: Eight hundred and fifty-eighth ceremony

"Is it the use of some means to permanently change the other party's deep genetic structure?"
After thinking about it for a long time, Nie Yun could only come to the most probable conclusion.
The aging rate of cells is controlled by genes, and the carbon-based life of pan-human form basically conforms to this law.
This is the underlying gene architecture.
It seems to be the iron rule set by the creator for the species of mankind-"people" are born, old, sick, and die.
Even Nie Yun, who has the "human gene blueprint", wants to accelerate this process through "gene-level" physical surgery, accumulate experience through a large number of human experiments, and then carry out whole-body cell-level transformation, it is indeed possible.
But this is limited to humans on earth.
Although the Woolf empires belong to the same humanoid race, they are far away from each other. If you want to develop a genetic aging technology for Mrs. Woolf, the research and development time may take decades or even hundreds of years.
Its technical difficulty lies not in how to accelerate aging, but in accelerating aging without causing gene collapse.
It's like building blocks that are getting higher and higher. It is very easy to draw a piece on it, but it is easy to pull the whole body by pulling it at the bottom, causing the whole body to collapse.
According to Nie Yun's knowledge, the Woolf Empire is still quite a long way away from this level of technology.
Unless it is an advanced civilization whose biotechnology surpasses Nie Yun's large level, it is possible to silently move this kind of secretly under an emperor's rigorous protective measures.
"Could it be that there is a higher civilization that wants to use the method of assassinating the emperor to provoke the empire's internal strife, so that it can take down an empire without bloodshed?" Nie Yun had a guess in his heart.
After all, it is not surprising that the size of the Woolf Empire has been targeted by advanced alien civilizations?
However, the effect of this kind of "chronic death" is obviously not as great as the impact of sudden death on an empire. On the contrary, it is easy to give the empire a chance for a smooth transition of power.
With this ability, why not just kill the emperor and let the empire fall into civil strife more quickly?
Could it be that the second prince also colluded with "outsiders".
And their purpose is to boil the frog in warm water in this way, and finally let the second prince steal the power of the Woolf Empire?
There were speculations, but Nie Yun always felt that he had overlooked something.
A ghostly messenger, Nie Yun probed his spiritual power into the depths of the imperial emperor’s brain...
"I advise you not to do this."
Suddenly, a voice suddenly appeared in Nie Yun's mind.
Nie Yun shook his whole body, and the stretched out mental power tentacles instantly froze.
He looked at the emperor in shock, but the next moment, he met the dark and deep eyes of the other party...
Mental ability! And he is still a strong mental ability person!
This emperor is really not easy!
Nie Yun quickly reacted and immediately converged all the means.
For a mentally capable person with five senses, any movement of hands or feet on one's body seems to be insightful.
"Your Majesty's hiding is really deep enough." Nie Yun also spoke in a telepathic way.
"Mutual each other, visitors from far away who come together for a while!"
Nie Yun was not surprised when the other party revealed his identity.
He didn't expect the Nine Princes to keep a secret for himself.
"Since everything is said and done, then there is no need for us to hide it.
Your Majesty should be aware of our feast with the second prince. This time the organization sent me over to prevent the second prince from gaining the authority of the empire and becoming a major enemy of the organization.
And curing your Majesty is undoubtedly the fastest and most effective way, so in this regard, your Majesty need not be suspicious. "
"Yeah! Thank you for your help, but I know my physical condition, no matter how clever means, it will only make my broken body linger, don't worry about it in vain.
And... I'm afraid your purpose is not simply to save me a bad old man..."
"Oh? What does your Majesty say?"
"Haha! Now that you have mastered the technology of mass-manufacturing legendary mechas, you must know...'Iris' right?"
The next sentence of the emperor made Nie Yun stunned on the spot.
"Iris", these three words were directly transferred to Nie Yun's mind by the other party's use of images.
It was indeed the exact same image as the symbol engraved on the mechanical bug.
Nie Yun guessed that the Woolf Empire must have unearthed the remains of the Ayres civilization, and only then obtained the two artifacts, the "Legendary Mecha" and the "Space Teleportation Device".
Now, this speculation has undoubtedly been partially confirmed, and Nie Yun is not surprised but delighted.
The more the other party knows, the more he can gain.
