Chapter 1007: 10 minutes

Mars City is only one of its own back-hands, it is very important, but it is far less important than the biochemical factory.
The biochemical plant is the root of Lu Chuan.
After spending a few days in Mars City, Lu Chuan felt relieved after turning a few times. He looked at the time, and it was not easy to go back and forth to Mars. The distance between Mars and the earth changes every day.
No matter how fast the moon number is, this kind of round trip is still calculated on a weekly basis.
In fact, the construction of Mars City can be controlled by Lu Chuan on Earth. With Xiao Wei, it controls everything on Mars, and it knows everything about it.
But Lu Chuan still likes to see it in person, so that he can feel the truth.
After staying for a few days, I wandered around here.
Countless towering factories use the dual operation mechanism of robots and zombies. In the future, zombies will be removed, there will only be robots, and humans who will immigrate at that time.
This area is currently a blind spot for human beings. When placed in the game, it is a dark shadow on the map, a map area that has not been opened.
Lu Chuan knew that this situation would not last long. Satellites were constantly changing orbits. Human exploration of Mars has never stopped. One day, this area will be detected.
Maybe, then, the world will be shocked?
How to put it, the day they discovered it was when the city of Mars appeared in front of humans.
In fact, Lu Chuan can be sure that some astronomy enthusiasts will pay attention to the movement here. After all, with the construction of the sky dome system, this is a sky dome shield with a diameter of 100 kilometers, which is really conspicuous.
The other is that more and more factories are built on the surface, because many factories are not suitable for construction underground.
Like a mining factory, within a few months, tens of thousands of robots, zombies, and countless machines were digging, forming a huge mining area. If you really pay attention, you will still find anomalies.
Lu Chuan didn't worry about being discovered. Mars was so far away from the earth that they couldn't even make landfall. The real discovery was just anxious and speculation.
Lu Chuan sat in the commander position of the Moon, and the Moon was slowly lifting off.
He didn't stay on Mars too much. There were too many affairs for Lu Chuan to go back to deal with. Whether it's the modern earth or the end times.
It took a week for Lu Chuan to deal with the big and small affairs of the Hyundai Baichuan Guihai Group.
Lu Chuan's position is to be the shopkeeper, but many things really can only be decided by Lu Chuan. When it comes to this individual company, the impact of every move is inestimable.
Every decision must be made by the boss, Lu Chuan.
Zhong Hua's ability is very strong, but in the face of such a huge company, it also has dozens of people at the vice president level. Half of them are disguised as zombies, and half are recruited. .
People who can become vice presidents are all true industry elites. Everyone's work history is absolutely blind to countless people.
It is with such a large management team that supports the structure of Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation.
Only Lu Chuan in the group company knows the existence of Xiaowei. In fact, there is Xiaowei. Even if all these people give up, there will be no problems, and the group company will continue to operate as usual.
As a super artificial intelligence that can learn and grow on its own, Xiaowei has been learning for so long, and its ability is no exaggeration to say that it can even manage global affairs easily.
With Xiaowei in charge, Lu Chuan is actually very at ease with the company.
At present, the subsidiaries of Baichuan Guihai Group Company and Sun Company are operating normally without any trouble. Lu Chuan feels that the world is too peaceful.
In Somalia, the investigation of the underground factory built before seems to have stopped.
Some people have doubted the existence of the underground arsenal in Somalia. After all, the original launch center appeared almost out of thin air. If a big country wants to investigate, it can still make some data analysis.
Through various speculations and investigations, they could not find a transport vessel.
Instead, during the investigation, some parts and raw materials were found to be very different. As a result, people suspect that there are factories in Somalia established by Lu Chuan.
Only now, no one can find this factory in Lu Chuan.
"Boss, God's hand feedback, it seems that someone is planning to target you." Xiao Wei's voice rang out in Lu Chuan's laziness.
Lu Chuan raised his brows slightly and said, "This is normal."
In Lu Chuan's heart, he didn't take it seriously, his status and status were more directed at his company and country. For example, in some countries like North America and Europe, they just want to kill themselves.
When the technology has accumulated to a certain level, and there is a patent law, they can say that they are guarding these technologies and getting their patent fees soft.
But now the Baichuan Guihai Group Company has shattered their golden rice bowl and lost their technical advantage. They finally panicked.
Why Europe and the United States can live a good life is actually through the advancement of technology, squeezing other developing countries.
