Chapter 926:

This is Hong Luo's cultivation method, his magical power, his skills, his understanding of achievements, and his understanding of the present and the entire cultivation system.
Chu Mo's thoughts were shaken passively. When he felt these messages one by one, his heart set off a huge wave, curling up Chu Mo's soul, and it took him a long time to recover his reason.
"Is this Tang Xianzu. Three steps in the sky. Become the source of the world and become a victim ..." Chu Mo is more bitter inside, but at the same time, tenacity grows with it!
"I once said that we must surpass Emperor Heaven. Now, everything is still the same, and one day, no matter what the price is paid, I will have a day to surpass the Emperor!
By then. "Chu Mo's heart slowly calmed down, and the cultivation practice in his body began to work. With the passage of time, his flesh and blood gradually ceased to be cold, and the vitality in his body gradually became richer. With the recovery of his body, his spiritual knowledge became more and more extensive, and the power of resistance also weakened.
Until one day, Chu Mo's sacred knowledge came out of the iceberg and swept in all directions. In the black sea water, it covered nearly ten thousand miles in an instant. This is because there is also resistance in the Black Sea. In addition to resistance, there is also pressure to oppress divine knowledge. Otherwise, Chu Mo ’s divine knowledge will spread and become more majestic.
After 10,000 miles of dispersion, Chu Mo saw his position, the glacier on the ground, and himself on the iceberg and the gate of nothingness. Similarly, he also saw the waters of the Black Sea.
However, his divine knowledge cannot be spread beyond the ocean, as if the scope of his divine knowledge is only a drop in the ocean.
Chu Mo opened his eyes.
The ice outside his body was slowly melting, opening his eyes, but his body was still unable to move. He looked at the Black Sea outside the ice and saw the confusion in his eyes, but soon the confusion disappeared.
"It's the Dead Sea?" Chu Mo's eyes narrowed.
His divine knowledge was withdrawn and enveloped outside his body, and at the same time, some knowledge spread to the frozen gate of nothingness. After careful inspection for a while, Chu Mo vaguely saw some clues.
"The Gate of Nothingness was disturbed by the power of the war between me and the emperor, which caused the transmission to deviate and sent me into the ice under the Dead Sea.
But precisely because of this external force, due to the freezing of the ice, it did not disappear, but was preserved as if it had material.
So if it still works, can it continue to send me back to the cave mountains? "Chu Mo's eyes were deep in thought, and the force of the wild bones burst out in the body, slamming outwards along the body, and a click appeared, and the ice outside his body immediately cracked, but it was Broken, the distance is still much worse ...., Chu Mo frowned, closed his eyes, and suddenly opened after a while. This time his eyes opened and closed again, his eyes were full of depth, His shirt flickered. At this moment, a small man who crossed his legs on his abdomen like him also opened his eyes.
With a light touch, the ice outside Chu Mo burst with a force different from that of the barbarians, causing another shock. No more cracks appeared, but the cracks spread.
Two different forces formed two different changes. Chu Mo shined with both eyes, and had a new understanding of the body's achievements today.
"The strength of the barbarian fairy family is long and soft, so it has spread." Chu Mo's internal capacity has changed many times. A few days later, the ice on the outside of his body cracked, so that his body finally returned to activity.
However, this layer of ice only broke inside and remained outside. For example, it has turned into a huge shell, and the ice around it is growing rapidly. Even if it will not be used for long, it will once again become a frozen mountain.
"According to the inheritance method Hongluo gave me, this little man in my body is called Yuanying, and my body belongs to the fairy family, and the restoration is called the Yuanying period.
However, Yuan Ying ’s period is not very strong, and it is almost incomparable with Ditian, but Hongluo uses his powerful divine consciousness, so that his body can exert most of his magical powers. In this case, Sacred knowledge is the focus of the fairy family!
Although Hong Luo died, he still left many magical skills on the road of inheritance, but unfortunately. All of them require strong divine knowledge to achieve.
But there are some techniques that can be used during the Yuanying period. For example. "Chu Mo's eyes flashed, his body took a step forward, his body suddenly disappeared, when he appeared, his body appeared in several Outside.
Although it was only a few feet away, and this speed was achievable before Chu Mo, he relied on speed, and at this moment, he did not exert any barbaric power, but only used the magical power of the fairy clan!