Although he was a little excited, Nie Yun didn't show his expression on his face.
"Well! Yes, the organization does have some information about the Ayris civilization, and it also knows that the Woolf Empire has a relic of the Ayris civilization."
The emperor's eyes flickered.
He just mentioned the three words Ayris, but the other party was able to directly say "Ayris Civilization", and even the ruins of advanced civilization owned by the empire were related to Ayris Civilization.
This shows that the other party does have relevant information, rather than pretending to understand.
In this way, my previous guess is probably true...
"You really came for that thing... So, the vector engine is probably also the creation of the Ayers civilization?
You all come together for a while... Are you collecting the legacy of the Ayres civilization? "
The emperor's words were astonishing, and Nie Yun's heart was shaken!
The other party... actually guessed it!
That thing? In addition to the secret treasure of the imperial royal family, what else can there be?
Was it the act of snatching the vector engine and suddenly coming to the imperial capital aroused the suspicion of the other party?
"Haha, don't rush to deny it. For every discerning outsider, the relics of higher civilizations owned by our Woolf Empire are the most valuable things in the entire civilization.
You and I know this well. "
There was some discrepancy between things and plans, but Nie Yun quickly adjusted his emotions.
"So, your Majesty has tried to find other civilization relics?" Nie Yun tentatively asked.
"Of course, everyone who has seen the magic of the creation of Ayers civilization can't restrain the desire and greed in his heart."
The emperor confessed generously, but sighed immediately.
"Alas! It's a pity that the Goddess of Destiny didn't seem to favor our Woolf Empire. Even if the territory expanded hundreds of times, we never got any news about the Ayris civilization.
Until... the advent of the vector engine! "
Nie Yun carefully distinguished the information in the other party's words.
If the Woolf Empire ever tried to find other relics and creations of the Ayres civilization, Nie Yun believed this.
After all, it can be said that the "Legendary Mecha" and "Space Teleportation Device" created today's huge empire.
But saying that the other party hadn't found any information, Nie Yun still had reservations.
"Well, I admit that the organization is very interested in the high-tech creations left over from various higher civilizations." Nie Yun helplessly spread his hands.
The other party has basically figured out his intentions, and it is only futile to continue to pretend to be stupid.
In fact, Nie Yun will have a showdown sooner or later if he wants to pry something out of the opponent's mouth.
After all, you can't hold the whip and keep asking, "Say or say or not", and then wait for three days to say "You are asking!".
This is a very serious hard science fiction essay after all.
"Then I am very curious, does your Majesty intend to bring the secret into the cemetery next, or plan to make it public so that your successor will guard against our coveting?"
Nie Yun's question undoubtedly points to the current dilemma of the imperial emperor.
Life is approaching, but the most likely successor is alienated from him.
"Hehe! What can't let go of a dying person?"
The emperor did not answer directly, but smiled like an old man who saw through the world, making Nie Yun unable to understand the other party's true thoughts for a while.
"So, what if I can heal your Majesty? After all... the purpose of our organization is to exchange at equal value." Nie Yun thought for a while and said.
"Why, do you want to use healing me as a condition to exchange the Ayres civilization relics in my hands?" The imperial emperor squinted slightly.
"That is just a dead thing after all." Nie Yun pointed out.
Yes, he was testing the disposition of an emperor.
Should I choose to live forever, or the rise and fall of civilization?
In the history of Chinese civilization, many emperors faced such choices, but few were able to resist the temptation of the three words "to live".
People are, in the final analysis, a selfish creature.
After my death, no matter what he was flooded with, this is by no means an idea possessed by one or two individuals.
"Why should I believe that you have the ability to heal me?" The emperor was silent for a moment, examining Nie Yun.
"By this!" Nie Yun took out a small bottle of emerald green halo of strange medicine from his arms.
The emperor stared at the small bottle of water of life, his eyes gradually showing intoxication.
"What a rich life energy! This thing... indeed has the potential to extend my lifespan."
"So, what is your majesty's choice?" Nie Yun stared at the emperor's expression unblinkingly.
The emperor smiled strangely.
"Before I make a choice, I want to invite your Excellency to attend a ceremony."
"What ceremony?"
"The Imperial Resignation Ceremony!"
At the next moment, Nie Yun only felt that his feet suddenly began to vibrate slightly...
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