How to describe it, Europe and the United States are like landlords, and technology is their house. If you want to live, you can only pay them rent. No, you can only wander outside and get beaten everywhere.
Lu Chuan has demolished other people's house now, and if they don't have a house, they still charge rent.
The so-called cutting off people's wealth is like killing one's parents. This kind of hatred really does not mean that it can be eliminated by eliminating it. They were in their backs, wishing to kill Lu Chuan, thinking of ways to kill Lu Chuan.
In this case, Lu Chuan was not surprised to hear that someone wanted to target him.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "What kind of cat or dog is it?"
Xiao Wei's voice rang: "Boss, this time is a little different. The other party will use a nuclear bomb."
"What?" Lu Chuan couldn't calm down when he heard that it was a nuclear bomb. He stood up abruptly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said, "The other party is crazy?"
Xiao Wei said: "The feedback from God's Hand and the clues from the Internet indicate that the other party did this."
Lu Chuan's expression became serious. He was not afraid of other assassinations, but the nuclear bomb... the Titan biological layer was unable to defend.
Lu Chuan's expression eased. In fact, the Titan Biosphere was not Lu Chuan's killer, the real killer was time travel. If the other party really used a nuclear bomb, at the moment before the explosion, he could travel to the end times without affecting it at all.
Don't be afraid of radiation and the like, because you can wear radiation-proof equipment and then return in the last days, so you don't have to worry at all.
But in any case, people have used nuclear bombs against themselves. This state of affairs proves that the other party has included themselves on the mortal list.
Lu Chuan took a deep breath and said, "Xiaowei, I need to do my best to investigate. I need to know the result in the shortest time. Don't worry about exposure, you can mobilize all the power you can mobilize."
Lu Chuan understood the impact of this instruction.
Lu Chuan knew how terrifying Xiaowei was. In this world, there was no system that could defend it. Don't believe that Xiaowei is the artificial intelligence of the universe age. Compared with today's earth technology, the earth is still a wild land.
If the earth's network is 1, then Xiaowei's current ability is 100, which is incomparable.
After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, Xiao Wei showed a faint smile, and the holographic projection formed in front of Lu Chuan became vivid.
"Boss, I will give you the result in ten minutes." Xiaowei's voice is still very mechanical, but Lu Chuan can hear its confidence.
The power that Xiaowei controls is a terrifying amount. Once it runs at full capacity, the world needs to tremble for it.
Almost as soon as Xiao Wei's voice fell, the entire network became slow.
Many people feel that the mobile phone traffic is very difficult to use, that is, when the computer at home is connected to the Internet, it is difficult to open the web page. But one data center, server center, all have abnormalities.
It seems that at this moment, the earth returns to the 2G era, the download is only a few dozen KB, opening a website is like a turtle crawling, and watching a movie, it is almost impossible to buffer.
The global network resources are all called by Xiaowei at this moment.
The terrifying computing power is beyond imagination, just for an instant, Xiao Wei did not know how much information had been read, and went into analysis again. It reaches tens of trillions of times per second, which is tens of millions of times that of the current Earth supercomputer.
This computing speed is no longer achievable by technology on earth.
And Xiaowei reached this calculated value because it used countless resources and powers for it.
Such terrifying computing power brings about trillions of information that is unknown to Xiaowei in the world.
These ten minutes have been difficult for countless companies and individuals in this world, because they have realized what is the network in the 2000 It’s good for individuals to say, but the company is miserable. Many companies lost 100 million in these ten minutes.
No one knows what is going on, because everything seems uncontrollable.
Even the top company, in these ten minutes, it was just fussing, unable to solve this sudden problem.
The whole world has become extremely slow in these ten minutes.
People in the evening are better, and those in the daytime feel the difference most directly.
Numerous complaint calls, etc., have reached the Internet and communication companies. And these companies can't even find the reason. Each engineer desperately searches for the reason, but after exhausting all their capabilities, they still can't know what went wrong.
Fortunately, after ten minutes, everything returned to normal.
I don't know how many people sighed at this moment, at least this situation did not continue, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with. Maybe... this is just an accident?
Only the truly top god-level figures realized that what happened in these ten minutes was abnormal, because they still knew that a terrifying force was mobilizing the power of the entire network.
Everyone is full of palpitations and horror. If this force is used to attack, what will happen?
"Boss, please see."
Xiaowei's holographic projection reappeared in front of Lu Chuan. With a stroke of its hand, it generated a structure map with a small map attached below it.
PS: The second is later.
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