"The moment of short distance ..." Chu Mo spoke softly, thinking that when the gods subconsciously spread out again, this time he was not looking at the black sea outside the iceberg, but was sweeping towards the glacier.
Suddenly, his face changed. Within the scope of his divine knowledge, he saw endless glaciers inside and outside, freezing countless creatures!
Almost every distance, there are frozen things!
Something happened in the remote area between the Maori White Cow Department and the Black Crane Department in the southern part of the mainland in the morning, and these days caused great panic in the White Cow Department and the Black Crane Department. The panic in the White Bull Department was caused by Chu Mo. Although Chu Mo had already left that day, the White Bull Wu Gong aroused the resentment of the clan. The overwhelming majority of the people of the tribe believe that it is a great shame to send out women of their own race and let outsiders vent. They would rather fight and kill than do.
In addition, in the eyes of many people, if they fight together, it is impossible to kill Chu Mo, thereby doubting their practice of witchcraft at the time.
Although this did not really happen, resentment and suspicion were buried like seeds. The old man with the long-nosed monkey gills of the White Bull Department knew this, but he remained silent.
Unlike the cruel control of other tribes, the old man is attached to his own tribe from the heart. Fortunately, after more than half a month of existence, this resentment and doubt gradually dissipated with the incident that caused panic in the White Bull Department
The cause of this incident was that the tribe's White Bull Department went out alone. This is a young man with blood and impulses of his age, and a partner of two of the three women.
He came to Chumodong Fushan alone, but here, he unexpectedly panicked and found that the mountain was gone. Everything is gone. It turns out that this is a place in the Dongfu Mountains. A Ma Pingchuan turned into a plain with no signs of destruction around it, as if there weren't any here.
When he returned to the tribe, the entire White Bull Department knew about it, and the old man with a billy monkey gill personally took people to Chudong's Qiandong Mansion. After careful inspection, the old man also showed confusion, but more of the fear of the unknown.
Not only did the mountains disappear, but their five meridians also disappeared.
The old man with jaws of monkeys looked at this empty land, and somehow he felt a sudden palpitations, as if there was a faint evil spirit in this calm land, which made his heart tremble. He immediately took the people back to the tribe. As a Wu Gong, he kept this matter secret to the people, and prohibited anyone from talking about it. Violators will be severely punished!
He vaguely felt that the sky and earth scenes that occurred in the Wu people in the past few days, especially the huge white sun that appeared in the entire sky that day, seemed to have some strange connection with this place. He had no evidence of this, but he felt it.
Compared with the White Bull Department, the Black Crane Department is also in fear. Their fears are a bit different from the White Bull Department. The disappearance of the patriarch and Mrs. Ji shows that the person occupying Wu Jing's bloodline is by no means an ordinary person. Even the Wugong of the Black Crane Department quietly brought people here to check, but what he saw was the same as the White Bull Department. It is empty, completely different from what he remembered.
In addition, there seems to be an evil soul here, Heihebu and Wu Gong also left with a trembling, announcing that the clan has turned this place into a forbidden place.
Due to the disappearance of the Wujing mine, the Black Crane Department and White Cow Department have no chance to fight each other.
Time goes by.
A month later, a burning ape came from a distant place. In this empty place, it stopped and looked for many circles around it.
Until it saw that it was empty, once the Dongfu Mountains disappeared, the only person who had been friendly to it disappeared. …,
However, it did not give up. Instead, it lives nearby and sometimes returns here to find the entrance.
No one here knows. In fact, the Dongfu Mountains have not disappeared. They are still there, but Luo Hong hides them with his magic power, making them invisible, untouchable, untouchable. For example, they have become an isolated space.
In this space outside Dongfu Mountain, there are two corpses on the ground. In fact, there should be three corpses, but Mrs. Ji's body has become fragments and no outline.
The remaining two bodies, one is Mrs. Ji's puppet, that is, her husband, Ji Haiyun, and the other is the body of the black crane tribe chief who became a mummy.
In addition, there are many black beetles on the ground. These bugs lie flat on the ground, but they show no signs of death, such as sleeping.
The only thing here that can gallop and spin is a black line. It is the strange little snake Chu Mo. The snake flew back and forth here, sometimes screaming. It seems to be looking for something, but has not found it yet.
Finally, it flew to a place nearby, beside a small blue sword in the grass, lying there, sometimes screaming, like calling.
