, didn't you go to see Nie Yun last time? I don't believe you didn't try it out, what happened?" Professor Fang asked Road.
"The temptation was a temptation, but ... cough! Nothing tempted ..." Hu Junchang said with embarrassment.
He didn't say anything in detail. The last time he saw him was suppressed by Nie Yun. He didn't even detect the other party's details.
"What? You old fox also missed one day?" Professor Fang looked at him in surprise.
"Cough! Not a harvest!"
Chief Jun Hu will now tell Chu Xiaoxiao's identity.
"What? The eldest lady of the Chu Group is that mysterious princess? Are you sure he is not teasing me?" Professor Fang couldn't help but swear.
He squinted at Captain Hu, "If you are a soldier, why are you still a guest detective? Look at your analysis, there are people who have an eye! I almost believed it!"
Hu Junchang rolled his eyes, "Why, let your professor Wen Wushuangquan, don't allow me Hu someone to be brave ?!"
Professor Fang: "..."
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