Chapter 1094: Lucky guy

On March 28th, 10,000 lucky people were formally formed under the selection of Xiaowei.
Ten thousand lucky people come from different countries around the world. They are distributed in a reasonable proportion according to the size of the population. There is no regional discrimination. No matter what kind of country you are in, as long as you are lucky enough, you are The lucky one who was chosen.
"The list is generated, lucky you, will usher in the world's attention on Mars journey."
On the official website of Baichuan Guihai Group, there is only one sentence and no list at all.
Yes, it is just a global electronic map. In each country above, there will be a shining spot shining, which means that a lucky person was born here.
Lu Chuan doesn't need to publish the list, he doesn't care about questioning.
At the level of Lu Chuan, in the words of myth, Lu Chuan has jumped beyond the five elements. In his actions, Lu Chuan will abide by China's laws and regulations, but like this kind of thing that he has the final say, Lu Chuan doesn't need to look at anyone's face.
Believe it or not, is not within Lu Chuan's consideration.
With the announcement of the scope of the list, in an instant, the world boiled over, and countless people were all in this map, locking the regions of each country, but it was only this step. There is no way to know who the lucky one is. know.
In terms of distribution, as Lu Chuan said, it is spread all over every country.
No matter how poor this country is, no matter how chaotic this country is, there are lucky people.
Since the name of the list is not announced, it is not clear who is the lucky one, which makes I do not know how to look forward to it, expecting myself to be the lucky one.
Lu Chuan flipped around in the City of Competitive City Mall, and then focused on a fighter plane in the mall, the Titan attack plane. It belongs to the carrier type of warships in the cosmic age, and it is mainly used for battles entering the planet from outer space.
Its size is not large, but it is compared to the size of space battleships.
If placed on the earth, its size is no less than the global eagle.
The appearance of the Titan attack aircraft is very sci-fi and full of steel. Its combat power is not comparable to that of the Global Hawk. The Global Hawk is only the last fighter on the earth before the cosmic age, but the Titan attack aircraft is responsible for invading the planet. Be responsible for.
The combat effectiveness is sturdy, and because of its positioning, it has a certain amount of space inside the aircraft, which can carry thirty fully armed soldiers and two medium mechas.
Its price is not too expensive. Compared with the 1 million Lunar number, the Titan attack aircraft only needs 20,000 competitive points, which can be exchanged for one.
During this trip to Mars, tens of thousands of people need to be picked up and transported. The technical content of the Global Hawk is difficult to handle this mission, so Lu Chuan needs to find a replacement for the Global Hawk.
The Titan attack aircraft entered Lu Chuan's eyes. It has excellent maneuverability, powerful firepower, super armor system, and key to a certain degree of carrying ability.
The key point is that it can handle any terrain because it uses levitation technology, even if all engines are turned off, it can float in the sky.
To Lu Chuan, 20,000 competitive points are really nothing.
"Buy twenty-five."
Lu Chuan happily paid half a million points, and there were 25 more Titan attack planes in the storage space.
A new energy system is adopted, so that the Titan attack aircraft does not need to worry about energy. The new Titan attack aircraft has a hundred years of energy. In addition, it also comes with two hunter mechas.
Of course, soldiers and the like, as well as drivers, are naturally not within the scope of this purchase.
Driving this category, in the universe age, is actually the least worrying. The combination of fully automatic driving and artificial intelligence is enough to turn the Titan attack aircraft into an unmanned fighter, a true unmanned fighter.
As long as the command is issued, it will judge intelligently, unlike the current drone, which needs to be operated behind the scenes.
Don't underestimate these twenty-five Titan attack planes. There are really a lot of them. The airpower that they make up, Lu Chuan is sure to crush the air force of any country in the world.
Now Lu Chuan can use his strength to explode the military power of any country on the earth at will. This is Lu Chuan's confidence and does not fear anyone.
Of course, this batch of Titan attack aircraft belonged to Mars City.
The world has its laws, Lu Chuan can trample on it, but Lu Chuan still cannot do so.
After the exchange, Lu Chuan let out a sigh of relief: "It's done, I hope that the countries on the earth don't have to cause panic."
In fact, Lu Chuan knew this was impossible. Suddenly there was a military force in this world that was not controlled by them or even deterred by them. They would definitely think more about it. This is a common problem of people.
It's just that Lu Chuan really doesn't bother to pay attention to them in this kind of thing.
The Titan attack aircraft will apply for flight privileges from every country. If you give it, it will naturally be hello, me, everyone. If they don't give it, Lu Chuan doesn't care anymore, just let them see how overbearing the Titan attack plane is.
"Everything is in place, but it's almost configured."
Lu Chuan thought, in the end times, 750 tyrant T-002 were circled, and they were brought to the earth. They immediately became 750 tall and strong men, each of them muscular, between 1.9 and 2 meters tall, with arms. It's thicker than ordinary people's waist, and their explosive power, coupled with their cold expression, is cool.