In Dongfu, there is a huge medicine tripod on the side of the dense mountain, and the power of the surrounding world is still pouring, making the medicine in the medicine tripod slowly being sacrificed.
In another stone room, the old man of the barbarian lay there, his body motionless, but his eyelids were trembling, as if he was about to open his eyes and struggle to wake up.
However, when he used all his energy to prepare to open it, the little snake on the grass outside Dongfu suddenly raised his head, spit out its nucleus, and stared at its owner, Dongfu. Its body suddenly shivered and ran fast on the grass. When it flew, there were three scattered souls around him, which brought him up. All the way to Dongfu, the spaceship, appeared in the inner courtyard of the old man's body in the Dongfu store. The little snake screamed sharply, and the body flicked. The three grasped mental powers immediately scattered into the old man's head. The original track floats there. At the moment when the mental power dissipated and floated, the old man in front of him closed his eyes, struggling to open a gap, and gave a beast-like growl in his mouth.
The little snake is above the old man. When the core vomited, its eyes showed a hint of coldness, and its body trembled violently. It spread directly to the old man. His arm was bitten fiercely, and a black gas immediately diffused from the old man's arm, directly covering his body. The old man closed his eyes again after making a reluctant growl.
The little snake looked around for a while, then flew out of the cave house again, came to Blue Sword's side, raised his head, and sometimes the screams of the call echoed.
This is its home, it feels so, everything here needs to stay the same, waiting for its owner to come back.
Before the master does not return, he will guard this place until eternity.
As long as the power of God's knowledge does not exceed Hongluo, no one can find this mountain range in Dongfu. In this southern morning place, few gods can surpass Hongluo in knowledge. As for Emperor Tian, ​​he is gone!
Although Hongluo has passed away, his ban is still in effect. Although it will slowly weaken, it will take hundreds of years to completely disappear.
Time has passed again, and half a year has passed since Chu Mo.
Over the past six months, most parts of the White Cow Department and the Black Crane Department no longer paid attention to the disappearing mountains and restored calm. There is little fighting between the two tribes. Instead, they have prepared for their migration in the past six months. …,
Small tribes like them, if they act alone, it is difficult not to encounter a crisis in this vast Maori land. Therefore, even if they move, they mostly wait for some larger tribes to pass by and join them.
Although it will lose some, it is the only way for the tribe to survive.
Half a year on this day, late at night.
A bright light suddenly appeared in the dark night sky. The light disappeared only for a moment. Although it attracted the attention of many people, when carefully observed, the light had disappeared into the thin air.
At the same time as this flash, in the white cattle department and the black crane department, the disappearing Dongfu mountain range in the center, the little snake raised his head violently, his eyes flashed with vigilance, and its core kept spitting , Staring at the open space hundreds of feet ahead.
At this moment, there suddenly appeared a group of faint beams of light. The emergence of the beams of light group exuded a strong pressure, making the grass on the ground bend like a gust of wind.
Moreover, from the faint light group, a lot of cold air, this cold air and wind fusion, even the surrounding ground suddenly became cold and gradually spread outward. The snake lay quietly on the grass, looking at the dim light coldly. This is the cave of its owner. Now the owner has left. If an outsider breaks in, it must protect it.
In fact, this is what it has done in the past six months. Almost every few days, the barbarian old man will be bitten hard, leaving him weak but not dead.
It remembers that this was the task assigned to the monkey by its owner, but now the monkey is no longer there, it has replaced it.
At this moment, the snake became colder and colder. It is waiting. Over time, after a joss stick, its shape suddenly changed. It gradually changed from a circle to an ellipse. When the pressure of the released light is greater, small cracks will appear on it.
At the moment when the faint sound came, a figure suddenly emerged from the oval-shaped gap. At the moment when this figure walked out, the cold suddenly became rich many times, making the surroundings directly like cold!
The fierce movement of the little snake rushed over silently and quickly, his eyes flashing, his fangs opened, and the moment he was about to bite him, his eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by surprise, fangs standing Then, screaming happily, the little snake walked straight towards the figure.
This number is Chu Mo!
He is excited now. He lifted a small snake in his right hand and flew directly to his palm. Chu Mo screamed in surprise. At the same time, the ground beneath Chu Mo, because of his appearance, seemed to contain an unimaginable cold in his body, then dispersed into the ground, immediately covering the ground with a thin layer of ice.
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