For the 750 tyrants, Lu Chuan was again fully armed, wearing exoskeleton armor, a Vulcan cannon in his hands, and a thick bullet chain, making everyone cold.
Lu Chuan smiled and armed 750 tyrant T-002. This little money is nothing to Lu Chuan.
Armed, they were placed on the Titan attack aircraft.
Twenty-five Titan attack aircraft, all of them sank into the sea. The seabed is their airport. Putting them in the sea is the best hiding place.
"Xiao Wei, authorized to connect to the Titan attack aircraft and allow to take over."
Lu Chuan officially authorized Xiaowei to take over the Titan attack aircraft. Xiaowei will become a commander, managing the intelligence of each Titan attack aircraft, directing their next flight, destination, and even battle.
"Understood, Boss." Xiao Wei responded, receiving Lu Chuan's authorization. After a second, Xiao Wei took over.
On Lu Chuan's smart wear, a virtual screen popped up, listing information about twenty-five Titan attack aircraft, allowing Lu Chuan to understand the power in his hand.
"Now, pick up everyone. If there is a situation that cannot be handled, send it to me." Lu Chuan gave instructions to Xiao Wei.
"Received, boss." Xiao Wei blinked playfully.
The next moment, the sea was rolling, and a Titan attack aircraft floated from the bottom of the sea, and then soared into the sky. On their fuselages, the logo of Baichuan Guihai Group Company has been sprayed on.
Each plane has its own execution purpose. Under Xiaowei's processing, the complicated task route becomes simple, and the route is generated almost instantly.
Hua Xia Yu Province, there are endless mountains with no end in sight. The lives of people living in these mountains have hardly changed for thousands of years.
Until now, there are still many places that are not open to traffic and can only move forward on foot.
Huaxia’s national strength continues to grow stronger, and it has attracted worldwide attention in terms of infrastructure. However, there are some areas that have not been taken care of. It will take time for the local government to make Huaxia do better.
Among the endless mountains, there is a small village on the mountainside. Its only way out is through a mountain trail. After walking for a few kilometers, it reaches a slightly larger dirt road. After more than ten kilometers, it connects. Onto an equally narrow road.
Poverty has become synonymous with this area. People living here almost live a life facing the loess and the sky, and they can only struggle to maintain food and clothing in the barren land.
The income is all dependent on the few mountain products in the mountains in exchange for a pitiful amount of money to spend on salt and oil expenses.
Huaxia Horror’s infrastructure capabilities have allowed households in this area to have electricity, but they are too poor, and many people don’t dare to use electricity, and only turn on the lights at night.
Everything that happened outside, the small village is a little closed, not much is known.
The relationship between Mars City and Baichuan Guihai Group Company is not very big. They know it, but they don't pay too much attention to it, because they have to run for life.
early morning.
The adults get up early and start a day's work, but the children also have to get up because they need to walk several kilometers to go to school.
There is some mist in the mountains, the visibility is not very high, and it is a vast expanse of white.
Suddenly, the whole village seemed to freeze, everyone was stunned, because in the white fog, a dreamlike airplane appeared, hovering halfway up the mountainside, which they had never seen in their entire life Hover in front of their village.
A group of heavily armed people like a tower appeared, one by one, they were tall and slipped off the plane.
Accompanied by this, there was a woman who was so beautiful that she was not enough to speak, with a smile on her face that made people let go of their guards, making people calm Xue holding a tablet , It lists detailed information and names, including an avatar.
"Is this Luojia Village? Excuse me, is Luo Juan here?"
Wang Xue walked to the stiffened villager at the entrance of the village and said softly. Considering that a sturdy man in Yishui would be frightening, it would be accompanied by a woman to reduce tension.
These villagers were all trembling. They had never seen this kind of airplane, or in other words, in their worldview, it had nothing to do with them. But now, they are connected.
"Yes, yes, you... what do you want to do with that baby?" Finally, a courageous villager asked.
Wang Xue laughed and said, "She is the lucky one."
Wang Xue didn't explain too much, and there was no way to explain it to the villagers here. It was expected from the very beginning, so it will be mandatory.
Otherwise, just explain all of this, you don't know how much human power is consumed.
With a profile picture, she soon found Luo Juan, who was already fourteen years old, among a group of children who were about to go to school. Due to the inconvenient transportation here, she went to school a little later, so she entered the fifth year at fourteen.
A girl from a mountain village, facing this kind of formation, was naturally timid and afraid.
Wang Xue walked to her, squatted down, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, you are the lucky one chosen by the heavens. Your life will be changed from this moment."
No matter what Luo Juanming didn't understand, she was taken on the Titan attack plane and left the small mountain village where she had been living.
How to communicate with her parents, naturally other departments of Baichuan Guihai Group will intervene, and the local government will deal with it to resolve the panic of the locals.
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